May 2022 Newsletter


  • Welcome

  • Monthly Recap

  • Monthly Pictures

  • The New Members of 2022

  • Upcoming Events (2 months)

  • Members Birthday’s

  • Meet & Greet Update, (Portland, BC, & Seattle)

  • Club Business

  • Reader’s Corner

  • Day Rides

  • The latest news regarding rider skill enhancement classes

  • Officer Reports

  • The BRMC 2020 Calendar of Events

  • Non BRMC Motorcycle Events

  • Request for pictures & closing comments.


Border Riders Motorcycle Club (BRMC) is an organized group of guys who like to ride and camp. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest, with the greatest participation in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver B.C.  We have one of the largest memberships for gay clubs in North America. We welcome like-minded guests to come meet us at our monthly Meet & Greets and to join us at one of our club events and our local activities.

Check out our website. We are very proud of it.

April Meeting Recap

The April Meeting was graciously hosted by Kas C and Chris M. They welcomed our motley bunch in to their home. For a good hour we all had the opportunity to catch up with one another as we milled around, from room to room, eating Chex Party Mix and Peanuts. The rain was on and off throughout the evening. Groups moving indoors during the downpours, moving outside when it stopped. Ron S. was the only one to ride to the meeting and he has my never-ending respect for that. Six guests, Chris M, Jin Y, David O, & first timers Tom T, Keith C, & David, C joined us for the evening.

We placed our conversations on hold, left our comfy chairs and our chosen standing spots to move into the living room for the meeting. All 25 of us moved to the living room and clamed our new spots.

President, Stan C called the meeting to order. A headcount revealed we had a quorum and after approving the March minutes we approved the updates to the bylaws. There was a brief comment about the website security update which we will continue to monitor.

Vice President Chris L. discussed Victoria Day. People were given the opportunity to participate by sign up for the VD Duty Roster. If you haven't had the chance to sign up, the sheet can be found in the Members section of the website. To limit confusion it's titled "Victoria Day Duty Roster". Food for VD was also discussed.

The price for VD is set at US Member: $160, Canadian Member: $128, US Guest: $170, and Canadian Guest: $136. There will be an Early Bird Special ($10 discount) available online April 28th, 29th, and 30th.

Road Captain Dennis H. discussed the May Convergence Ride, the June campout, and both Portland Pride and Seattle Pride parades. If you haven't registered yet, please do soon.

Treasurer, Alan H. Reported we are balanced.

Kas C brought great news, letting us know that Portland Pride will not be charging us a $200 float fee. There will be a $25 per bike fee. If you haven't done so, go register.

Jeremy W also had fantastic news letting us know we are a go for the Seattle Pride Parade. We will be behind the Women who ride, but we will still be at the front of the parade. This has been a multi-year effort by Jeff C and Jeremy W. Don't let their hard work go in vain. If you haven't signed up yet, you may get all the information here.

Stan C. informed us Team Oregon July classes will close in May and will be open to the general public. If you want to join in, sign up soon. Once they're open to the public, they will go fast.

Todd M. Brought up new business of t-shirts. This discussion will continue at VD.

The meeting adjured and dinner was served, a wonderful meal of Lasagna, Garlic Bread, and Salad. Some members and guests returned to their conversations others sat down to eat.

Thank you again, Kas C and Chris M for welcoming us in to your home. You outdid yourselves.

Upcoming Event

Please do not come to any club event if you are not feeling well.

Starting April 1st, we are back to live, in-person live events, yippee.

  • May 4th - Portland Meet & Greet at the Eagle in Portland from 7:00 to 8:00

    For those wanting to meet for dinner prior to the M&G, we will meet at Tamale Boy, 1764 NE Dekum St at 5:30Pm.

    Yahoo! We are back to in-person M&G’s.

  • May 7th PDX/SEA Convergence Day Ride.

    Portland & Seattle are meeting in Toledo, WA & riding to the top of Mt Saint Helens in formation. This is PDX & SEA Annual Convergence Ride, so mark your calendars and don’t mis out. . . . See below for details.

  • May 18th - Seattle Meet & Greet at the Cuff in Seattle from 7:00 to 8:00

    For those wanting to meet for dinner prior to the M&G we will meet at Manao Thai Street Eats, 1222 E Pine St (Right across from the Cuff) at 6PM .

  • May 20th thru the 22nd - Club Monthly Meeting & the Kickoff to camping season with our annual VD Campout. The most posh campout of the year.

