Border Riders Motorcycle Club

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July 2023 Newsletter

Who We Are!

In case you were wondering, The Border Riders Motorcycle Club “BRMC” is a not-for-profit 501(c)(7), designed for gay men who like to ride motorcycles & who like to go camping on their motorcycles. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest with the greatest participation in the Portland, Seattle, & Vancouver B.C. areas. We are one of the largest, & longest running gay motorcycle clubs in North America. We welcome like minded guest to come meet us at our Meet & Greets &/or on our Day-Rides.

Welcome to July

Ah… here we are. The warmer months. This month finds us without a day ride. The 4th of July shares our day ride weekend. The traffic is a mess and people are spending time with their loved ones. That’s not to say we don’t have a busy month. The motorcycle classes are happening this month along with a ride out to Bull Prairie Lake. This is going to be an incredible month. Don’t miss out. Come ride with us!

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Table of Contents

All the news you need to know about the BRMC


  • Member’s Birthdays

  • Motorcycle Classes

  • The BRMC 2020 Calendar of Events

  • Non BRMC Motorcycle Events

  • Meet & Greet Details

  • Request for Pictures & Closing Comments.

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June BRMC group photo at Mission State Park, Oregon

BRMC Willamette Mission Run & Campout Recap

By Lance D

The third weekend of June found the Border Riders headed to Willamette Mission State Park located near Salem OR. The routes taken to get to the park were nearly as varied as the members that chose to brave a forecast of rain. A few of us from Washington met in Tacoma and made a direct bee line down I5, got stuck in Portland gridlock and finally made it to the site about six hours later. Others from Washington took a more scenic route taking them down the coast before heading over the coastal mountains. The Oregon members (and a guest rider) maximized their proximity and were able to get there easily. The Friday evening campers pitched their tents, feasted on taquitos, grilled a steak on the camp fire or made a teriyaki run before gathering around the fire and caught up with one another after a month of being a part since the VD gathering. Thankfully the night was dry and only mildly chilly.

Saturday morning found us under cloudy skies but still the rain held off. An early morning crew wanted to make the most of the day and left camp to grab breakfast before a day ride out to the coast while others of us took a more leisurely  approach to the morning and sipped coffee and discussed the options available. Ultimately we too hit the diner in McMinnville. It was enjoyable when the first group came out of the diner to find the second group awaiting a table. We all hung out together for a bit as final discussions were had about who was doing what. Some went on the coastal run, others took a spirited ride on a route recommended by the mythical Butler Maps, a couple of us payed a visit to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum and others returned to camp. Everyone made it back to the campground by the agreed upon 4:00pm social hour before the club meeting. Saturday night dinner was at the India Palace in Salem. While looking for parking the group noticed we had just missed Salem’s Pride Parade but there were still plenty of revelers and it felt nice to be in a town celebrating Pride even if we missed the main event. Everyone agreed it was one of the best Saturday night dinners in the club’s memory. We all made it back to the camp safely and gathered again around the fire. The evening’s camaraderie was strong as stories of the day’s activities were swapped, the members got to know the guest and vice versa, more wood was tossed on the fire, tobacco was enjoyed by those that partake and solid memories were made. The weekend was not without some challenges though.

The rain finally started falling in the early hours of Sunday. A few members broke camp at dawn to head home and minimize exposure to the rain. As on Saturday some hung out hoping the rain would be short lived. The late departure did mean only moist gear was packed as the sun did break through and partially dry out the tents and it seemed like perhaps we beat the odds but alas Lady Luck decided we should get a solid soaking for the ride back to Washington. For me it was a grueling ride back to Seattle but misery loves company and the soggy group stopped for lunch and the shared experiences built a stronger sense of closeness. 

All in all it was the type of weekend BRMC run that fills me with joy and confirms I made the right choice to join the club. We took different routes, we have different motorcycles, we camp differently, had varied Saturday experiences but everyone present took the initiative to participate in the way that was most authentic for themselves. There were one on one conversations, small groups of friends connecting and activities that included all.  This club is so diverse but every member makes time for the group. There is nothing more precious a member can do than give their time to the club. A big thanks to everyone that shows up, shares and makes memories.

