November 2022 Newsletter


  • Welcome

  • Monthly Recap (Guest Author)

  • Monthly Gallery

  • September’s M&G Report (Portland, BC, & Seattle)

  • Upcoming Events (2-Months)

  • This Month’s Birthdays

  • Club Business

  • Reader’s Corner

  • September Day Rides

  • Gear Store Update

  • Upcoming Meeting Detail

  • Motorcycle Classes

  • Officer Reports

  • The BRMC 2020 Calendar of Events

  • Non BRMC Motorcycle Events

  • October Meet & Greet Details

  • Request for pictures & closing comments.


Border Riders Motorcycle Club (BRMC) is an organized group of guys who like to ride and camp. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest, with the greatest participation in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver B.C.  We have one of the largest memberships for gay clubs in North America. We welcome like-minded guests to come meet us at our monthly Meet & Greets and/or one of our Day-Rides.

Check out our website. We are very proud of it.

Border Riders October Meeting

October Recap by “Prospect” Lance D

Before we get into the official recap, the board wants to thank Jeremy for hosting the October Meeting and Anas for helping Jeremy make it a wonderful event. The food was wonderful & you have the perfect house for hosting these meetings Jeremy, Thank you.

As motorcyclists we know when to shift gears, hopefully. This month the club did just that as the PNW weather isn’t conducive to camping, for most people. So, the club has shifted from camping to hosted events that provide shelter from the elements. Jeremy with the help of Anas, graciously opened his up his home in Kent, WA for the gathering.

The evening followed the tried-and-true format of social time, club meeting, food and closed with more socialization. The turnout seemed solid with members from Washington and Oregon well represented although I don’t recall anybody from BC. Attendees braved the smoke from wildfires and either drove or rode to Kent, WA. I was surprised at how many bikes made the journey, thanks to those who rode and kept the feel of this being a motorcycle club.

This club never disappoints me. While we are all motorcycle enthusiasts with a certain interest in camping, I think it is the social bonds that really make the magic. During the first hour there was a wonderful ebb and flow to the social interactions. People moving from group to group, multiple conversations going as friends caught up with one another. There was a palpable camaraderie amongst everyone. The banter of good friends was ever present.

The club was able to not only hold its monthly meeting but there were also enough members present to form a quorum. There was a lot of business that was discussed, conversations regarding next year’s camping spots, board reports were made, board member nominations were made and there was even mention of a potential new member made by a club sponsor (thanks Chris)! There are dozens of details that must be managed to keep this club going, thanks to the board members for their efforts.

Jeremy and Anas put on a fine dinner spread. There always seems to be a lull in the volume when the BRMC has food in front of them. Again, something that struck me was that even as we were eating it was clear that yet again people shifted with whom there were interacting. I didn’t see anybody left out. As humans we may need to eat, but clearly brotherhood counts for something also.

The evening ended with more chitter chat amongst friends until they said their goodbyes and headed out. It was a solid gathering and reaffirmed my choice in applying for membership.

Monthly Gallery

Photos from members and guests from last month’s rides and adventures (or stolen from Facebook pages due to a lack of submissions).

October Meet & Greets

Portland M&G - Portland’s M&G was hosted by Stan C. We went to Popeye’s Chicken for dinner and relocated tot he Eagle for a social hour. Blue B, Larry B, & a new guest who swung by to learn about the club.. It was great getting to see everyone.

BC M&G - We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Stan know if you are willing do this.

Seattle’s M&G - No Report Available

Upcoming Events

Please do not come to any club event if you are not feeling well.

  • November 2nd - PDX Meet & Greet

    • Nov 2nd - Portland Meet & Greet at the Eagle from 6:00 to 8:00. Meet at the Drunken Noodle, 5907 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97203 at 5:30 for dinner.

  • November 5th - Portland, Seattle, & BC Day Rides

    • We will wait until Thursday (11/3) to decide on a day ride due to the constantly changing weather.

    • . . . Watch our FB page for last minute changes or details.

  • November 9th - The BC Meet & Greet

    • There will be no M&G in BC due to lack of an available host.

