Dan and last minute preparations for the April Club Meeting.
The Border Riders Motorcycle Club (BRMC) is an organized group of guys who like to ride and camp. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest, with the greatest participation in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver B.C. We have one of the largest memberships of gay clubs in North America, and welcome like-minded guests to join us on our monthly club events and local activities during the riding months. Check the main page of the website at http://borderriders.com for additional information.
Registration Closes May 14th
MAY 17TH THRU 20th, 2019
This is it, your last chance to register for our big season kick-off camp-out and motorcycle run at the remote Pine Flats Campground hidden in the mountains past Ardenvoir, Washington.
Come and join us for another fantastic long weekend with some great food, good times, and amazing friends.
Get your bike in order, find your camping gear, and scrape off last years bugs on the leather. RIDE!
Registration is:
$145 US members
$160 US guests
$111 Canadian members
$122 Canadian guests
This is the 50th year BRMC has hosted this legendary event. This event is not one to miss.
Join us now.
This primitive campground is fully reserved for BRMC, where seclusion and privacy are features of this central base camp for day rides throughout the central Washington area. Hiking up the Mad River and just hanging out is also a ‘thing’ if more riding isn’t your plan.
Registration closes May 13th at 9:00 pm. Guests require a member to sponsor them for this event. If you don't have a sponsor and would like to attend please send an email to captain@borderriders.com for information.
There likely will be a support vehicle from both Portland and Seattle to carry gear that won’t fit on your bike. Additional information will be provided closer to the event.
April Club Meeting Recap
A big shout-out to Dan S for hosting another fantastic dinner and club meeting at his house in Oakville Washington. The weather was quite nice and many guys rode their motorcycles to the meeting. With some talented kitchen skills provided by Dennis and Ramon, a mighty fine dinner of port tenderloin, ‘taters, and mixed veggies were served up. Oh, and let’s not forget that amazing cheesecake.
Most of the meeting was dedicated to the Victoria Day Camp run in May. A sign-up sheet was passed around for various tasks that need to be made, so if you didn’t get your name on a list, please seek it out when you get to camp and make things happen smoothly! Several people will be there on Thursday to get the truck, gear out of the locker, food, and other necessities that we can’t live without. A bit of the meeting was also to discuss the status of the 50th anniversary run later in September. More on that as we get closer.
After the meeting, we got together for the group photo. At that time, several guys had to hit the road before sunset. As for the rest of us, dinner was top rated delicious and socializing to let things digest a bit was good for all. As the sun was getting low in the sky, the group broke up and headed home. A good time had by all.
BRMC Group photo, April 2019 club meeting
From the Handlebars of the President
First off I would like to extend a big thank you to Dan S for hosting the April meeting.
Victoria Day Weekend 50 is just around the corner with lots to do, but planning is well underway. I can't believe that this will be my 8th Victoria Day. As usual I am really looking forward to it as a great start to the official riding season. The first opportunity of the year to camp and ride with my fellow club members and guests is always special.
The weekend is a lot of work, but well worth the sweat. The comradery that is built working in the kitchen, sharing a meal and time around the campfire is something to be treasured. Not everyone is part of a club that comes together to share these special times and create those bonds. At this time we still have plenty of room for members and guests. If you haven’t yet registered or sent your regrets please do so as soon as possible. Also, if you have friends who would like to attend please invite them. Remember, guests must be sponsored by members and you are responsible for their actions. Victoria Day is an all vehicle event so you or your guests don’t have to arrive on motorcycles. This is our only camping run that is all vehicle. However, we do not allow RVs due to space constraints at the camp.
There are still plenty of opportunities to volunteer at camp. If you are attending and have not already signed up on the duty roster please contact Dan S. at vicepresident@borderriders.com to volunteer.
If you have friends that ride a motorcycle or know of someone that would like to join us on a weekend camp out be sure to invite them to join us. Border Riders welcomes guests to ride with us without becoming an official member.