Your club brother,


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Monthly Gallery

Photos from members and guests from last month’s rides and adventures (or stolen from Facebook pages due to a lack of submissions).

June 2023 Gallery Photos

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Bull Prairie Lake Run

The Bull Prairie Lake Run will be our stretch run for the riding season. It’s located in the Umatilla National Forest close to Heppner, OR  and Spray, OR. The elevation is around 4200 feet so the nights should be cool. There’s plenty of riding around this area and it will be well worth the effort to attend.

From the USDA Website: Bull Prairie has been a gem to the local community and is considered a beautiful woodsy place to enjoy a vacation, host family reunions or social events, and to extensively recreate. This moderate-sized campground is located adjacent to a 28- acre lake, Bull Prairie Lake (stocked annually with trout). There are family-friendly and wheelchair accessible paved paths along the lake that are designed for people who enjoy morning jogs, bicycle rides, picnicking, and leisure. While this campground offers potable water, there is no longer any garbage service, so please pack out all garbage and dispose of it at home.

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Seattle Pride 2023

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Meet & Greets

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Portland M&G

The Portland guys will be back at the Eagle on July 5th at 7pm for our monthly Meet and Greet. We will meet for dinner at 5:30 at Kenton Station, 8303 N Denver Ave, Portland, OR before heading to the Eagle. Come on down and get to know the Border Riders Motorcycle Club of Portland.

It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the men who make up the BRMC as well as upcoming events & club rides.


We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Stan know if you are able do this.

Seattle M&G

The June M&G was held at the Lumberyard Bar in White Center (9630 16th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98106). We had a great turnout with members Dale C, Dennis H, Michael R, Lance D, and guests Bob P, Jin Y, and Pete R.

Swing on by Jules Maes Saloon (5919 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98108) located in beautiful Georgetown on Wednesday the 19th at 6pm for some grub, hang out for drinks, great conversation, and a taste of the BRMC Brotherhood.

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A Brothers Birthday

We have 9 members who were born during July and never knew the joy of having an entire classroom sing “Happy Birthday”. I feel your pain, my brothers. Take a moment and wish these boys of summer a good one on their special day.

  • July 4th - Scott G

  • July 5th - Chris L

  • July 9th - Marc L

  • July 21st - André P

  • July 24th - Ryan S

  • July 24th - Jeremy W

  • July 26th - Dan S

  • July 30th - Darryl H

  • July 30th - Todd M

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Reader’s Corner

A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.

Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.

To contribute, send your story & pictures to

Keep in mind, you can write about a trip that happened over the summer. It’s doesn’t have to be something you did last month.

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Alone Time

By Todd McN

The day starts out like any other. Wake up, shower, coffee. Then the routine changes, packing lists, traffic updates, weather reports. The questioning begins. Do I need my rain gear? Will I need a better jacket? Did I oil the chain? Time and space become tangible elements that wrap the folds of my thoughts.

I say goodby to my husband, the dogs, the cat. Double check the tautness of the unrealistic straps that will hold gear to my bike at speeds I feel they should fail. I wedge the headphones in to my ears. I choose The Young Evils to play as the old man Bruce Lees himself on to the bike. The irony is not lost on me. I turn the key, thumb the starter, kick it in to first, and I am alone. Concealed in a bubble of leather, carbon fiber, and sound. I begin.

The short ride down the ally refreshes my muscle memory of friction zones, throttle response, and foot placement. The controls feel natural as walking.

The ride out of Bremerton is a curvaceous run through the American psyche. Massive war ships sit mothballed. Their once mighty carcasses being slowly devoured. Stripped of their essential elements. Dismantled by their creators. The road rolls along the western shore of Sinclair Inlet. The curves makes me feel snotty and young as I cut between oversized pickup trucks and suburban grocery getters. No amount of stabilization controls or computerized driver assists can manage the corners as well as my motorcycle. This gives me a feeling of arrogance. The hoodlum in me comes out and I tuck in. I am a knife slicing my way through mediocrity. A razor cutting a divide through the fat of society. I am not of them, They are not of me.