    Finally, it is time to kick-off our camping & riding season, yippee!

    Registration is currently open although the early bird discount has closed. Regular Registration will close on Sunday May 15th.

    MEMBERS, The duty roster is now available in the Members only section of our website. Please find a task you can do to help and contact Chris L so he can show that duty as filled. Chris can be reached by e-mailing VicePresident@BorderRiders.come. Chris will update the Duty Roster ASAP . . . See additional details below.

  • June 1st - Portland Meet & Greet at the Eagle in Portland from 7:00 to 8:00.

    . . . Watch for details in the June newsletter, on our Face-Book Page, or on our Website.

  • June 4th - Local area Day-Rides.

    BC is currently looking for a member to lead the Day-Ride.

    Seattle is currently looking for a members to lead the Day-Ride

    Portland is currently looking for someone to lead the Day-Ride

    . . . Watch for details in the June newsletter, on our Face-Book Page, or on our Website.

  • June 15th - Seattle Meet & Greet in Seattle from 7:00 to 8:00.

    . . Watch for details in the June newsletter, on our Face-Book Page, or on our Website. In June we are going to mix up our Meet and Greet location !!!

  • June 17th thru June 19th - The June Campout at Champoeg State Park, St Paul, OR.

    . . . Watch for details in the June newsletter, on our Face-Book Page, or check out the information on our Website. The website has been updated with the latest information.

  • June 19th - BRMC Rides in the Portland Pride Parade.

    . . . Watch for details in the June newsletter, on our Face-Book Page, or check out the information on our Website. The website has been updated with the latest information.. Registration is required.

  • June 26th - BRMC Rides in the Seattle Pride Parade.

    . . . Watch for details in the June newsletter, on our Face-Book Page, or check out the information on our Website. The website has been updated with the latest information. Registration may be required.

Upcoming Birthdays

We have 4 member(s) with a birthday in May. Be sure and help us make them feel special.

  • Roy S - May 4th

  • Kas C - May 11th

  • Jeff C - May 16th

  • Michael C - May 27th

New, Old &/or Updating Club Business

BRMC Rides in the Portland Parade Once Again.

Stan C & Kas C have been successful at getting us a coveted spot in the Portland Pride Parade 2022. This is happening on the same weekend as the June Campout at Champoeg State Heritage Park just 30 minutes south of Portland. The dates for this campout are June 20th, 21st, & 22nd with the parade being on Sunday the 22nd.

Anyone who wants to ride in the parade will need to register themselves and pay the $25 registration fee. You can go to the following link & get that done today. Portland Parade Registration Please send Stan & Kas a text once you have registered so we will know how many to expect.

Road Captain Dennis is planning a special day-ride for that Saturday & it’ll be something like we’ve never done before, so polish your boots, & clean your cut gents, it’s time to shine.

But Wait, there’s more!

Riding in the Seattle Pride has been SECURED!.

A huge thank you to Jeff C & Jeremy W for making this happen. Thanks guys!

A couple minor details are still being worked out but this is what we know. Seattle Pride is scheduled to happen on Sunday, June 26th & all motorcycles will kickoff the ceremony. To register, go to the following link. Seattle Pride Registration Don’t be surprised if you are required to show your DL, MC Registration, Prof of Insurance when you show up to the parade staging area.

We will update our website as information becomes available so keep checking the website to stay informed.

By-Laws Update

APPROVED - The updated By-Laws was approved by members at the April Meeting. The new By-Laws addressed the issue of various grammatical correction, formatting, clearer language & government agency compliance issues. The updated By-Laws has been posted to the members only section of the website. The By-Laws Committee that did the work on this update has thus dissolved and is no longer active. A big thanks to Marc L, Tom C, & Stan C for their attention to details, and for doing the research needed to bring us into compliance.

NEXT - We are establishing a new By-Laws Committee to investigate the idea of a new category of membership that is not required to ride. The intent for this new committee is to address the issue of valued members, who for personal reasons are thinking about, or have stopped riding yet want to continue to be an active members with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of any other active member.

This new committee and it’s body of participants will be announced at the VD Campout. If you are interested is serving on this committee, please contact Stan C so he can add your name to the list. You can reach him by e-mailing him at If interested, we are asking you to commit a couple hours a month beginning in June and lasting until the 2023 AGM.

Meet & Greets

Portland M&G - Portland’s April M&G was unattended. Let’s hope for a better turnout in May.

