Mothly Recap (Guest Author)
Monthly Gallery
M&G Report (Portland, BC, & Seattle)
Upcoming Events (2-Months)
This Month’s Birthdays
Club Business
Reader’s Corner
Day Rides
Gear Store Update
Upcoming Meeting Detail
Motorcycle Classes
Officer Reports
The BRMC 2020 Calendar of Events
Non BRMC Motorcycle Events
Meet & Greet Details
Request for Pictures & Closing Comments.
Border Riders Motorcycle Club “BRMC” is a not-for-profit 501(c)(7), designed for gay men who like to ride motorcycles & who like to go camping on their motorcycles. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest with the greatest participation in the Portland, Seattle, & Vancouver B.C. areas. We are one of the largest, gay motorcycle clubs in North America. We welcome like minded guest to come meet us at our Meet & Greets &/or on our Day-Rides.
Check out our website. We are very proud of it.
BRMC March Club Meeting Recap
A beautiful and relatively warm Saturday in Portland saw our members and guests converge to this month’s club meeting graciously hosted by Jeff B at his beautiful home. In all, 19 of us managed to find street parking around this residential neighborhood in the St. John’s area of town. Those of us having road our motorcycles were treated to Doris Day parking in front of the house (bonus score!).
Social time ensued as everyone arrived around 4 in the afternoon, and it was great to see everyone again in such great spirits. In another hour, we would all be herded to the basement for the official club business meeting where all things needing to be reported, discussed, and voted upon were conducted.
Right on que, the call for dinner was announced and we all bee-lined back upstairs to what was truly the most amazing spread of delectables that had magically appeared in our short absence. Prepared by the renown Nicholas Mediterranean and Lebanese Restaurant, we were presented with a feast that included chicken breast kabobs, baked feta cheese macaroni, tabouli salad, spanakopita, roasted vegetables (cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini), majadra (brown lentil jasmine rice), and pita with tzatziki sauce. And if that wasn’t enough, dessert of cookies and ice cream ensured that no diet would go uncrushed this night.
After all bellies were full, another hour or so of socializing was seen before we began to break up and head off to all parts unknown. For those staying in town, there was no doubt ample opportunities to find an extended Portland experience to make the trip worthwhile.
…by Dave J
Monthly Gallery
Photos from members and guests from last month’s rides and adventures (or stolen from Facebook pages due to a lack of submissions).
March 2023 Gallery Photos
2022 Year in Review
Check out the 2022 Year in Review video presented at the 2023 Banquet. Once again Dave J did an outstanding job with special affects & creativity. Fantastic work Dave & thanks for all your hard work!
April Club Meeting
The April Club Meeting will be held on Saturday the 15th. Hosted by Kas C. and Chris M. in their Vancouver, WA home. Kas and Chris will serve Tamale Pie Casserole (with ground beef), condiments (sour cream, salsa, shredded cheese), southwest ranch salad with avocado and tomatoes and red onion, chips and salsa, and mixed nuts. Dessert will be a strawberry shortcake dump cake with whipped cream.
Kas and Chris don't require any additional help in setup or preparation for the evening.
The time line is as usual, Arrive at 4, meeting at 5, dinner at 6. You are welcome to hang out for a while and chat but it would be great if things could wrap up around 8-9pm.
Parking n the neighborhood can be a bit tight and it is recommended you carpool or ride your motorcycles. The overnighting at Kas and Chris's house will not be an option as the sleeping accommodations have been filled. However, there's a La Quinta on highway 99, some better hotel options in Downtown Vancouver, and further up I-5 in Salmon Creek (about 10-15 minutes away either direction).
Cost for the evening is $20 per person. Registration opens Saturday, April 1st and closes Wednesday the 12th.
Hope to see you all there!
April Meet & Greets
Portland M&G
It was a fantastic turnout for Portland’s March Meet and Greet hosted by Mark B. The Kenton Station Restaurant kicked off the night and after one hell of a meal we headed over to the Eagle. A fine night was had by all.
We’re going to meet up at the Eagle one more time on April 5th around 7:00 for this month’s M&G. Jeff B. and Blue will be hosting. Come on down and meet a great group of guys, Find out about the club and upcoming rides. Hang out for as long as you want. See you there!
We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Stan know if you are willing do this.
Seattle M&G
A great time was had by all at the March Meet and Greet Hosted by Dale C. and Dennis H. at Changes in Wallingford. It was so good, They’re going to host again, but this time they’re heading over to the Smarty Pants High Culture Club and Ultra Lounge on April 19 to meet up in the heart of Georgetown. Come on down and meet a great group of guys, learn about the club, and ask about upcoming rides. Be there at 7:00 PM hang out as long as you want. You’re an adult.
Local Day-Rides
BC’s Day Rides
There was no BC day-ride in March..
See Upcoming Events for details about a possible Day Ride in April.
Seattle’s Day Rides
Saturday April 1st, we’ll meet up at Dirty Oscar's Annex 2309 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98403 at 9am for breakfast then we'll head out on some of the best backroads you’ve ever ridden as we make our way to up to Fort Flagger. A former coastal defense fort active between the late 1890’s through the mid 1950’s, it’s now a 1,451 acre park containing 7 batteries with stunning views of Whidbey Island and Port Townsend.
On the return trip, North of Seattle can catch the Edmonds Kingston Ferry. Central Seattle will head to Bainbridge Island to catch the ferry to downtown. South Sound riders can head down highway 16 to all places south.
This will be a backroad ride where we avoid freeways and highways with the exception of Highway 16 out of Tacoma and over the Narrows Bridge. It’s a slower ride but the views and roadways are well worth the effort.