  • November 16th - The SEA Meet & Greet

    • Nov 16th - Seattle Meet and Greet at Smarty Pants, 6017 Airport Way S Seattle, WA 98108. From 6:00 to 8:00. We'll have dinner there.

  • November 19th - BRMC Hosted November Meeting

    • The November Meeting is being hosted in Bremerton, WA by Todd M.

    • . . . See details below.

  • December 3rd - Portland, Seattle, & BC Day Rides

    • We will wait until Thursday (12/1) to decide on a day ride due to the constantly changing weather.

    • . . . Watch our FB page for last minute changes or details.

  • December 10th - BRMC Holiday Party Hosted by Chris L & Richard A in Bow Hill, WA

    • Details will appear in the December Meeting.

    • . . . Watch our FB page for last minute changes or details.

A Brothers Birthday

We have 1 member with a birthday in November. Be sure and help us make him feel special.

  • November 13th - Don W

Club Business

Board Nominations

As most of you are aware, board nomination are done at the October, November and December meetings with the elections held at the Annual General Membership meeting in January. Please give some thought as to your ability to serve your fellow club members by serving for a term on the board. Each board position is for a term of one year. For additional information about serving on the board, please contact the current board President.

Nominations at the October Meeting are;

President - Stan C

Vice President - Dennis H

Road Captain - Todd M

Secretary - Justin W

Treasurer - Tom C

Membership Nomination

Guests that are interested in becoming a BRMC member, must be sponsored & nominated for membership by a charter, active or disabled member. Interested guests are encouraged to ride with the club & be coached by said sponsor for a year before being nominated for membership. An interested guest should use this time to get to know the rules & culture of the club as well as the members who will be asked to vote on their membership.

Guests that are interested in becoming a BRMC member should reach out to a current club member and inquire about sponsorship. An interested guest may want to reach out to more than one member before deciding on a suitable sponsor.

A motion to nominate someone for membership must be made timely, at a club meeting, by the sponsor. Again, the election for a new member will occur at an Annual General Membership meeting normally held in January.

For additional information about becoming a member or sponsoring a guest for membership, please contact the current board president.

By-Laws Update

We have established a new By-Laws Committee to investigate the idea of a new category for current members that are not required to ride. The intent for this new committee is to address the issue of valued members, who for personal reasons are thinking about, or have stopped riding yet want to continue to be an active, contributing member with all the same rights, privileges and responsibilities of any other active member.

We have made available a “Draft By-Laws Sept 22” in the Members Only Section of our web-site for you to review. We discussed these changes at these changes at the October Meeting. No changes were requested at this meeting so the draft stands unchanged. Be ready to vote on the New By-Laws at the AGM.

This new committee is made up of Jeff B, Tom C, Richard A, & Blue B. We thank you gents for donating your expertise and your time regarding this matter.

Reader’s Corner

A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.

Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.

To contribute, send your story & pictures to

Falling Down and Letting it go

By Todd McN

It doesn't matter who you are, how great at riding you are, or how proficient and skilled you are. At some point you will drop your motorcycle. It shouldn't come as any surprise. It's the nature of the vehicle. It is a large mass, 400-900lbs not including the rider, with an unrealistically high center of gravity balanced on two rounded wheels. They tend to go over easily.

I've had my Thruxton on it's side 4 times now.

Once while taking it off the rear paddock stand after changing the oil. I lifted the kick stand for some reason during maintenance. When I let the bike down, it didn't stop.

Once while on a gravel road I came to a stop sideways on an incline. I put my foot down and was surprised when there was nothing there to meet my foot.

Once while practicing slow maneuvers in a parking lot in the Portland Metro area. I've written about this adventure previously within the pages of this illustrious newsletter.

Once, as pictured above at the Precision Motorcycle Training Day II, 2022.

This last drop had me thinking about the act of dropping your bike. The physicality, the psychology. The cost...

There's a moment when you feel the bike lean a little too far. The moment when you realize you've crossed that invisible line. If you're quick and your bike hasn't gone too far, you may be able to catch it. You do risk ankle, foot, or leg injury, but you may be able to pull the fall from the fire. It's worked for me in the past but there are times when it hasn't. That's the point you realize the weight of this machine you're straddling. The sheer heft of it. So nimble and sturdy under power, so gangly and awkward when breaching the point of no return.

