Border Riders Motorcycle Club

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Sep 2023 Newsletter

Who We Are!

In case you were wondering, The Border Riders Motorcycle Club “BRMC” is a not-for-profit 501(c)(7), designed for gay men who like to ride motorcycles & who like to go camping on their motorcycles. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest with the greatest participation in the Portland, Seattle, & Vancouver B.C. areas. We are one of the largest, & longest running gay motorcycle clubs in North America. We welcome like minded guest to come meet us at our Meet & Greets &/or on our Day-Rides.

September, oh September…

“The summer ended. Day by day, and taking its time, the summer ended.” ― James Baldwin, Just Above My Head

September always seems to have a sense of an ending. The last days of summer before the leaves fall and the road ahead becomes perpetually wet. The sun sets a little earlier and the nights cool as time seems to lengthen. Before you pull the covers over your head and hold up for the coming fall, we have one last campout for 2023. It'll be a good one. Come ride with us!

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Table of Contents

All the news you need to know about the BRMC


  • Member’s Birthdays

  • The BRMC 2020 Calendar of Events

  • Non BRMC Motorcycle Events

  • Request for Pictures & Closing Comments.

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BRMC August Group Photo

High Winds, Fires and Bikers, Oh My!

By Darryl H (inspired by the Gawain Poet)

Having been out of the area last year, I was especially eager to travel to British Columbia once again. I was happy to join Mark for made it a two-day trip. Highway 5A is a beautiful route past small lakes. However, smoke obscured the hills and strong winds of the passing front made for challenging riding. Thankful that Kamloops was clear. Folks arrived at the Group Camp Friday between 14:30 and 17:00. One guest from Idaho came up through Kelowna, making for one and a quarter dozen members and two guests.

Wildfire smoke,

Burn scar healing,

Past and present

Merging today.

The group site comprised a large lawn and a cook shelter. Most set up around the edges for shade. That proved unnecessary. Some went back to town for supper while others rested. Back together by evening. Heard a tree fall just outside camp which was a bit spooky. With a fire ban in place, we gathered around the propane brazier in the shelter for the evening. Much cooler than the previous week in the lowlands. Cooler than most of us had planned for. (Lesson for the future.)

Flickering light,

Gathering dark,

Eternal draw,

Calling friends nigh.

The usual crowd making morning coffee were supplemented by Dennis making omelets. Interest in a day ride waned with most of us facing long rides home tomorrow. Todd and Jeff went off hiking to Gibraltar Rock, while several others took a dip in the lake led by Lance. I just went wading. Only a few headed back to town for lunch. Laying on my back resting, watched an eagle soar over camp. Its nest was in a nearby tree. Meeting and photo as usual back in camp. Saturday supper turned into a cooking-in-camp group effort. For most of us, that meant tacos. Considering staying in camp an option for future runs. Propane campfire again in the group shelter. Although warmer today, a chill night again.

Towering hills,

Rippled water,

Soaring eagle,

Restful day.

 Sunday morning all packed by midmorning. Some heading all the way home but many of us making the return a two-day trip as well. Eight of us headed off for breakfast in Kelowna. Lighter smoke and moderate temperatures, especially descending from Coquihalla pass. Crossed to the north side of the Fraser at Hope to stay on smaller road. Solid sleep in Abbotsford. Monday morning, customs line was short. I enjoyed the ride with Mark on WA highway 9, arriving home Monday afternoon.

Returning south,

Friendships renewed,

Demons challenged,

Memories made.

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Monthly Gallery

Photos from members and guests from last month’s rides and adventures (or stolen from Facebook pages due to a lack of submissions).

August 2023 Gallery Photos

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Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Day Ride

When: Sunday September 3rd

Meet up: Meet up where all roads lead, The Hideaway in beautiful Belfair, WA at 9:00 AM (22540 WA-3, Belfair, WA 98528)

Details: Join us for a run out to 101. We’ll head out of the Hideaway and make our way through the backroads, byways, and highways to Ocean Shores. We can wiggle our toes in the sand and watch the waves crash along the edge of the North American Continent.

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Rasar Run

Here it is, the final run of the year. It feels like a week ago I was cooking my steak at Pine Flats, now we're heading toward fall.

We have some great things planned for this campout.

Friday night, we will be bringing in a pot of home made chili to share around the camp. All you have to do is show up, pitch a tent, and relax.

