October Meeting Recap
October Gallery
Upcoming Events
November meeting
Holiday Party
Officer/New member nominations
50th Anniversary Banquet
From the Handle Bars of the President
Seattle Meet and Greet
Road Captain Rumblings
Seattle Area Day Ride
Treasurer Ramblings
Club Finances
Portland Meet & Greet/Day Ride
2020 Riding Classes
Calendar of Events
Member Birthdays
Meet & Greets
Reader’s Corner
50th Anniversary Rally - Blue B
The Border Riders Motorcycle Club (BRMC) is an organized group of guys who like to ride and camp. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest, with the greatest participation in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver B.C. We have one of the largest memberships of gay clubs in North America, and welcome like-minded guests to join us on our monthly club events and local activities during the riding months. Check the main page of the website at for additional information.
October Meeting Recap
It was a wet and windy day south of the Canadian border but once north of the border the weather cleared some. No one rode their bike to the meeting. There were a total of fourteen members and nine guests present. Member Doug H hosted the evening at his home. Doug had snacks and beverages available upon everyone’s arrival.
Doug requested that the agenda for the evening be changed around some so after a time spent socializing dinner was served followed by the club meeting. Doug, along with assistance from Peter L and Del C, provided a wonderful meal of ham, scalloped potatoes, and green peas.
The meeting focused on a variety of topics ranging from Pride Parades in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver to the annual High Mileage Award to the upcoming 50th Anniversary Banquet. Also, reports were made about the monthly Meet and Greets held in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver during the past year. An effort has been made during the past 12 months to reinstate these on a regular basis.
Nominations were opened for club officers for the 2020 year and will remain open at both the November meeting and the Holiday Party in December. Nominations are also open for new members. Voting to choose officers and new members will happen at the Annual General Membership meeting (AGM) in January at the Cuff.
Following the hour plus meeting a group photo was taken. However, a few individuals had to depart prior to the photo. Dessert was then served and consisted of cheesecake, apple pie and cake. Some lingered and continued visiting into the late evening.
BRMC Group Photo October Club Meeting
October Gallery
Photos from members and guests from last month’s rides and adventures.
November Club Meeting
Members Alan and Stan will be hosting the meeting on November 16. Social hour will begin at 4:00 followed by the meeting at 5:00 with dinner to follow. Dinner will be a turkey enchilada pie. Please BYOB. Cost for US members and guests will be $17, and for Canadian members and guests $13. Following dinner, weather permitting, an outdoor fire in the backyard. Parking is limited so encourage carpooling and motorcycles. Guests need to indicate a sponsor when registering. Directions and address for the meeting/dinner location will be provided in the confirmation email after payment has been made via the website.
2020 Board of Directors
It is time to begin thinking about members for the Board of Directors for 2020. Club Bylaws state nominations for club officers are to be done at the October, November and December club meetings with the elections held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Voting is by secret ballot with the person receiving the most votes in each position assuming office beginning at the time of Annual Banquet.
Officer positions are President, Vice President, Road Captain, Secretary, and Treasurer. Please give some thought to serving as an officer of the club. The following members were nominated at the October meeting:
President: Jeff C
Vice President: Alan H
Road Captain:
Treasurer: Stan C
Holiday Party - December 14th
This year our annual Holiday Party and white elephant gift exchange will be hosted by Chris L and Richard A at their place outside Burlington, WA. The date is December 14th. Detailed directions will be provided in the confirmation email. Group social time is at 4pm, dinner at 6pm, followed by the gift exchange. Chris, with assistance of other members, is planning another fabulous meal.
Also, remember to bring a gift for exchange. Keep the value under $20. Both gag gifts (no pun intended) and fabulous gifts are encouraged. And, of course, festive holiday attire is encouraged.
Chris and Richard have invited members and guests to stay at their place. Please contact Chris L for arrangements as it is on a first come first serve basis. Also, Jeff C has a couple of sofas and lots of floor space if anyone wants to stay at his place.
AGM - Annual General Meeting
The annual AGM will be held on January 18th at the Cuff Complex in Seattle. This is the time to renew club dues, elect officers for the coming year as well as conduct club business. Please remember that if your eligibility to vote has lapsed that you must attend two business meetings in order to be able to vote at the AGM. If you have questions about your eligibility to vote please contact the club secretary. Please watch your email for your ballot prior to the meeting.
50th Anniversary Banquet
It is not too early to start thinking about the 50th Anniversary Banquet. Chris L has taken on the task of helping plan and organize the banquet for the club. The banquet will be on February 16th to be held at the Executive Inn by the Space Needle in Seattle. Chris is planning an evening full of fun so be sure to mark you calendar now.
From the Handlebars of the President
The season of our fall meetings is upon us and the time to begin planning for next year. It is time to consider who the club wants to serve as club officers for next year as well as for new members to be nominated.
