Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Banquet Recap
February Pictures
Upcoming Events (2 months)
Members Birthday’s
Meet & Greet Update, (Portland, BC, & Seattle)
Reader’s Corner
Day Rides
The latest news regarding rider skill enhancement classes
Officer Reports
The BRMC 2020 Calendar of Events
Non BRMC Motorcycle Events
Request for pictures & closing comments.
Border Riders Motorcycle Club (BRMC) is an organized group of guys who like to ride and camp. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest, with the greatest participation in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver B.C. We have one of the largest memberships of gay clubs in North America. We welcome like-minded guests to come meet us at our monthly Meet & Greets and to join us at one of our club events and our local activities.
Check out our website. We are very proud of it. www.borderriders.com
Banquet Recap (February)
This year, BRMC celebrated its 50th anniversary and the banquet was the big event where it all came together. Held in the beautiful Executive Inn by the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington, 23 members, 31 guests, and 3 honorary members filled up the banquet hall for the festivities. Social time began at 4pm with a stunning dinner buffet served around 6ish. Everyone received a special commemorative BRMC pin recognizing our 50th year.
Honorary Members
Visiting founding member John M (1969)
We were happy that three of our Honorary Members were in attendance this year: Roy S (1976), Ron L (1992), and Scott G (2002). In addition, afterwards, several members went to visit John M (1969), one of our founding members, who unfortunately, was not able to make the trip to the event.
The dinner buffet was a super tasty spread that featured chicken perfectly cooked and roast beast, along with a number of side dishes. Dessert included a celebration BRMC cake along with fancy ice cream dishes.
The awards and recognition portion of the evening was emceed by Tom C. After welcoming comments, a number of announcements and awards were made. The outgoing board was recognized, and the new board members were introduced (pretty much the same guys).
Board Installation
President: Jeff C
Vice President: Alan H
Road Captain: Dennis H
Treasurer: Stan C
Secretary: John D
Rider of the Year
Chris Livingston, for his organization efforts in the 50th anniversary year
High Mileage Award
Richard Ammons for riding the most miles between May and September
50th Anniversary Video
- Dave Jackson, who put together the BRMC story as shared by several current members with their personal testimonies of how and why they got involved. Use this link to see the video online: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K-eMEBonci92uieX26fhhVqxGSfmniYe
Additional video
Dan Sweer, with a humorous short video featuring several riders in various antics.
New Members
Our two newest members were presented their club colors by their sponsors. Be sure to welcome our newest brothers to the club.
- Blue Bickford
- Aaron Martsch
BRMC Group Photo from the Banquet
February Gallery
Photos from members and guests from last month’s rides and adventures.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday 3/4- Portland Meet & Greet @ the Eagle from 7 to 8 pm.
Saturday 3/7 - Day Ride, see our FB page for regional details
Wednesday 3/11 - BC Meet & Greet @ the Met Hotel New Westminster 4 to 6 pm
Wednesday 3/18 - Seattle Meet & Greet @ the Cuff from 7 to 8 pm.
Saturday 3/21 - March Meeting, Seattle from 4 to 8 pm.
Wednesday 4/1- Portland Meet & Greet @ the Eagle from 7 to 8 pm.
Saturday 4/4 - Day Ride, see our FB page for regional details.
Wednesday 4/8 - BC Meet & Greet @ the Met Hotel New Westminster 4 to 6 pm
Wednesday 4/15 - Seattle Meet & Greet @ the Cuff from 7 to 8 pm.
Saturday 4/18 –April Meeting, Oakville, WA from 4 to 8 pm.
Saturday 4/25 – Northwest Motorcycle Classic Vintage Motorcycle Expo, Lynden, WA 10 am to 3pm
Upcoming Birthdays
Five members have a birthdays in March. Take and moment and wish them a great day!
Doug H - 1st
Randy T - 3rd
Joe C - 8th
Dave H - 9th
Pat T - 13th
February Meet & Greets
Portland held the monthly M&G at the Eagle. A special thanks to members Blue & Jeff for being there and to a regular guest Larry B for also making an appearance. Thank you for supporting the club gents.