BC M&G - We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Stan C know if you are willing do this.

Seattle’s M&G - 4 members showed for the April M&G, we’ll be doing the May one as normal. In June we’re venturing out for our M&G - details to follow.

Reader’s Corner

A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.

Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.

To contribute, send your story & pictures to

April Day Rides

BC’s Day Ride

There was no BC day-ride in Mach.

Seattle’s Day Ride

The Washington area had a great group ride April 2nd led by Richard through the Skagit and Whatcom County areas. 4 Seattle riders met up in Northgate for the boring I-5 to Chris and Richard’s place. A wonderful breakfast was provided by Chris before we headed out – this was the third day ride where we’ve had breakfast hosted by a club member. It’s great, no worries about offending other patrons of where we’re having breakfast, and you know how we can be.

After breakfast the excitement began, though John had to head home for puppy duties and missed out on the fun. Chris ran out of gas on the way to the gas station which necessitated another rider going to get a gas can for him. That ended up with a bike off the road in the mud because of how slippery it can be where the sun don’t shine.

After that it was strolling through winding backroads including the Mosquito Lake Road with a stretch at the bridge that was built in 1915 across the Nooksak (Nutsack according to local historian Chris). Next stop was Everson for a little snack and break. From there wound over to Chuckanut Drive – and I have to say most enjoyable ride on that road as not summer traffic. We stopped at a viewpoint along Chuckanut and said our good-byes. It was a very enjoyable day of cool spring riding with the southern most riders at 275 miles for the day.

Portland’s Day Ride

Border Riders Portland Day Ride April 2, 2022

It was a cold and drizzly start to the day but the weather turned out to be great for riding.  Four riders showed up for breakfast at the truck stop; Mark B., Dave J.  Jin Y. and Andrew G.  The planned route was to tour the mountain roads west of Portland, but Andrew G. knew the roads better than any of us and took over the ride; thank you Andrew!  

There was an unfortunate blip in the start as Jin’s helmet was stolen off his bike.  Andrew saved the day by making a quick trip back to his house where he had an extra helmet he did not need anymore. Again, big thanks to Andrew!

From the truck stop, we went to St. Johns and road over the bridge; always a great way to get over the Willamette River.  Turning north, we took hwy 30 to Scappoose, then turned northwest to Mist before turning west to Jewell.  These are great winding mountain roads for a nice, leisurely ride.  We then made our way to Elsie for a quick stop, only to find that place had burned down. 

From there, we back tracked a little to hwy 26 to make our way back into the Portland area.  Since Dave J. and Mark B. live south of Portland, they split off at Banks.

It was a great day for a ride, though there were only a few of us, we had a great time and it was good to see the guys on their bikes again.

Mark B

Gear Store (Done)

The Gear Store will be at the VD Campout. Come prepared (cash or check) and freshen up your BRMC Apparel. If there is anything you want from the gear store, contact Chris L via Rumor has it, Chris is pretty easy to work with.

May Day-Rides “PDX/SEA Annual Convergence Ride”

  • Seattle area Day-Ride

For those wanting to ride to Toledo as a group form the north we will meet at Unique Bakery in Tacoma (925 Market St) for coffee and pastries at 8:45. Kickstands up at 9:15 with enough gas to get to Toledo. Route to Toledo will mostly be off I-5 with a choice of a route to the east or west of I-5. We’ll meet up with the southern boys at Donna’s Place - 112 Ramsey Way, Toledo at 11:30 for lunch. After lunch we will ride with the Portland contingent up the mountain and back down to where we say our good-byes and then I-5 back to our respective homes. Be prepared for a full day!

  • Portland area Day-Ride

On Saturday May 7th, Portland area riders will meet at Bernstein’s Bagels - 816 N Russell St, Portland, OR 97227 at 8:30 for breakfast. For those not able to attend this event, you are still welcome to join us for breakfast.

There will be a 5-minute briefing about group riding before we leave. Please be present as I will introduce some material that will likely be new to everyone. KSU will be 9:15.

We will cross the Willamette on the I-405 bridge and begin our ride north.

We will ride OR-30 to Longview, WA (53 miles & 1 hour).

From Longview we will ride WA-411 to Vader, WA (34 miles & 0:30).

Will ride past Vader, taking WA-506 to I-5, to Toledo Vader Rd, and onto Toledo, WA (12 miles & 0:15).