This month due to the wet weather I didn’t ride to the meeting. I have still been riding on dry days to work but those have been few the past couple of weeks. I hope to still get some riding in.
I am off to New Orleans for a week for mix of work and vacation. I have a conference for three and a half days but will have the remainder of the time free. Neither Tim or I have been to New Orleans so we are looking forward to it. We will be there during Halloween. Hopefully we both survive and make it back home.
Until next time, remember to keep the shiny side up!
Seattle Meet and Greet
The Seattle Meet and Greet was on October 16th. Four of us met for dinner beforehand at Bok a Bok Fried Chicken. For members we had Dale C., Chris L., Dennis H. and Jeff C. For guests we had Ron S. Thanks to everyone for showing up. We had fun shooting the breeze. The next meet and greet will be November 20th at 7:00 pm at the Cuff. Come out and join us.
Road Captain Rumblings
I’ve been impressed with how the Seattle area has been consistent with day rides and meet and greets. Great opportunities to get together and socialize even if we’re not riding.
I do have two concerns as Road Captain:
It would be great to have more input from members where they want to go for weekend trips. I had real positive feedback after the Lewis and Clark Trail State Park trip that it should be on our go to list because of the riding opportunities. Pop me an email if there is someplace we haven’t been to in a while that you really want to go back to.
June and Pride - I wasn’t able to be at the October meeting, know that it was discussed and there are a lot of moving parts, but there was no consensus. It seems like a long way off, but in arranging for a group site it is actually past the time to get sites close by. I know part of the problem is what is going to happen with Seattle Pride, but we need to make a decision and move on so camping arrangements can be made.
Seattle Area Day Ride
October Day Ride - 5 of us met for breakfast in Monroe, 3 on bikes (Dale, Todd and myself), 2 in vehicle (Chris and Richard). We had to leave the planned exploring of back roads between Monroe and Granite Falls to another time as the ride ended up being to Eastside Motorsports. I was riding my little bike and had just gotten it back from the shop and they couldn’t duplicate the problem. Re-occurred - not able to downshift below 3rd and twice not downshifting below 5th. Not fun starting out on an incline in those gears. Dale was riding my 1700 so I ended up riding bitch on my own bike back home!
November Day Ride - Saturday November 2nd. We will meet at Stricker’s Café, 19820 40th Ave W in Lynwood for breakfast at 10am, rain or shine. If we get some sun will figure out a ride from there, otherwise just breakfast.
Treasurer’s Ramblings
Club Finances & Such
Club finances are healthy. Account balances are where I expect them to be. Account Receivables are acceptable and our Liabilities are practically non-existent. Briefly, everything is fine.
Portland’s M&G & Day Ride
I’m calling on all Portland members to attend the November M&G. We have a new owner of the Eagle and he is very interested in making sure we want to be there so let’s show up and support him.
Portland’s next M&G will be Wednesday November 6th, at the Eagle on Lombard at 7:00. I hope to see both “members” and guests this month.
Last months M&G was attended by Blue B, Gabe T, Rudy V, Larry B & myself. Blue, Gabe & Larry went for a day ride to the coast on Sunday. You can read about their day and see some pics on our FB page.
Keep in mind that if you decide to go for a ride you can always reach out to the club by posting something on our FB page. Hopefully, you’ll get a response and have someone to ride with.
Upcoming Motorcycle Class Schedule & Other Information
For those of you who were not able to make it to the Advanced Motorcycle Training class we did as part of the Rally, not all is lost. Team Oregon and I have worked out a deal whereby Team Oregon is going to bring the whole 8-hour class to Portland, and we just purchase the whole class. No outsiders.
To make the class easier on us, Team Oregon has agreed to break the (1) 8-hour class into (2) 4-hour classes and have both classes in one weekend. The classes will be held in North Portland on August 29th & 30th, 2020. The 1st class will be held on August 29th from 12:30 to 5:30. The 2nd class will be on the following day, August 30th, from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Saturday will be slow cornering. This is what you watch when you watch those police rodeos. Sunday will wrap up slow cornering and move onto group riding with group parking. as a component of group riding. Yeah, finally we will be able to look like pros when we go out to dinner at the camp outs.
There are 12 available spots and all spots will go for $200 each. Registration for this event will only be available through the BRMC website just as you would any other BRMC event. You will be notified at the meeting prior to announcement in the newsletter when registration will open and then again in the newsletter. This will sell out fast so be ready to register as soon as it becomes available.
This class will be in addition to all the other events that will happen in 2020.
Also, due to the demand from Seattle and BC, I will try to schedule a class of some type, likely a rider review class, to happen in the Seattle area earlier in the summer. I predict people from Portland & BC will converge on Seattle and I expect Seattle people to register en mass. The results, I expect this class in Seattle to fill up very fast as well. I will announce this date for this class in the same manner as I will Advanced Motorcycle Training class.