Lastly, if you haven't had your bike out yet this year, be sure to do a thorough safety check before hitting the road. Also be sure to have the bike serviced and clean up that riding gear.
As always if any of you have any questions or concerns about the club please feel free to contact me at president@borderriders.com. I hope to see you all at our meeting on April 20th.
Jeff C
2019 President
Seattle’s April M&G
Well there were seven of us for the Border riders meet and greet at the Cuff for the April Meet and Greet. 😁 and the young man in the middle is a guest that was interested in the club. The May Meet and Greet will be on 15th at 7:00 pm at the Cuff Complex. This is the Wednesday before Victoria Day weekend and would be a good opportunity to meet others that are going for the weekend.
Road Captain Rumblings
A month ago we were still flirting with snow, now the days are longer and riding is a lot more appealing. The board has been working on preparations for Victoria Day and Dan and I have been working primarily on food. We’re trying to simplify a few things and reduce the workload yet still maintain quality. After a couple of years of some dampness we’re due for a nice dry weekend.
I’m still hoping for people to send me some of their favorites for planning trips for next year.
With the Meet and Greets back in place in Seattle it’s time to get day rides going again. The 10-day forecast doesn’t look real promising for the first Sunday in April, but it doesn’t look like a washout either. Washington members watch for an email late in the week if it looks probable.
Sometimes it takes a whole tankful of fuel before you can think straight!
Treasurer’s Ramblings
Well, it was a rough tax season and after a week of illness I can say I made it. I thank Alan a whole bunch for all his support and understanding. I wouldn’t be able to do it without your love a support Alan. Thank you very much. I also want to thank the club and all it’s members for letting me pretty much ignore my treasurer duties during this period. Thanx everyone.
Club Finances & Such
Finances - I guess after a week of sleep and recovery it’s time I get caught up with my treasurer duties. I’ll have it all ready for the VD Meeting. As it sits, club finances are stable and accounted for. Account balances are where I expect them to be. As always, contact me at our next event for more details.
IRS Issues - I finally received the long awaited for phone call from the IRS regarding our Not-for Profit application. Seriously, we submitted this back in November of 2017 and they finally reached out to us on 4/23/19, wow. I had to send in some additional information and we will need to make a small change to our by-laws but I will tell you all about that at the VD meeting.
During my last conversation with the agent processing our application, I asked her what her recommendation was and she said she was recommending approval. It goes from her to a committee review and we should have a letter in 6 weeks. At least it’s forward movement. Keep your fingers crossed people, it’s still not over.
Another Gift - I continue to be humbled by the generosity of our members. Another member, who wishes to remain anonymous, made a sizeable gift of $600 to be used for our 50th Anniversary Celebration. I wish I could publicly recognize these generous people but I will respect their desire to remain anonymous. I will however, thank them here and make sure they know how much I appreciate what they have done. To this month’s generous giver, I THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Portland’s M&G & Day Ride
Portland did not have a M&G in April. If anyone would be willing to host the next M&G please contact me so I can make proper arrangements. Portland’s next M&G will be, or was, on “Wednesday”, May 1st at the Eagle on Lombard at 7:00.
Keep in mind that if you decide to go for a ride you can always reach out the club by posting something on our FB page. Hopefully, you’ll get a response and have someone to ride with.
But Wait, There’s More Treasurer Rambling
Riding Styles & Styles of Rides
I started riding motorcycles around 2007 and my mentors have all talked about riding styles and the importance of finding the right people to ride with. Through these mentors I have learned that it is important to find people who share your riding style because they not only make the ride more enjoyable, they also make the ride safer for everyone.
As I get to know someone, I frequently ask about their “Riding Style”. I am occasionally surprised by the blank look I get. I can tell this is not something this person has thought about. Since I find this topic so important and riding season is about to begin, I’d like to discuss my take on Riding Styles & The Style of Rides.