The pace for this ride will be speed to speed + 5 with maybe a little play time.

We will meet up with Seattle at Donna’s Place – 112 Ramsey Way, Toledo, WA 98591 at 11:30.

The totals for this leg of the journey will be about 90 miles & about 2 hours. You should arrive to Bernstein’s Bagels with enough fuel & leave with enough bladder space that you can do this 2-hour ride without stopping. If I can find a place along the way to take a quick pee break, I will, but I make no promises.

We will take a lunch break (about 90 minutes) at Donna’s Place before riding WA-405 up to the Mt Saint National Volcanic Monument (50 miles & 1:00 Hour). KSU will be between 12:30 and 1:00. We will ride as one group up the mountain.

We will refuel before we leave Toledo, WA. You should fill up as this will be the only fuel stop for the day.

We will ride as 1 group back down the mountain until the Road Captain finds a suitable place for us to take a break and say our goodbyes. The Portland riders will head to I-5 & take I-5 south. We will continue heading south on I-205. I expect riders will break away as we near their individual exits. The remaining riders will take a final break and say our goodbyes in Oregon City. The journey from Mt Saint Helens to Oregon City is 2:00 saddle time & 88 miles. The pace for the ride home will be Speed to Speed + 10, most of the time. 😊

I guesstimate the ETA back to Oregon City will be between 5:00 & 6:00. This will be a long day for some riders so please be well rested and arrive prepared with snacks, water & whatever else you might need for a full day.

These convergence rides are a ton of fun and I can’t wait. If any Portland riders have any questions, comments, or concerns about this ride, please contact Stan at

2022 Victoria Day Campout

The Details

Since COVID has kept us from getting together as much as we normally do, we are expecting a good turnout this year. It’ll be a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and we look forward to seeing each and every one of you at the 2022 VD Campout. The dates are May 20th, 21st, & 22nd.

BRMC has been hosting the kickoff to riding season with The Victoria Day Campout for decades. This year, as we have for many years past, the celebration will be held at the US Forest Service Pine Flats Campground near Ardenvoir, Washington.  This is a favorite site of ours & a wonderful base-camp for day rides throughout the central Washington area.

Once again, we will truck in a full kitchen & provide breakfast or dinner on Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night, & Sunday morning. These meals, the firewood (if allowed) , and your campsite are included in your registration fee.

Chris will bring his Corn-Hole game and people normally bring their favorite board game and various cards games to share. Road Captain Dennis is putting together some optional day rides through this area & I heard a rumor that Tom C is putting together a special “Adventure Bike Day Ride” for those who prefer that style of riding. There will also be the annual “New Bike Christening” for those who wish to participate.

This event does welcome all vehicles so feel encouraged to invite your non-riding relatives & friends (sponsor required) or have one of our support vehicles bring that posh tent that is too large for your bike. While cages are allowed at this campout (please, no RV’s). While we do allow for cages at this campout, we are a motorcycle club & hope to see bikers on bikes. Before I forget, this is also a no-pets’ event, sorry.

The event officially opens on Friday the 20th. We know many of you like to arrive on Thursday and help set-up, “Thank you in advance“. For those of you who will arrive Thursday and help set-up, we will start unloading the storage locker at 11:00 am. We hope this early start will allow many of you to stop by & support this crew before heading out to the campsite. The address for the storage locker is S&S Mini Storage - 14909 Hwy 97-A - Entiat, WA 98822. If the gate is closed when you arrive, blow your horn & someone will open the gate for you.

For the price conscious attendees, the Early Bird Registration will allow for a $10 discount. The Early Bird Registration opened on Thursday April 28th at 8:00 am & will close at Midnight on Saturday April 30th. The Regular Registration will open on Sunday, May 1st at 8:00 am & will close at midnight on Sunday May 15th. The regular registration fee this year will be $160 for US Members, $128 for Canadian Members, $170 for US Guest (sponsor required), & $136 for Canadian Guests (sponsor required).

The Menu

Friday Night Dinner

Beef & veggie burgers (assorted condiment), bratwurst, assorted chips, coleslaw, cookies, soda, & bottles water.

Saturday Morning Breakfast

Scrambled eggs, Sausage, bacon Country potatoes, fresh fruit salad, granola with milk, OJ, Apple Juice, cranberry juice, coffee, tea, cocoa, & hot cider.