There's also a mental hurdle when dropping your bike. There's a bit of panic as the bike tips too far. You try to save it, then realize you can't. You hope no one sees, then realize everyone did. You worry this is a physical commentary on your motorcycle riding skills. That you will be judged by your peers when all they truly have is concern. I think this is the largest hurdle. The bike hits the hard blacktop. You hear a chorus of crunches and scrapes.

Motorcycling is an activity most of us learned from our peers. Halfhearted rules mentioned by friends. Points of fact or fiction you have filed away in the back of your brain. "You never want to use the front brake; the wheel will slide out." "You should always use your front brake; it's the majority of your stopping power." It's left up to you, the rider, to figure out what works best. Which one you are going to believe. This all plays into the psychology of dropping your bike as commentary on your riding skills.

This leads me to the third concern. Cost. These machines are expensive. Let's face it, as Americans, they are a way we communicate our personalities to a 75mph world. If that personality has a dent in the tank, a scraped-up mirror, or a bent shifter, what does that say to the world about us? There's a need to keep your bike in top working order, but there is also an underlying need to hide examples of our failings even if they don't compromise the safe operation of the motorcycle.

Don’t get me wrong. I have no desire to crash my bike, but I have started to look at the dings and scratches not as a failing but as a badge of honor. There are plenty of examples of pristine motorcycles of a recent vintage on the used market. There's almost a point of pride from some sellers. "It's in showroom condition." They'll say, "less than 2000 miles!!!". "...never seen a drop of rain". To me this is more telling on a rider's skill than a scratch in the paint or a replaced mirror.

Lately I've been looking at my Triumph. I see the scrapes and bent shifter, the chain gear that's getting worn, the mirrors that aren't stock, I see this all as a comment on my skills. My willingness to try new things, my need to learn more. A motorcycle that's led an interesting life and me, the motorcyclist who's been lucky enough to have been there for the ride.

October Day Rides

BC’s Day Ride

There was no BC day-ride in September.

Seattle’s Day Ride

There was no Day Ride in October.

Portland’s Day Ride

There was no Day Ride in October.

Gear Store

The Gear Store is closed until the 2023 Banquet. We are taking this opportunity to seek new items to spruce up the gear store. If you know of any gear we once had that you’d like to see us bring back, or new items you’d like to see us make available, contact our VP Chris L.

November Meeting Details

The Details

Todd McN will be hosting the November meeting at his home he shares with his husband, Christian B, Two Dogs and a cat. The fee base is $25 and registration is open.

Q: What do I get for my Jackson and Lincoln?

A: Besides the camaraderie of your fellow BRMC members and guests, you'll get the full Thanksgiving spread!

The menu is as follows

  • Salad

  • Rosted Turkey

  • Chestnut Stuffing

  • Garlic Mashed Potatoes

  • Homemade gravy

  • Peas and carrots

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Fresh Homemade Baguettes

Q: But what if I'm a vegetarian?

A: We'll provide a Portobello Mushroom Wellington as a vegetarian main.

Q: But will there be pie?

A: Yes.

We hope to see you all there. There will be assorted drinks available but feel encouraged to bring your own.

Todd has all the help he needs. The social hour will begin at 4:00, but feel free to swing by earlier if you would like to hang out. The dogs will be taken to the neighbor’s house at 4:30. The cat will just ignore you.

Advanced Motorcycle Training

The Advanced Training for 2022 has come to a close. BRMC & Team OR took to the range one final time for 2022. We worked on our Precision Maneuvering Skills. Those tight U-Turns, quick braking, some stop & go rehearsals, & various combinations of them all topped of a wonderful weekend of motorcycling & camaraderie. Our skills always advance greatly in this class and this weekend was no exception.

The only oops for the weekend was Saturday morning, We were in the front yard doing various things to our bikes when I (Stan) got a call asking where we were. The class starts in 2 minutes, OOPS! I somehow got my wires crossed and had next years starting time in my phone for Saturday. A mad-dash to get on the road and to the class made for a stressful beginning to this event.. The tress seemed to subside once we got on the range but I still feel bad about it. Sorry gents!