For the purpose of discussion, I will break riding styles into a couple basic categories; Solo Riders, Below Speed Limit Riders, Speed Limit Riders, Speed Limit +10 Riders & Peg Grinders. I will also toss in adventure bike riders as a riding style because I believe it is a very specific type of ride and it makes for a great example.
Let’s start by talking about those dusty, dirty, gravel loving adventure guys. The adventure riders will likely have bikes that are designed to be just as capable in the dirt as they are on the pavement. BRMC is seeing an increase in these adventure riders and for very good reason. These riders can hang with the cruisers on a paved day ride and can just as easily go off pavement for more remote riding.
However, if I take my low clearance, heavy cruiser and try tag along with these adventure guys off-pavement, I would likely have a horrible time and so would they. I would need help dragging my bike out of a ditch, over a log or who knows what. Not to mention the damage my bike would likely suffer. This would be what I’ll call “a mismatch in riding styles”.
I believe the same can be said about the other types of riding styles. If I were a Speed Limit Rider and went on a day ride with a group of Peg Grinders, I’d likely be wondering why these loons are going so fast. They can’t smell any flowers or trees or notice any scenery & I’ll be certain they haven't seen any wildlife. Again, it would be a mismatch in riding styles.
While riding styles are important it’s not the only thing we need to consider. There is also the purpose of the ride which I referred to earlier as “The Style of a Ride”. For example, our monthly day rides are about allowing guests to get to know the club. It’s about practicing how to ride safely in a group formation and about becoming a better rider. It’s about hanging out with likeminded people while doing something we all enjoy. It’s more about the comradery and the brotherhood than it is about the actual ride although the ride is still very important. At these events, you may want to check your riding style at the door and focus on the style of the ride instead.
The best way to be able to accomplish a good ride for everyone on these day rides is to communicate. The leader should get and give feedback prior to the ride to insure a fun and safe ride for everyone. That is why I am always asking people to let me know if you plan to attend and why I get frustrated when people just show up.
Another example of when the Style of a Ride might trump the individual Riding Style, or vice versa, is a day ride at a campout. At most campouts, I like to break into a small group of people who I am used to riding with, who share my riding style, who want to see the same thing I want to see and then go for it. In this situation I think the individual needs to be aware of the groups riding style and insure there is a good match in riding styles before heading out. Again, communicating is key.
When I am thinking about going on any ride, I contact the leader and ask them who is going and what kind of ride is expected. I will offer my input as to what I would enjoy and ask if this is an option for this ride. If it is, great. If it isn’t, I appreciate knowing this before we head out. I do not get offended if this ride isn’t what I’m looking for and nor should the group.
Finally, there are the unfortunate times when someone will simply not be welcome. It might be because they like to drink alcohol on rides and for me, this is a big nonnegotiable deal breaker. It might be that someone has a reputation of being unsafe or not paying attention or has endangered the group in the past. Lastly, the group might simply be getting too big. Leading more than 6 people is no fun and very challenging.
While safety is paramount, safety is not only the responsibility of the group leader. Safety is also the responsibility of every person going on the ride. Safety is accomplished by making sure there isn’t a mismatch in Riding Style or the Style of a Ride. That is accomplished by communicating and self awareness.
I hope I have introduced you to the concept of your Individual Riding Style and what I mean by The Style of a Ride. I hope you will think about these points as an individual and perhaps we can further discuss this the next time we meet. My goal here was to simply introduce you to the topics and inspire conversation at some future date.
At the end of it all, the goal is to go on a ride, have a great day, meet back up at the camp-out safely and have a different ride to share, discuss, photos to look at and stories to laugh about. “OMG, you should have seen the look on Chris’s face when that buffalo stopped and stared him down. It was hilarious.”
2019 Team Oregon Motorcycle Class Schedule
In addition to the 50th Anniversary events, I would like to bring to your attention to 3 motorcycle skills enhancement classes I have set up with Team Oregon. The first is their RSP class happening on Saturday, June 1st. The second is their ART class happening on Monday, June 17th. The third is their AMT class happening on September 14th.