The Seattle Meet and Greet was well attended with dinner before at The Skillet (slow service, late for the M&G after dinner) followed by a packed crowd at the Cuff and not being able to get a good spot to gather - good weather brings them out from hibernation. Best part of it was we had a Portland guest that got the message and showed up for dinner and the M&G. We’ll take poaching from Portland anytime. Planned ahead to March’s M&G dinner and it will be 2 for 1 tacos at Barrio. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Cuff at 7:00 pm. Be there!
BC M&G ……..
Club Business
The By-Laws Committee held their first meeting on Saturday, 2/15 in the lobby of the hotel where we held the banquet. We got through the typo’s easy enough well, the typos we are permitted to change. The harder part of this project is being research by the committee members individually in preparation of our next meeting to be held at VD.
Meet Our New Members
Aaron M
My name is Aaron M, I’ve been a guest of the BRMC for approximately 6 years. I was introduced to the club through Randy W and his husband Eric L when I lived in Moses lake.
I must admit, I was quite apprehensive about going to Victoria Day that year. I grew up in a rural town in southeast Idaho, in a Christian home, and came out at 37. I was left to my imagination as to what a group of gay bikers would be up to in the middle of the woods. A mutual friend of Randy and Eric’s was supposed to attend so I’d have someone familiar to hang out with (I’m very shy around people I don’t know). Needless to say, he couldn’t make it, so I invited a Grindr date which was a mistake! Mark L can fill you in on the details. :).
I was introduced to several members and felt very accepted by the club. It wasn’t at all what I expected but in other ways it was/is so much more. I was perfectly content to remain a guest but after attending the banquets where Dennis and later Kas became members it sparked the want to become a part of the family.
I started riding when I was 13 moving irrigation pipes on a farm. I took a break for several years where I moved to Federal Way to sing in a Christian metal band. That lasted a few years till I moved back to Idaho and a shiny Suzuki Caught my eye. I bought it and started back up at age 30. My current bike is a 2014 Yamaha Raider which has taken me to Glacier, Yosemite, Crater Lake (2x) and all around the area with BRMC. I am very much looking forward too many more rides with the club in the coming years.
James B “Blue”
My name is James B but I’m known as Blue. I have been a guest since 2011. Along with some of the holiday events, some hosted events, banquets, a couple campouts, & the pride parades, I normally make it to all the local stuff and support Stan C & Jeff B whenever asked.
This year, I participated in the 50th Anniversary Ride & per Stan’s request, lead several legs of that event. I am a regular at the M&G and have even hosted it. I also lead the Portland day rides when a BRMC member isn’t available.
My first ride with BRMC was the “The Bella Coola Ride”. It was during this ride that I gave up camping. My tent leaked for several nights & I couldn’t get it to stop. After that last night, I rolled up the tent and threw it in the dumpster. I’ll get a motel from now on.
Within the gay community, I am considered a “late bloomer”. I didn't start to come out until I was nearly 55, it wasn’t easy. Now, fully out, I couldn't be happier. I stand in front of the mirror & I’m happy with who I am.
I have a daughter and two wonderful grandchildren who mean the world to me. I am still married to my wife who has late/middle stage Alzheimer’s. This is what limits my travel.
Why I want to be a part of BRMC? The BRMC is a significant outpost in today’s digital world for social connection. I believe we need to put down the smart phones for a while. No FB, Grindr, Recon or e-mail.
I believe we need to be available to support and encourage new riders, younger people coming out and late bloomers like myself. I believe we need to be a good role model for the general public as well as for those seeking acceptance, friendship, understanding & guidance.
BRMC is a respected organization. I want to contribute, to be a part of the brotherhood, & I would be honored to have that recognition. I would wear the BRMC patch proudly & I will support the club fully.
After many years of wanting to be a BRMC member, I am honored to be sponsored by my friend and fellow rider Stan C.
Reader’s Corner
A place for you, the reader, member or guest, to contribute.
Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.
To contribute send your story & pictures to President@BorderRiders.com
How many of you know what it means when a helmet is placed behind a motorcycle as it is in this picture?
Until recently, I did not know this meant that a biker is requesting assistance.
I think of the times I have passed a rider on the side of the road and wondered, “Does he need help, does he have help on the way?”
Knowing this, I can get my questions answered by looking for the helmet. On the flip side of the coin, I now know how to request help if I should be sitting on the side of the road with a dead cell phone or no cell reception, and in need of help.