Saturday Night Dinner

NY Steak with sauteed mushrooms, boneless skinless chicken breast, grilled rosemary & garlic roasted red potatoes, grilled mixed fresh vegetables, Caesar salad, dinner rolls & butter, cake, soda, & bottled water.

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Breakfast burrito & a continental breakfast with pastries, muffins, granola with milk, OJ, Apple Juice, cranberry juice, coffee, tea, cocoa, hot cider, & bla-bla-bla.

The Duty Roster

The VD Team has put together the duty roster and have streamlined this to minimize the number of shifts needed. The sign-up sheet can be found in the members only section of our website. Contact Chris L to sign up for a duty.

Support Vehicles

BC’s Support Vehicle - Due to the border crossing, BC does not normally have a support vehicle.

Seattle’s Support Vehicle for VD will be Chris L. Chris will make himself available near Seattle on Wednesday the 11th of May. Contact Chris at a couple days before to find out where to take your gear..

Portland’s Support Vehicle for VD will be Stan C. Stan will make himself available near Portland on Sunday the 15th of May. Contact Stan at a couple days before to find out where to take your gear.

2022 Advanced Motorcycle Training

Team Oregon 2002 Schedule

Date of Class Name of Class Time of Class from/to Cost of Class Location
July 9th, 2022
Road Riding Tctics 8:00 to 12:30 $100 Linn Benton CC
Albany, OR
July 9th, 2022
Braking Clinic 1:30 to 4:00 Sold Out Linn Benton CC
Albany, OR
July 10th, 2022
Road Riding Tactics 8:00 to 12:30 Sold Out Linn Benton CC
Albany, OR
July 10th, 2022
Braking Clinic 1:30 to 4:00 $80 Linn Benton CC
Albany, OR
August 15th, 2022
Cornering Clinic 9:00 to 11:30 $80 Pat's Acres
Canby, OR
August 15th, 2022
Advanced Riding
12:30 to 4:30 $180 Pat's Acres
Canby, OR
October 1st, 2022
Precision Maneuvering
Clinic Part 1
10:00 to 2:30 Sold Out Mt. Hood CC
Troutdale, OR
October 2nd, 2022
Precision Maneuvering
Clinic Part 2
10:00 to 2:30 Sold Out Mt. Hood CC
Troutdale, OR

Registration for the July classes has been closed. You can go to the Team Oregon website and register there however, these classes are open to the public now and will go fast. Registration for the August classes will close on May 15th. The October classes have sold out.

If you’d like to be placed on a waiting list for one of the “Sold Out” classes, contact Stan at

Registration Process

For the 2022 Advanced Motorcycle Training, the registration & payment process will be handled through the BRMC Website until released to the public as just stated. At that point, you will need to go to their website to register.

The Schedule

Saturday July 9th & Sunday July 10th is the Road Riding Tactics in Albany, OR. I scheduled 2 of these classes because I expect them to fill up quickly. The RRT will run from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm on both Saturday & Sunday (Sunday is SOLD OUT). The fee for this class will be $100. This is a new class for 2022 & replaces the RSP which many of us have already taken. The RRT is designed to help us work off the cobwebs from a long winter of limited to no riding. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.

Alan & I are taking this class on Sunday so the group ride to this class will leave our house at 7:00am on Sunday the 10th.

Saturday July 9th & Sunday July 10th is also the Braking Clinic in Albany, OR. The BC will follow the RRT on both days & will run from 1:30 to 4:00 pm (Saturday is SOLD OUT). The fee for this class will be $80. A group of us did this class in 2021 and agreed it was the single most important class for day-to-day riding that we have taken. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.

Alan & I are taking this class on Saturday the 9th.  The group ride to this class has not been figured out as it will likely include a late breakfast and a day ride on the way to the class. If you register for this class, Stan will make sure you are kept informed.

Monday August 15th is the Cornering Clinic at Pat’s Acres in Canby OR. The CC will run from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The fee for this class is $80. This class enhances our ability to line up multiple corners for smoother transitions and faster cornering. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.

 The group ride to this class will leave Stan & Alan’s house at 8:00 am.

Monday August 15th is also the Advanced Riding Techniques at Pat’s Acres in Canby, OR. The ART will follow the CC & will run from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The fee for this class is $180. You will need to attend a 2-hour online classroom discussion before taking this class. This online class will be made available the week prior to the class as a webinar. The online class includes lessons on risk management, crash causation, judgment and impairments, braking, cornering, swerving, transitions, and traction. This class is a favorite among the guys who have taken these classes. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.