Saturday there's a day ride planned around the area. There's some great roads to tool around in the north cascades, and this will be your chance. Back at camp that evening, we will have chili burgers/dogs. Nothing too fancy but it will be good. After dinner we have something special planned. Jeremy is bringing in a projector and screen. I have a... I don't know if you can call it a "Classic Film"... Seems bougie for what it is... Let's just call it a flick. I won't tell you the name, if you want to know, you'll show. Also Lance will be creating a signature cocktail that will align with the theme of the movie. If you don't drink, he will have a non-alcoholic option for your enjoyment.

Sunday, Pack up your stuff and head home. Quick access to I-5 if you want to square off your tires. Easy access to Deception Pass if you want to keep the edges round.

Go get yourself signed up. You don't want to miss this one.

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Meet & Greets

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Portland M&G

Jeff B will host a social hour at the Portland Eagle (835 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97217) starting at 6pm on September 6th. Be there!


We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Stan know if you are able do this.

Seattle Western WAshington M&G

What’s that, Sparky? You say you want to hang out with the cool kids but can’t make the Sea-Town scene on a school night? Well, we’ve got you covered! Wednesday, Sep 20th the Seattle crowd is crossing the pond to hang with the other half on the Olympic Peninsula. We’ll head on over to the Manette Saloon in the surprisingly progressive hamlet of Bremerton, WA. Wednesday is steak and potatoes night for only nine bucks and they have Irish Death on tap! Be there!

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A Brothers Birthday

We have 2 members for you to say “Happy Birthday” this month. Take a moment and wish these boys a good one on their special day.

  • Kevin S. September 5th

  • Blue B. September 28th

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Reader’s Corner

A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.

Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.

To contribute, send your story & pictures to

Keep in mind, you can write about a trip that happened over the summer. It’s doesn’t have to be something you did last month.

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Q: How to Avoid a Bear?

A: Practice, Practice, Practice!

By Todd McN

Stan is working with Team Oregon to provide a Highway Speed Braking Clinic and Road Riding Tactics and I want to speak about these classes and their importance in skills training and retention. While riding back from the Paul Lake Run two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to put these skills to the test.

I was leading the group south on 5A. The air was smokey and getting worse as we progressed. To the west of us, the Ross Moore Lake Wildfire was in full swing. We were coming around around a series of s-curves at the southern tip of Napier Lake. The following are the thoughts that went through my head and actions I took while rounding the second curve (there's cursing, you've been warned).

Thought: I wonder, what’s that big black silhouette on the side of the road?

Action: Fingers cover front brake leaver

Thought: That's strange, it's kind of shaped like a bear...

Action: Gently pull in front brake lever, bike slightly pitches forward, scrubbing off speed and priming the forks.


Action: Hard on the front brake and pull in clutch, bike pitches forward, forks fully compress, front tire flattens under the pressure increasing traction, ABS kicks in, I kick the gears down.

Thought: Is he/she going to bolt in front of me? Which way will it go? Do I want to come to a full stop in front of a bear? Fuck, he's moving!

The bear lunges on to the highway in front of me. I am not stopping fast enough.

Thought: It's oddly beautiful how the fur on the hind leg of a bear undulates while running.

Action: I swerve to the right then to the left while under full front brake, ABS still engaged. I can feel the bike move beneath me. I straighten the bike, release the brake, and give it some gas and go.

At that point, I noticed the semi-truck that was coming in the opposite direction. They had gone off the road and were kicking up dirt as I rode by. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the bear running through the field on the opposite side of the truck. A mile later I pulled off the side of the road and took a moment to breathe.

We got back on our bikes and continued down the road. One thing I noticed when reviewing the event in my head was how my thoughts and actions were related but not connected. At no point did I have to think of what needed to be done. It all felt instinctual. I didn't think "That's an odd shape, I better cover the front brake" I thought "That's an odd shape" and my hand just did what it needed to do.

I've gotten to this point by practicing and repeatedly taking the classes. In my past life, I would have hit hard on the rear brake, locking it up. I would have avoided the front brake for fear of sliding out. And I would have done my very best superman over the handlebars while my front tire attempted to split a bear sideways. All the while, screaming in my head NO! NO! NO!!!!