Moving on, I did find a “Civilian” version of the police rodeo that I thought would be fun to enter. Too bad it is in Virginia.

The 2023 schedule is tentative and I will post it as soon as I get a confirmation from Team OR. The one thing different for 2023 is that all the classes will happen on the same weekend. You will pick and choose which skills you want to work on & take that corresponding class. This way, we all can be a part of the weekends activities regardless of our skill level and what classes you take. This should allow for more people to participate at various levels with the same excitement & enthusiasm.


If you have any questions regarding the 2022 or 2023 Motorcycle Advanced Training Program, contact Stan at

If you aren’t sure which class is right for you, Contact Stan for this too as he has taken almost all their classes and can help you decide which class is right for you.

From the Handlebars of the President

With the riding season mostly done for the year, we need to focus our attention on wrapping up 2022 & bringing in 2023. If anyone has a question, comment, or suggestion regarding these 2 years, let’s chat at the upcoming November meeting. I would love hear your thoughts.

I hope to see you all at the November meeting.

Stan C

2022 President

Vice President Chatter

My term as VP is almost over and it has been very uneventful. I thank you all for behaving.

It was wonderful seeing everyone at the October Meeting.

I hope to see you all at the November Meeting.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone stays safe and are enjoying the last few days of riding weather..

Chris L

2022 Vice President

Road Captain Rumblings

Dennis H

2022 Road Captain

Treasurer’s Ramblings

All the bills I am aware of have been paid, & all receivables have been collected. Our accounts are balanced, and are where I expect them to be. Briefly stated, “Piggy Bank Be Balanced”.

Please feel encouraged to reach out to me if you have any questions. Otherwise, stay safe, stay healthy and I look forward to seeing everyone soon.


Alan H

2022 Treasurer

Secretary Thoughts

Oh boy, does life ever slow down?

The October Meeting Minutes have been posted. Be ready to vote to approve them, or not, at the November Meeting.

See you all real soon.

Tom C

2022 Secretary

2022 Calendar of Events

  • November 19th - Club Meeting - Hosted by Todd M. near Bremerton, WA (New Location)

  • December 10th - Club Holiday Party - Hosted by Chris & Richard near Burlington, WA

2023 Calendar of Events

  • January 21st - AGM in Seattle, WA - Location YTBD

  • February 18th - Banquet in Portland, OR - Location YTBD

  • March 18th - Club Meeting - Hosted by Jeff B.

  • April 15th - Club Meeting, - hosted by Kas C.

  • May 19th thru 21st - Victoria Day Campout at Pine Flats near Entiat, WA

  • June 16th thru 18th - June Campout - Location YTBD

  • August 18th thru 20th - August Campout - Location YTBD

  • September 9th thru 11th - Team OR & BRMC Advance Training Weekend (Tentative Dates)

    • Saturday afternoon will be the PMC 1 (Police Rodeo part 1)

    • Sunday morning will be the PMC 2 (Police Rodeo part 2)

    • Monday morning will be the Cornering Clinic (Go-Cart Track)

    • Monday afternoon will be the Highway Braking Clinic (Race Track)

  • September 15th thru 17th - September Campout - Location YTBD

  • October 21st - Club Meeting - we are looking for a host.

  • November 18th - Club Meeting - we are looking for a host.

  • December 9th - Holiday Party - we are looking for a host.

Monthly Meet & Greets

BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minutes details pr changes.

Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle.

Vancouver BC Meet & Greet (tentative - Watch FB) - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster. (Canceled until further notice.)

Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at someplace new. Watch the newsletter, website or Facebook for exact location.

Member & Guest Day-Rides

In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minutes details or changes.

To learn more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at

Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.

Non-BRMC Motorcycle Events

If you know of anything that we might want to post here, please let is know at

Contributions of Photos & Stories

Please feel encouraged to send us your photo’s of our activities to

Also, if you do anything interesting outside the club, we’d love to hear about it. Send us a short story with some photo’s and we will try get it into the next newsletter. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related to be interesting. We are very diverse.

If you have photos and stories to share, please send to