Registration has opened for the RSP & ART classes and only BRMC members, guest, and friends will be able to register for these classes until May 1st. On May 1st these classes will be opened to the public. We need 12 people to register for the RSP Class and 18 to register for the ART Class to keep it closed for us only. Currently we have 8 people registered for the RSP Class but only 4 people have registered for the ART class.
I don’t require that you be gay or male in order to attend. All I ask is that you are gay or gay friendly. These events are about learning to ride and becoming a better/safer rider in a non-judgmental environment of people who will support you and want you to succeed without being hassled by non-gay friendly people. If you have a friend or a family member that would like to take one of these classes and would be a fun addition to the event, let’s get them informed and have them register ASAP.
Again, to register for one of these classes, call Team Oregon at 541.737.2459 & tell them you would like to register for “The Border Riders Class on June/____/2019. They should be able to get you registered.
There will likely be a social event before and after these classes. For that reason, I am asking everyone who registers to contact me at the same time. This will allow me to make sure they get invited to the whole event and not just the class.
RSP Class
The RSP Class is their Riders Skills Practice Class. It will begin around noon and will last 4 hours. This course is in Oregon City, OR. It’s mostly about emergency maneuvers and working out the cobwebs we acquire during the winter. I have taken this class 3 or 4 times and every time I learn something. The fee for this class is $99. For more information about this class, visit Team Oregon at https://team-oregon.org/training/riderskillspractice/
The RSP Class is open to the public at this point so make your reservations today if you want to join in on what will be a very fun day of learning and advancing your riding skills.
ART Class
The ART Class is their Advanced Riders Training Class. It will begin around noon and last for about 4 hours. The course is in Canby, OR. This class is designed to further our cornering skills. The course is a go cart race track and while not intended for high speeds, sorry Dale, I believe it will give us the skills to handle corners more “efficiently”. The fee for this class is $179. For more information about this class, visit Team Oregon at https://team-oregon.org/training/advancedridertraining/
The ART class is open to the public by now so make your reservations today if you want to join in on what will be a very fun day of leaning and advancing your riding sills.
AMT Class
OK, as if that wasn’t enough training for one year, Team Oregon and I have worked out a special deal for BRMC. Team Oregon is going to set up a private class on Saturday, September 14th just for us. We should arrive to the course in Albany, OR around 12:30 or 1:00 for this class. This is going to be an abbreviated version of their Police Training Course. Can you believe this? It is called their AMT or Advanced Motors Training Class. I’m so freaking excited.
I think the version they are putting together for us is the one we all watch on You Tube and wish we could get a chance on that field of orange cones doing tight maneuvers, a clock ticking, music playing on a loud speaker and people cheering us onto a finish line. It turns out Team Oregon trains the police for this and they are offering a version of it to us to help us kick off our 50th Anniversary Rally happening in September. Yahoo!
I doubt we will have a loud speaker and we will need to be our own cheering crowd, but the course is real, and I know many of you have dreamt about this. I know because we’ve talked about it. As Collin would say, bounce, bounce, bounce.
As if it could get any better, an anonymous donor has donated the entire class for anyone affiliated with BRMC, who would like to attend. Seriously, it’s free to anyone of us who wants to spend a couple hours playing on this course while getting feedback from their instructors. The course is in Albany, OR and it’s on the way to our 1st 50th Anniversary Rally check-in happening that Saturday night in Roseburg, OR. IT’S ON THE WAY PEOPLE. I believe it would be a horrible lost opportunity if we didn’t take advantage of this. I hope you gents are as excited about this as I am. What a hoot! I can’t wait!
I know it will be a stretch for some of you more northern riders to get there by noon or 1 so I am hoping the Seattle and Portland people will open their homes Friday night. This will make it possible for the northerner who want to play on this course but live too far north to get to the course by noon or 1.