The classes that Stan works with Team Oregon to set up and provide to this group are an invaluable resource that I encourage all of you to take as often as you can. I feel these are important enough that we are scheduling next year's July campout close to the Highway Speed Braking Clinic and Road Riding Tactics class so that people can attend.

Remember, the bear's life you save may be your own.

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Gear Store

The Gear Store was well shopped at the VD Weekend. Sadly, it is now closed until the 2024 Banquet. Feel encouraged to reach out to VP Dennis if there is something you want to make sure will be available at the Banquet so he can order it in for you.

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From the Handlebars of the President

The club continue to run smoothly. The campouts have been wonderful and I’m looking forward to seeing you all in a couple weeks.

Stan C.

2023 President

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Vice President Chatter

I had previously expected to be out for the season since I got my hip replaced in July. I’m now hoping to do both the day ride and the September run on 2 wheels. as am able to get my foot up onto the peg and operate the rear brake which I hadn’t been able to do since well before the surgery.

Dennis H.

2023 Vice President

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Road Captain Rumblings

The last full moth of Summer has passed and we are left with one more campout in the waining days of summer. The last run of the year will be to Rasar State Park. We have some plans for this run. Check out above to get the details, it will be a fun.

I've been planning for next year and I proposed some campout options for the 2024 season at the last meeting. Currently, the plan is as follows, but will be locked down as availability tightens.

May: We currently have Pine Flats reserved.

June: I would like to head to the Olympic Peninsula. Possibilities are the campground at Wynoochee Dam, Lake Sylvia State Park, or Brown Creek Campground.

July: July will be on the Oregon coast. Currently it's a tossup between Nehalem Falls or Jones Creek Campgrounds. The plan for this weekend will be centered around a Team Oregon Class.

August: This will be the Canadian Run. We are currently planning on heading to Shadow Falls. It's a private gay campground and entails all the things you think of when someone says "private gay campground".

September: I am thinking of a cabin run to the Eagle Cliff Campgrounds in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. This affords us the opportunity to leave the camping gear behind and stay in cabins. There are 4 cabins that can comfortably sleep 3 each. There are also campsites for those who want to bring a tent. If for some reason that doesn't work out, there is the Soda Springs / Bumping Lake area or the Peterson Prairie Campground.

Lastly, I would like to leave you with this. This past year has been wonderful. Things have trended to being more communal and inclusive. We've cooked dinners and breakfasts at camp, included everyone in day rides, and sometimes made the decision to not have a day ride. This club is a fraternal order that exists only because we choose to make it. It's a direct representation of the participation of its members and guests. The addition of your individual uniqueness makes this group something special. My hope is that this club continues as a community where you feel free to express yourselves and add to this collective.

I couldn't imagine a better group of people.

Todd McN

2023 Road Captain

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Treasurer’s Ramblings

“Piggy Bank Looks Balanced”.

See everyone at the September Campout.


Tom C

2023 Treasurer

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Secretary Thoughts

What a great trip to Paul Lake Provincial Park just outside of Kamloops, BC. The weather was absolutely spectacular and we had a quorum!!!

I was fortunate enough to revisit a great restaurant from the last time the club stayed at Paul Lake. While dinner was good, I think that there was some nostalgia that drew me back.

Next up is Rasar State Park here in my neck of the woods. I look forward to the weekend and hope to see many of you there.

Justin W.

2023 Secretary

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2023 Calendar of Events

  • September 15th thru 17th - September Campout - Rasar State Park, Concrete, WA

  • October 21st - Club Meeting - hosted by Jeremy W in Kent, WA.

  • November 18th - Club Meeting - hosted by Chris & Richard in BOW, WA

  • December 9th - Holiday Party - hosted by Todd M in Bremerton, WA.

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Monthly Meet & Greets

BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minutes details pr changes.

Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle. Dinner together normally proceeds the actual M&G.

Vancouver BC Meet & Greet (tentative - Watch FB) - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster. (Canceled until further notice.)

Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at someplace new. Watch the newsletter, website or Facebook for exact location.

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Member & Guest Non-Sanctioned Day-Rides

In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minutes details or changes.

To learn more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at

Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.

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Contributions of Photos & Stories

Please feel encouraged to send us your photo’s of our activities to

Also, if you do anything interesting outside the club, we’d love to hear about it. Send us a short story with some photo’s and we will try get it into the next newsletter. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related to be interesting. We are very diverse.

If you have photos and stories to share, please send to