I feel the separation deepen as I corner in to Gorst. The 35 mph hairpin that separates highway 16 from 3. A flurry of brake lights flash in front of me as true believers question their faith in the religion of the automobile. A limit reached in an uncomfortable choreographed roll to the right. I lean to the left, exposing the differences in our machines, segregation of our faiths. Them, slow down. Me, go faster.

I ride up the hill on 16 out of Port Orchard, easily passing trucks and cars whose weight makes the climb difficult. Some see this as an affront and mash the gas pedal of their "Eco Diesel". The engine a pinging struggle, pipes blowing black smoke. All this egotistical effort for little effect. Anger and disappointment expressed in a grotesque mask. The vehicle's size and girth has become impotent. Power and thrust are marketing words.

The remainder of 16 to Tacoma is a river that flows a steady pace. My hoodlum tendencies tampered by the complacency of a predictable system. Though I am a part of this movement, I still feel separate, alone. In this solus I find opportunity. A pickup truck with more faith than skill, more speed than sense. A true believer. I tuck in behind the behemoth. Close, but not too close, trigger fingers covering the brake, ready to react. They are my volunteer. A bulldozer plowing a path to the bridge. Escorted on it's coattails.

I pull off the raging river of 16 to the sandbar of tollbooths. I get in line. I pay the toll. The great equalizer. In the end, everyone pays. The gate lifts and I have a quarter mile of madness. Throttle pinned at full. This is the last dash before the bridge. The last bit of this ride that's only me. The last that's truly mine. I pull in to traffic, cross the bridge and make my way to Eagle Leather.

People are waiting. I am no longer alone.

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Gear Store

The Gear Store was well shopped at the VD Weekend. Sadly, it is now closed until the 2024 Banquet. Feel encouraged to reach out to VP Dennis if there is something you want to make sure will be available at the Banquet so he can order it in for you.

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Advanced Motorcycle Training

Sold Out!

If you have registered for any of these classes, contact Stan ASAP to get the last minute details about that weekends activities.

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Sold Out!

On Saturday July .8th from 1:00 to 5:30, we are taking the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #1 “PMC-1”. The PMC-1 is a half-day course for endorsed riders modeled on police motorcycle officer training. Participants improve coordination of clutch, throttle, and steering inputs to keep the motorcycle balanced at low speed while executing tight turns and U-turns with precision and control. Students also practice group riding formation, parking and signals.

On Sunday, July 9th from 9:00 to 1:30, we are taking the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #2 “PMC-2”. This is day 2 of this series. These 2 classes are sold as a set. The fee for the set is $200 per person. There are 10 spot available for this class and registration will go through the BRMC website. Reservations are non-refundable but we can sell them to another club associate up to 15 days prior to the class.

Since the club is buying these classes from Team OR, Team OR CANNOT refund your money or make any changes to this reservation.

On Monday July 10th from 9:00 to 4:30, we are taking the Advanced Riding Techniques “ART”. ART is unique, challenging, and most of all, fun. Riding exercises are conducted on a go-kart track, providing riders expert instruction on a closed course. While participants ride at more real-world speeds, this is not a high speed, racing-oriented class.

This day starts with a two-hour classroom session covering the skills taught in the riding session as well as risk management, crash causes, judgment and impairments, braking, cornering, swerving, transitions and traction. ART graduates tell us they now have more fun riding with fewer "uh-oh" moments.

This class will be purchased directly from Team Oregon. Please review their rules for cancelations and alterations before registering. BRMC has nothing to do with this reservation. Again, this is a direct purchase & this class is already open to the general population on a 1st come 1st served basis. The cost will be $179 and is a stand alone class.

Sadly, I was not able to secure the much anticipated High-Speed Emergency Braking Class. I know this will be a big let down for many of you. I cried too! Team Oregon is already aware that we want to try get this class on the schedule for 2024. Who knows, If they are able to get the Woodburn Drag Strip on the morning on Monday July 10th, I’m sure they will grab it and call me. They know we want it & I am leaving that time slot open just in case.

Also sad, I was unable to secure any of the mid-range skill level classes I was hoping for. To those of you I had in mind for these classes, I will see if we can put together some practice sessions just for you. The core group of us who take a lot of these classes are not instructors nor do we profess to be, but we are willing to work with you, give you some pointers, and maybe even help you be better prepared for these classes in 2024. Contact Stan if you are interested in some of this coaching & are willing to practice on your own regularly.