BTW, these motorcycle training events I put together are not a BRMC sanctioned event. This is just me organizing these classes because I keep getting request for it, I love them, and I learn something every time I go.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about anything I am dealing with, please feel encouraged to contact me & let us chat.
Stan C
2019 Treasurer
2019 Calendar of Events
January 19 Annual General Meeting - Seattle, WA
February 16 Anniversary Banquet - Portland, OR
March 16 Club Meeting - Don W, Lynnwood, WA
April 20 Club Meeting - Dan S, Oakville, WA
May 17-20 Victoria Day Weekend Camp - Pine Flats Campground, Ardenvoir, WA
June 14-16 Bear Springs Group Campground, Maupin, OR
June 16 - BRMC rides in Portland Pride Parade
July19-21 Lewis & Clark Trail State Park, Dayton, WA
August 16-18, Willows Campground, Lillooet, BC
September 14-21 50th Anniversary Ride - OR, WA, BC
September 21 Club Meeting, Bellingham, WA
October 19 Club Meeting - Surrey, BC
November 16 Club Meeting - West Linn, OR
December 14 Holiday Party - Burlington, WA
2020 Calendar of Events
January 18 Annual General Meeting - Seattle, WA
February 15 50th Anniversary Banquet - Seattle, WA
March 21 Club Meeting
April 18 Club Meeting
May 14-18 Victoria Day Weekend Camp - Pine Flats Campground, Ardenvoir, WA
June 14 Portland, OR Pride Parade
June 19-21 June Campout
June 28 Seattle, WA Pride Parade
July 17-19 July Campout
August 14-16 August Campout
September 18-20 September Campout
October 17 Club Meeting
November 21 Club Meeting
December 12 Holiday Party
We have 1 member with a birthday this month. Please take a moment to wish him a great day.
Don W - 13th
Meet & Greets
BRMC members will be available for new and returning guys to connect and learn more about the club and opportunities to participate. If you are interested, check out when and where in the cities listed below. Also, in addition to the club's monthly events, local rides may be organized, weather permitting. To lean more, email the Road Captain for specific details, or to ensure a member to meet you, at
Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle
Vancouver BC Meet & Greet - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster
Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Cuff
Reader’s Corner
A place for you, the reader, member or guest, to contribute.
Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.
BRMC 50th Anniversary Rally
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Blue B
Portland Perennial Guest
For those who do not know me, I have been around the BRMC since 2012 and have hosted the Meet and Greets at the Portland Eagle; have led PDX day rides; been to Fossil a couple of times and Lewis and Clark for camp outs. Always try to make the local stuff...especially the Portland Pride Parade, along with the holiday events and the annual banquet. My first long ride with the BRMC was about 6 years ago with Dave E leading us up through BC to Jasper and Banff. About 10 days, but after 3 camp outs with a leaky tent; the last one in Banff, I rolled up the tent and threw it in the dumpster, and gave up on the camping element. Now being 70, rolling out of the sleeping bag at 3:00 am to pee is not for me.
So this piece is from the perspective of a perennial guest. I usually like to begin any piece with the GOOD, but this time I am starting with the UGLY. Weather was just downright fucking UGLY. I am an all season rider, usually putting on about 20K miles a year and have ridden in the rain, fog, cold, hail, and snow. But those weather items are usually short lived. My total mileage for this trip was 1769 miles and I expect at least 1100 was in rain, fog, winds and cold...down to 42 degrees!
So next comes the GOOD, and this case extraordinaire. Stan C and whoever else may have assisted did an extraordinary job of planning, giving options and keeping everyone up to date. Having planned professional conferences before, I know the effort that this kind of organization and detail takes, and he deserves everyone's kudos. (Next time work with the weatherman.) He planned for motels, routes and meals, and when the weather did not cooperate, Stan brought us together to make alternate plans for the next day. Personally, I appreciate his faith in me to lead groups from Roseburg to Bend; Bend to Hood River; and Hood River to Leavenworth. (I left the group in Leavenworth, to join riding buddies to go to Anacortes for the Oyster Run. A tradition for the “Fearless Foursome”.) Lastly, his previous commentary about riding styles was particularly appropriate for this group. From “shredders” to “touring” Stan tried to accommodate everyone.
Thoughts....yes I am skipping the BAD for now, because they are just thoughts....
Day One
On the way to the Team Oregon training, I picked up a screw in my tire. Mark B and Stan C were right there to help me out, and we found a PowerSports open in Albany with my tire available only a few miles away. This is what brotherhood is about. I later caught up with all at the Team Oregon Slow Rider course. Decided I can't become a MC cop as I can no longer turn my head far enough (I am too old and the neck turn restricted and painful). Guess I was at the bottom of the class and a little depressed as I have completed the Advanced Rider Training and the Cornering Clinic. Doesn't mean I didn't learn anything....just wanted to do better. To whomever sponsored this training – THANK YOU. On to Roseburg!
