BRMC March Club Meeting
The March meeting will be hosted by Dale C. and Dmitry B. at their home in Kent, WA.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, March 12th
The Seattle area Meet and Greet will be on Wednesday March 12th, 6pm at Jules Maes, 5919 Airport Way S, Seattle WA 98108.

Portland Meet and Greet, March 5th
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

2025 BRMC Banquet
The 2025 Banquet will be held Saturday the 15th at Great Wolf Lodge in Grand Mound, WA beginning at 4pm. The address is 20500 Old Hwy 99 SW, Centralia WA 98531.
Registration is $75, opening on 2/1 and closing on Wednesday 2/12.
You can register here, and we will see you there!

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, February 12th
The Seattle area Meet and Greet will be at 6pm on Wednesday Feb. 12 at Slim’s Last Chance, 5606 1st Ave S, Seattle WA 98108.

Portland Meet and Greet, February 5th
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

BRMC Annual General Meeting
2025 Annual General Meeting
Millennium Tower
719 2nd Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
Saturday 1/18 4pm

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, January 8th
The Seattle area Meet and Greet will be on Wednesday Jan 8, 6pm at the Lumber Yard Bar, 9630 16th Ave SW, Seattle WA 98106.

BRMC Holiday Party
It's time once again for the BRMC Holiday Party Extravaganza® and Gift Exchange™. This year the celebration will take place Saturday December 14th at the country estate of your Chris and Richard.

Portland Meet and Greet, December 4th
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

November Meeting
The November Meeting will be held at one of the many generous estates of your Treasurer, this one in West Linn, Oregon. Social hour at 4pm, meeting at 5pm and then Tex-Mex grub prepared by your hosts at 6pm.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, November 13th
The November Seattle area Meet and Greet is at Changes Bar & Grill, 2103 N 45th St, Seattle. Dinner and/or meet at 6pm.

Portland Meet and Greet, November 6th
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

October Meeting
For the October meeting, we will be heading east... some of you will be heading north... and some of you will be heading south... and I guess if you're already east, you'll be heading west... You'll figure it out.
Anyway, we will be heading to Dennis' Riverside Retreat® for the October meeting. If you are planning on spending the evening, you can make arrangements with our fearless leader, Dennis. There's room in the front for a couple of small campers for all you nomads. Either way, contact your president to discuss. president@borderriders.com
Yes, there will be dinner.
Fun Fact: Chief Kamiakin—who led the Yakama, Palouse, and Klickitat in the Yakima War—was born at Ahtanum Creek near Tampico in 1800.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, October 9th
The Seattle area Meet and Greet likes to move it around a little. Each month we try someplace new. We post the location around the 1st of the month right here, so check back soon.

Portland Meet and Greet, October 2nd
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

Rainbow Falls Run
…and suddenly they realized, the gold at the end of the rainbow. was them all along.
Awh… Who doesn’t love a happy ending? Especially when that ending is a rainbow? A Rainbow Falls, that is! No, no… this isn’t the Māui fights Mo’o Kuna Rainbow Falls, this is a lovely little State Park situated between Pe Ell and Chehalis, and will make a great place to end the 2024 camping season.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, September 11th
The Seattle area Meet and Greet is at 6pm on Wednesday, Sept 11 at The Cuff, 1533 13th Ave, Seattle WA 98122.

Portland Meet and Greet, September 4th
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

Bonaparte Lake Run
Lakes? Check. Swimming? Double check!
If you joined us for the Lost Lake run a couple of years ago, you know exactly where this is. If you missed it, you missed one of the best places I’ve ever been camping. Word must have gotten out this year because the Lost Lake group site was gone daddy, gone. Like vapor baby! But fret not young motorcycle traveler, we’re just down the road at the Bonaparte Lake Campground. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Central Washington in the middle of August? How ever will I sleep in such heat? I will melt, I tell you… Just MELT!!!” Well, don’t pack the fainting couch just yet, you will be sawing logs at a cool 3556 ft. Well above blazing furnace of the township of Tonasket. Pack your Speedos, there will be swimming.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, August 14th
The Seattle area Meet and Greet likes to move it around a little. Each month we try someplace new. We post the location around the 1st of the month right here, so check back soon.

Portland Meet and Greet, August 7th
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

Bruceport Campout and Team Oregon Classes, WA & OR
You got class? Team Oregon does!
This campout we will be heading to Bruceport WA. Camp next to the sea and enjoy breathtaking vistas that may or may not be shrouded in a bone chilling fog. Pack your woolens and your shorts, because it may be hot, or it may not. This also puts us in line with the Team Oregon classes in Astoria OR this year. if you need to sign up for the classes, do so here.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, July 10th
The Seattle area Meet and Greet likes to move it around a little. Each month we try someplace new. We post the location around the 1st of the month right here, so check back soon.

Portland Meet and Greet, July 3rd
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

Wynoochee Dam Run
We're heading out to the Wynoochee Dam as a first in a series of campouts I like to call the "Wilds of South-Western Washington". The Wynoochee Dam and lake are located at the southern end of the Olympic National Forest (not to be confused with the Olympic National Park) The riding in the area is great though food options are limited. This may be a support vehicle run. More details as we get closer to the campout.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, June 12th
This month’s Seattle area Meet and Greet is on Wednesday June 12th at 6pm, Jules Maes Saloon, 5919 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98108-2714.

Portland Meet and Greet, June 5th
Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.

Victoria Day Week(end)
Victoria Day Campout - That's right folks, it's time once again for Pine Flats fun and frivolity that is the Victoria Day Weekend (that somehow has become a week long event)! We have the campgrounds starting on Wednesday and we don't give 'em back until Monday. You know where it is, same place as last year. More details as we get closer to the campout.

Seattle Area Meet and Greet, May 8th
This month’s Seattle area Meet and Greet is on Wednesday May 8 at 6pm, Lumber Yard Bar, 9630 16th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98106.