Even if it takes me some distance to get out of traffic, I will go through the effort if I see a helmet placed behind a motorcycle. That could be me some day.
Safe Travels,
Stan C
Day Rides
Portland’s Day Ride - Andrew G took on the task of managing the day ride for February. Due to the weather he opted to go to the See See “1 Motorcycle Show” and had a great time. Thanks for taking care of that Andrew. Portland’s March day ride is YTBD so watch our FB page for information regarding that.
BC’s Day Ride -
Seattle’s Day Ride - A day ride was not held in February. March 7th day ride - weather dependent, watch Facebook for any updates.
For details about this month’s day ride, please visit our Facebook page and seek out details for your area.
Motorcycle Training Opportunities
One of the instructors showing Dale how the S curves are done!
For those of you who were not able to make it to the Advanced Motorcycle Training class we did as part of the Rally, not all is lost.
Team Oregon and I have worked out a deal whereby Team Oregon is going to bring the entire 8-hour class to Portland, and we just purchased the whole thing. No outsiders, just us.
To make the class less physically demanding, Team Oregon has agreed to break the (1) 8-hour class into (2) 4-hour classes. Both classes will happen the same weekend to make it easier on those who will travel into Portland to take the class. The classes will be held in North Portland on August 29th & 30th, 2020.
The 1st class will be held on August 29th from 12:30 to 5:30. This will be slow cornering, u-turns, and weaving. This is what you watch when you watch those police rodeos. I’d love to put together a team to challenge them someday.
The dreaded Cone Weave.
The 2nd class will be on Sunday, August 30th, from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Sunday will wrap up day 1 and move onto group riding and group parking. Yeah, finally we will be able to look like pros when we go out to dinner at the camp-outs.
There are 9 available spots for this class and all spots will go for $200 each. Registration for this event will only be available through the BRMC website. It’ll be just like any other BRMC event only with limited availability. There will be an announcement regarding registration at the meeting prior to any announcement in the newsletter. This will sell out fast so be ready to register as soon as it becomes available.
This class will be in additional to all the other events that will happen in 2020 including the camp out in August.
Also, due to the demand from Seattle and BC, I will try schedule a class of some type, likely a rider review class, to happen in the Seattle area earlier in the summer. I predict people from Portland & BC will converge on Seattle and I expect Seattle people to register en mass. The results, I expect this class in Seattle to fill up very fast as well. I will announce the date for this class in the same manner as I will the Advanced Motorcycle Training class.
BTW, these motorcycle training events I put together are normally not a BRMC sanctioned event. This is just me organizing these classes because I keep getting request for it, I love them, and I learn something every time I go.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about these motorcycle training opportunities, please send me an e-mail and let us chat. Treasurer@BorderRiders.com
From the Handlebars of the President
I would like to start off by thanking the outgoing board for their work and to welcome the new board for 2020. While four of the five board members are the same; we welcome Alan H as Vice President. Dan has served as Vice President for several years and has been very instrumental not only during his terms as Vice President but for several years before that in helping to oversee and organize our annual Victoria Day Weekend Campout. Dan has passed the torch to Alan but I’m sure that Dan will still be involved with Victoria Day. Who but Dan can create and light the campfire on Friday evening?
February saw me making two trips across the border to Canada to pick up supplies for the Gear Store. I went up Thursday evening February 13th for my first run. There were only a couple of cars in front of me at the Truck Crossing, however, the officer didn’t like that I was meeting a fellow motorcycle club member at the gas station just a mile north of border. I got to pay the officers inside a visit and both my truck and myself were searched for drugs and weapons.
Then on Saturday morning of our Anniversary Banquet I made another run across the border. I met Iain and Keith for breakfast and then headed to the Truck Crossing. It was a three-day weekend for Canada as well. The line was backed up to the intersection at 8th Ave. I got in line at 11:05 and finally made it to the booth as 3:45. The officer asked what I had with me and I told him I had shirts and baseball caps for the club. He decided that I was transporting commercial goods and had to go inside to pay the truck crossing fee. It was nearly 6:30 by the time I finally arrived at the Anniversary Banquet. What a day!