FYI, my people at Team Oregon have said that they are going to set up 2 courses for us. The courses will start out the same and then one of them will become more and more challenging as our skills progress. The other course will stay the same for those who just want to practice and become more comfortable with the basics. It other words, it’s being catered to what you want to get out of this event. I’m getting more excited just typing about this event. I CAN’T WAIT!
Additional information about this class can be found at https://team-oregon.org/training/advancedmotorstraining/
When you register for the 50th Anniversary Rally in September you will automatically be registered in this AMT Class. You don’t need to register with Team Oregon for this one. If you are able to attend the Rally on this day yet would like to attend this class, contact me at Treasurer@BorderRiders.com and let me know. I will reserve a spot for you. Either way, there will be no charge for this class.
BTW, these events I put together with Team Oregon are not a BRMC sanctioned event. This is just me organizing these classes because I keep getting requests for it, I love them, and I learn something every time I go.
I hope you all are taking advantage of the occasional beautiful weather days we are experiencing and are able to get out and ride. Alan and I made a run to the coast last weekend and had a wonderful time. It was a little overcast & chilly at 54 degrees but I was on the bike, grinning from ear to ear the whole day.
I honestly hope to see you at one of our upcoming events and if you should have any questions or comments about anything I am dealing with, please feel encouraged to contact me & let us chat.
Stan C
BRMC Treasurer
High Mileage Award
Each year we award a shirt and mark the plaque for the member who rides the most miles in the season. If you wish to be considered you need to register your name and bike odometer on Friday night or Saturday morning of the Victoria Day camp. An ending mileage will be taken on Saturday night at the end of the 50th Anniversary Rally in Bellingham, WA.
50th Anniversary Celebration
The 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee is busy planning one heck of a year for us that will not soon be forgotten. Among the events planned are:
Victoria Day, May 17-20, Pine Flats Camp, Ardenvoir, WA - new and old activities planned
50th Anniversary Rally, September 14-21 - come ride with us for an 8 day journey through Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Join for all or part of the journey, ride as far and long as you wish. Guests welcomed.
50th Anniversary Banquet, February 15, 2020 - we will wind down the year with a grand finale event.
Registration for the Rally has opened. There is a sheet on our web-site “Summary Packet” that contains a list of all the hotels we will be staying at and their contact information so you can make your reservations. There is also a day by day description of each days ride and maps for each day. You can find the “Summary Packet” and “Maps with notes” at the bottom of the day by day description.
Stay tuned each month for more details and also check out the club website.
Calendar of 2019 Events
January 19 Annual General Meeting - Seattle, WA
February 16 Anniversary Banquet - Portland, OR
March 16 Club Meeting - Don W, Lynnwood, WA
April 20 Club Meeting - Dan S, Oakville, WA
May 17-20 Victoria Day Weekend Camp - Pine Flats Campground, Ardenvoir, WA
June 14-16 Bear Springs Group Campground, Maupin, OR
July19-21 Lewis & Clark Trail State Park, Dayton, WA
August 16-18, Willows Campground, Lillooet, BC
September 14-21 50th Anniversary Ride - OR, WA, BC
September 21 Club Meeting, Bellingham, WA
October 19 Club Meeting - TBD
November 16 Club Meeting - TBD
December 14 Holiday Party - TBD
We have 3 members with a birthday this month. Please take a moment to wish them a great day.
Jeff C 5/16
Michael C 5/27
Roy S 5/4
Meet & Greets
BRMC members will be available for new and returning guys to connect and learn more about the club and opportunities to participate. If you are interested, check out when and where in the cities listed below. Also, in addition to the club's monthly events, local rides may be organized, weather permitting. To lean more, email the Road Captain for specific details, or to ensure a member to meet you, at captain@borderriders.com.
Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7pm at The Portland Eagle
Vancouver BC Meet & Greet - 2nd Wednesday of the month. Time & Location YTBD
Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7pm at The Cuff
Contributions of Photos & Stories
If you have photos and stories to share, please send to news@borderriders.com