Saturday October 1st is the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #1. Sold Out - The group ride to this class will leave Stan & Alan’s house at 9:00 am. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information about this class.

Sunday October 2nd is the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #2. Sold Out - The group ride for this class will leave Stan & Alan’s house at 9:00 am. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information about this class.

Refund Process & Schedule

To receive a refund for a Team Oregon class, e-mail me, Stan C at & CC the president at You will need to state specifically which class (name, date, & time) you are requesting a refund for.

To receive a refund for the classes happening in July, you must notify and receive a confirmation from Stan C before April 15th, 2022. Closed

To receive a refund for the classes happening in August, you must notify and receive a confirmation from Stan C before May 15th, 2022.

To receive a refund for the classes happening in October, you must notify and receive a confirmation from Stan C before July 15th, 2022.


If you have any questions regarding the 2022 Motorcycle Advanced Training Program, contact Stan via e-mail

From the Handlebars of the President

I am struggling to find the words to adequately convey how excited I am that we can finally get back to some normalcy which means, a VD Campout party to kickoff camping season. “Can you believe this? Yahoo! I’m so excited, Bounce Bounce Bounce”.

The VD Team is ahead of schedule & are working hard to put together an event that will rival all previous VD Campouts. I look forward to seeing what they end up with and I hope you will join in on the festivities.

…… “Let’s get this party started."

Stan C

2022 President

Vice President Chatter


The plans for VD are done and I am ready to get started. The duty roster is in the members only section of our website & I still need help making all this happen. Please contact me with your choses duty ASAP.

Thank-you all and have a great day.

Chris L

2022 Vice President

Road Captain Rumblings

We’ve had a few good day rides this year already. Everyone put their collective prayers, dances or whatever spirits you can coerce into insuring we have dry, not too hot, not too cold, not to windy 1st and 3rd weekends of the month now through September and lets have a great year of riding !

Dennis H

2022 Road Captain

Treasurer’s Ramblings

All bills I am aware of have been paid. All our accounts are balanced, and are where I expect them to be. Briefly stated, “Piggy Bank Be Balanced”.

Please feel encouraged to reach out to me if you have any questions. Otherwise, stay safe, stay healthy and I look forward to seeing everyone soon.


Alan H

2022 Treasurer

Secretary Thoughts

April has been a busy month on several fronts, so I haven’t much to report. Other than, I am really looking forward to seeing everyone at the VD Campout. It’s been too long !

The minutes from the April meeting have been posted in the members only section of our website. Please review them and be ready to approve, or not, at the May meeting.

Tom C

2022 Secretary

2022 Calendar of Events

  • March 19th - Club Meeting - Virtual

  • April 16th - Club Meeting - hosted by Kas C in Vancouver, WA

  • May 20th thru 23rd - Victoria Day Camp-out, Pine Flats Campground, Ardenvoir, WA

  • June 17th thru 19th - Camp-out, Champoeg State Heritage Area. St. Paul, Oregon

  • July 9th & 10th - Team OR Road Riding Tactics & Braking Clinic.

  • July 15th thru 17th - Camp-out, Lost Lake Group Campground near Tonasket. WA

  • August 15th - Team OR Cornering Clinic & Advance Rider Training.

  • August 19th thru 20th - Camp-out, Squamish, BC.

  • September 16th thru 18th - Camp-out, Maryhill State Park, Goldendale, WA

  • October 1st & 2nd - Team OR Precision Maneuvering Clinic #1 & #2.

  • October 15th - Club Meeting - TBD

  • November 19th - Club Meeting - TBD

  • December 10th - Club Holiday Party - TBD

Meet & Greets

(M&G’s go live starting with Portland’s April M&G.)

BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minutes details pr changes.

Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle.

Vancouver BC Meet & Greet (tentative - Watch FB) - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster.

Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Cuff

Member & Guest Day-Rides

In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minutes details or changes.

To lean more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at

Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.

Non-BRMC Motorcycle Events

See/See “The One Motorcycle Show”

Finally, things are starting to happen. I have been to this show once and the custom bikes on display are very unique and a the craftmanship is noticeable. This show will run from April 29th through May 1st & is in Portland. Blue has posted about this on our Fb page so if you are interested in going, post a comment there and if there is enough interest maybe we can go as a group.

Contributions of Photos & Stories

If you have photos and stories to share, please send to