Day Two
Well, no coast ride or even to the Oregon Caves National Monument as the weather was too bad. But it was clear at Crater Lake so off we went. Beautiful and sunny until we tried to return to Roseburg for the night. Torrential downpours and we all poured water out of boots and gloves and turned on the hair dryers. For those with us, REMEMBER THE Rvs. Mexican restaurant for dinner; an excellent place, except Stan shouldn't have had the jalepinos. Paid for it on Day three. It was actually here, that I started to question whether to stay with the ride, or go home. Well...hotel reservations were made --- maybe it will dry out. I'll stay for a while. Glad I did.
Day Three.
Not much to say here. I was already getting tired from riding in the rain (remember I am an old fart). Led the group on the short route from Roseburg to Bend. Rain? Of course! 97 flooded as we rode into town, with waves of water. Then of course I get the message “GPS signal is lost”. We found the motel, tried to dry out and had dinner close to the waterfront. A couple of us decided to get an Uber back to the hotel rather than walking! Good decision.
Day Four
Again, two groups head out to Hood River (eastern Oregon was canceled), and I led the most direct route. 97 to 26 to 35. We both encounter heavy winds (me at Warms Springs); then as we head north the temperature drops in to the low 40s, heavy rain and fog. Had to stand on my foot boards to see over my windscreen. The visibility was that bad. Finally in Hood River, it became dry and the temps warmed. We are all together for dinner again, but took a cab into downtown. Great company. Maybe I should have had one less drink. Fuck, I am tired. This rain is physically and mentally exhausting.
Day Five
Two groups leave again, and I do the most direct (sort of ) to Leavenworth. Weatherman says dry. NO RAIN GEAR. Yahoo!!!! Crossed the Columbia and head up through Klickitat Canyon then out to Goldendale, Yakima and Ellensburg for lunch. Weather app still says no rain until 4:00 pm and Leavenworth is only 70 miles further. Come to the parking lot and the black clouds are over the Wenatchee Mts. Shit! Rain gear back on and off we go. Bluett pass is cold and heavy rains! Push forward! Definitely not maintaining any speed limit; but then coming into the Leavenworth, the skies clear and it is warm. However, we did get rain about 4:00. So the weatherman was right. Dried out again and all went out for sausage and beer for dinner.
This is were I left the BRMC as I was meeting other riding buddies to head to Anacortes for the Oyster Run....a traditional event for us. And I needed a day of rest. Left on Friday, another supposedly dry day, but Stevens Pass said “NO”. Oyster Run was wet, and wet again on Monday on the way home between Port Townsend and Olympia. I did not melt or rust. I'm okay.
Finally, the BAD
And this is nothing bad, but simply thoughts for others to consider.
For the 75th Anniversary get better weather. (But I won't be around)
For the first two days of the ride, I felt very much like an outsider. I don't have the common history and experiences of members, and I recognize that. It wasn't until Bend when someone began
asking me questions, that I felt really included. (PDX peeps excluded here as I have known them for years). It got better. Please reach out more to guests. I think nearly half the riders were guests.
My training as a LEAD (RC) sometimes conflicted with the BRMC. Have been lead/sweep for HOG, PGR, PDX Roadrunners and have worked with LEOs. I really appreciate your faith in me, but I became frustrated with differing expectations. And the rain didn't help.
I was really hoping to get to know more BRMC members. I was disappointed that more were not in attendance. (I know some joined the trip during the northern journey to BC). Seemed that half of us were guests and many perhaps not familiar with group riding skills, riding in inclement weather, or overcoming traffic dilemmas (slow moving RVs that wouldn't pull over). Not sure that there is a good solution for this.
My personal take-away: I nearly canceled the trip entirely due to my own lack of self confidence for another long ride. I am not as strong as I once was; and I wanted to be sure to keep up. My bucket of stamina and endurance isn't quite as full as it was, but I found out that I am perhaps only down a pint and therefore fully functional.. It helped knowing that if I needed help, there was a support system and I wouldn't be left behind. Late life challenges are never easy and I could have taken the easy way out.
The BRMC is a significant outpost in what today, is simply becoming a social media phenomena for connections. We all need to put down the smart phones for a e-mail, FB, Grinder or Recon for a few days. (I am guilty as well) You/we need to be here to support and encourage young new riders and late bloomers as well. Would I do this again? HELL YES, if I can keep my bike up!
Submitted by Blue
Please feel encouraged to contribute something for the next issue. The newsletter is published on the 1st of the month so get your info in by the 20th.
Contributions of Photos & Stories
If you have photos and stories to share, please send to