Unfortunately, I missed the social time before the banquet, but it was good to see and visit a bit with Ron L from South Carolina, Roy S from Oregon, Scott G from Washington, and Randy H from British Columbia. Vicki C was also at the banquet and was excited to be able to attend the club’s 50th Anniversary Banquet. Unfortunately, our founding member John M and honorary member Ron V couldn’t attend. Chris L did a great job of organizing, planning and decorating for the event. Dave J did a great job on the 50th Anniversary Video. Everyone had a good time.
After the banquet a good number went to Teku Tavern and the following morning gathered for breakfast at the host hotel. Here’s to another 50 years!
I am looking forward to some dry weather for riding.
…… keep the shiny side up!
Vice President Chatter
I want to say “Thank You” to my Brothers for giving me this opportunity to function as VP. I am looking forward to this riding/camping season as well as being able to pull off VD without a hitch! I also want to recognize Dan for his work as a VP and give him a big Shout Out for the work he did over the years in the role, Thank You!
Please, let me know how I can support you as a club member, and as VP. I want to make sure I am there for everyone and the club to continue the work to move us forward.
Get out there and ride!
See you all soon.
Road Captain Rumblings
I’m exited about this year’s outings. A few hiccups on putting them together, and venturing into places we haven’t been recently.
May of course is Pine Flats for the annual big event.
June has a little to be determined with Seattle Pride. Several - opportunities within an hour, have a campsite near North Bend reserved, may be further north in the Mount Vernon area. Opportunities for something like Camp Long in Seattle were too late with decisions. A lot depends on what the outcome for Seattle Pride participation ends up as far as what we do.
July - A private campground about an hour north of Vancouver off 99. For those coming from the south not the distance of a Lillooet or Paul Lake, or the hustles of going to go to Vancouver Island., Should be some fun riding roads in the Whistler area.
August - in the Baker Oregon area. An area we haven’t been to recently and a lot of fun roads. Not the extensive east like Enterprise but mid range that should suit distances for all riders.
September -we try to stick close to the I-5 corridor for weather an daylight reasons. Will be near Concrete Washington, - originally closer to Darrington but got moved. Fun rides for fall colors across the North Cascades, or shorter rides along the South Skagit.
The website will be updated soon with the details of each month.
Treasurer’s Ramblings
Tax season is ramping up & I am about to get busy. I will do my best to keep up but I’m guessing I am about to quickly fall behind on my Treasurer duties. I appreciate my BRMC Brother’s being understanding and I pledge to catch up as soon as things calm down.
Meanwhile, account balances are where I expect them to be. If anyone has a question, comments, or suggestions about anything I am dealing with, please feel encouraged to contact me directly & let us chat.
2020 Calendar of Events
January 18th - Annual General Meeting - Seattle, WA
February 15th - Anniversary Banquet - Seattle, WA
March 21st - Hosted Club Meeting - Michael C home - Seattle, WA
April 18th - Hosted Club Meeting - Dan S home - Oakville, WA
May 15th thru 18th - Victoria Day Camp-out - Pine Flats Campground, Ardenvoir, WA
June 14th - BRMC rides in the Portland Pride Parade (tentatively).
June 26th thru 28th - Camp-out at TBD Campsite (Seattle Area)
June 27th - BRMC Booth at Capitol Hill Pride Festival in Seattle, WA
June 28th - BRMC rides in the Seattle Pride Parade (tentatively)
July 17th thru 19th - Camp-out at Squamish Valley Campground, about an hour north of Vancouver and an hour south of Whistler BC
August 14th thru 16th - Camp-out at Union Creek, near Phillips Lake between Sumpter and Baker Oregon
August 29th & 30th - 2-day Advanced Motorcycle Training in Portland, OR
September 18th thru 20th - Camp-South Grandy Lake by Concrete WA
October 17th - Hosted Club Meeting - TBD Location
November 14th - Hosted Club Meeting - TBD Location
December 12th - Holiday Party - TBD Location
Meet & Greets
BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the cities listed below for your area. Also, in addition to the club's monthly events, local rides may be organized, weather permitting. To lean more about local event’s, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at Captain@BorderRiders.com.
Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle
Vancouver BC Meet & Greet - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster
Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Cuff
Non-BRMC Motorcycle Events
To enter a bike to show or sell or additional information email marcuscc@comcast.net
Contributions of Photos & Stories
If you have photos and stories to share, please send to news@borderriders.com