If you have any questions regarding these classes or any other classes offered by Team Oregon, please feel free to contact Stan at

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From the Handlebars of the President

Not a great deal to chat about. Things are going smoothly. Thanks for being adults and not bringing a bunch of drama to club events.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the July Campout.

Stan C.

2023 President

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Vice President Chatter

I won’t be riding for the season - I will be getting a new hip in July. I’ll be following all that is happening and hopefully be able to attend a few events and be ready to fully participate next year.

Dennis H.

2023 Vice President

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Road Captain Rumblings

Here we are, It’s the beginning of July and we’re in the middle of riding season. I’m really looking forward to heading out to Bull Prairie Lake this month. It should be a lovely run to a higher elevation where we will have warm days and cool nights. I don’t imagine we’ll be allowed to have a campfire, so if you are planning on cooking at camp, bring your stove.

As for day rides this month, the official BRMC Day Ride® is a no go. It conflicts with the 4th of July weekend, but that’s not an excuse to leave your bike in the garage. Take it out for a quick spin, ride it to work, take your partner out for a night on the town. Take a moment to remember when your motorcycle was your main form of transportation Relive that feeling of a warm summer night, slowly cruising down the boulevard, listening to the melody of people and music swirling with the sound of a two cylinder thump. The night, full of possibilities. The summer, never ending. As my husband likes to say, “Only three more months until fall…”

Todd McN

2023 Road Captain

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Treasurer’s Ramblings

“Piggy Bank Looks Balanced”.

See everyone at the July.


Tom C

2023 Treasurer

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Secretary Thoughts

Despite the ominous weather forecast, it turned out to be a great weekend. The weather stayed dry until about 4:45 AM on Sunday morning, which made for some great times and conversation around the campfire.

There were some great day rides and fun exhibits to see in nearby McMinnville and I think that I can safely say that we had the best Saturday night dinner out ever! As an extra bonus to the great food, we shared our dishes family style and that was a truly a treat.

Justin W.

2023 Secretary

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2023 Calendar of Events

  • July 8th thru 10th - Team OR & BRMC Advance Training Weekend in Portland, OR.

    • Saturday afternoon will be the PMC 1 (Police Rodeo part 1)

    • Sunday morning will be the PMC 2 (Police Rodeo part 2)

    • Monday will be the Advance Rider Techniques (Go-Cart Track)

  • July 14th thru 16th - July Campout - Bull Prairie Lake, Heppner, OR

  • August 18th thru 20th - August Campout - Paul Lake Provincial Park, Kamloops, BC

  • September 15th thru 17th - September Campout - Rasar State Park, Concrete, WA

  • October 21st - Club Meeting - hosted by Jeremy W in Kent, WA.

  • November 18th - Club Meeting - hosted by Chris & Richard in BOW, WA

  • December 9th - Holiday Party - hosted by Todd M in Bremerton, WA.

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Monthly Meet & Greets

BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minutes details pr changes.

Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle. Dinner together normally proceeds the actual M&G.

Vancouver BC Meet & Greet (tentative - Watch FB) - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster. (Canceled until further notice.)

Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at someplace new. Watch the newsletter, website or Facebook for exact location.

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Member & Guest Non-Sanctioned Day-Rides

In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minutes details or changes.

To learn more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at

Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.

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Contributions of Photos & Stories

Please feel encouraged to send us your photo’s of our activities to

Also, if you do anything interesting outside the club, we’d love to hear about it. Send us a short story with some photo’s and we will try get it into the next newsletter. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related to be interesting. We are very diverse.

For Sale, 2013 Yamaha Roadstar 1700cc

2013 Yamaha Roadstar 1700cc. Just over 13,000 miles. 2nd owner. Brand new back tire, oil change, and safety inspection. Small cosmetic defect on pipe (melted Frogg Togg). Rear passenger pegs installed. Sissy bar and optional Cobra exhaust available.

$6500 firm. Contact Liz at (503) 380-1115

If you have photos and stories to share, please send to

Summer riding in the Northwest