Any questions, just email me at and I will get you an answer.
Come ride with us!
Portland’s Day Rides
There was no Day Ride in March due to the weather.
Currently, due to weather, there is no day-ride planned for April but watch FB for last minutes details.
Upcoming Events
Please do not come to any club event if you are not feeling well.
April 1st - BRMC Day-Rides (DOW)
Yes, Virginia, there is a Seattle Day Ride!
PDX Day Ride is Canceled.
April 5th - Portland’s Meet & greet
Meet up at the Portland Eagle at 7.
April 12th - BC Meet & Greet
No M&G scheduled.
April 15th - April Meeting
Hosted by Kas C. and Chris M. in Vancouver, WA
The fee for US Members & guests will be $20.
The fee for Canadian Member’s & Guest’s will be $15.
Registration opens on the 1st & closes on the 15th.
April 19th - Seattle’s Meet & Greet
6pm meet up at Smarty Pants, 6017 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98108
May 3rd - Portland Meet & Greet
Meet up at the Portland Eagle at 7.
May 6th - BRMC Day-Rides
Seattle Day Ride. Route yet to be determined (but it will be great).
Portland Day Ride. We’ll keep you up to date here
May 10th - BC Meet & Greet
No M&G scheduled.
April 11th - Seattle’s Meet & Greet
May 18th - Victoria Day!
Dust off your tents, gents! It’s the one you’ve been waiting for!
A Brothers Birthday
We have 3 members with a birthday in March. Be sure and help us make him feel special.
April 11th - Dennis H
April 23rd - Tom C
April 29th - Dale C
Sending Regrets, a request from the president
I would like to ease the process of tracking regrets and your sending regrets when you are not able to attend a meeting.
Currently, members in attendance are stating regrets during roll call for other members who are not present.
I am requesting that all regrets be made through the web-site via the registration page. This will allow the Secretary to have already processed these regrets when he prepares the roll call sheet and will speed up the roll call process during the meetings.
If anyone thinks this is unreasonable or has an issue with this request, please see me and let’s have a chat. Also, if anyone know why we even track or take regrets, I would be interested in knowing.
Thank you,
Stan C
Reader’s Corner
A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.
Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.
To contribute, send your story & pictures to
Keep in mind, you can write about a trip that happened over the summer. It’s doesn’t have to be something you did last month.
This isn’t so much about one of my journey’s. It about the impact of the wind chill when riding a bike. How many times have we thought, “It’s 50 degrees & momma didn’t raise a wimp?” Well, you may not be a wimp, but you might want to dress like one. If you are going 70 MPH & it is 50 degrees, the wind chill brings it down to 38 degrees & you will likely cut the ride short if you aren’t dressed appropriately.
Gear Store
The Gear Store will make it’s next appearance at the Victoria Day Campout. Also, the 2023 T-Shirts will go on sale starting May 1st for 2 weeks only. There will be a link to the web-site to order these T-Shirts in the May newsletter.
Advanced Motorcycle Training
Class | Date | Range | Cost | Tickets Left | Purchase |
Precision Maneuvering Clinic #1 and #2 |
Saturday July 8th, 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm AND Sunday July 9th, 9:00 am to 1:30 pm |
Gresham, OR Suburb of PDX |
$200 | 10 | Only available through BMRC Website |
Advanced Riding Techniques |
Monday, July 10th, In-Class Session: 9:00 to 11:00 am Range Time: 12:30 to 4:30 pm |
Canby, OR Suburb of PDX |
$179 | 18 | Only available through the Team Oregon Website |
Well, I was able to get 3 of the 6 classes I was hoping to get for 2023.
On Saturday July .8th from 1:00 to 5:30, we are taking the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #1 “PMC-1”. The PMC-1 is a half-day course for endorsed riders modeled on police motorcycle officer training. Participants improve coordination of clutch, throttle, and steering inputs to keep the motorcycle balanced at low speed while executing tight turns and U-turns with precision and control. Students also practice group riding formation, parking and signals.
On Sunday, July 9th from 9:00 to 1:30, we are taking the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #2 “PMC-2”. This is day 2 of this series. These 2 classes are sold as a set. The fee for the set is $200 per person. There are 10 spot available for this class and registration will go through the BRMC website. Reservations are non-refundable but we can sell them to another club associate up to 15 days prior to the class.
Since the club is buying these classes from Team OR, Team OR CANNOT refund your money or make any changes to this reservation.
On Monday July 10th from 9:00 to 4:30, we are taking the Advanced Riding Techniques “ART”. ART is unique, challenging, and most of all, fun. Riding exercises are conducted on a go-kart track, providing riders expert instruction on a closed course. While participants ride at more real-world speeds, this is not a high speed, racing-oriented class.
This day starts with a two-hour classroom session covering the skills taught in the riding session as well as risk management, crash causes, judgment and impairments, braking, cornering, swerving, transitions and traction. ART graduates tell us they now have more fun riding with fewer "uh-oh" moments.
This class will be purchased directly from Team Oregon. Please review their rules for cancelations and alterations before registering. BRMC has nothing to do with this reservation. Again, this is a direct purchase & this class is already open to the general population on a 1st come 1st served basis. The cost will be $179 and is a stand alone class.
Sadly, I was not able to secure the much anticipated High-Speed Emergency Braking Class. I know this will be a big let down for many of you. I cried too! Team Oregon is already aware that we want to try get this class on the schedule for 2024. Who knows, If they are able to get the Woodburn Drag Strip on the morning on Monday July 10th, I’m sure they will grab it and call me. They know we want it & I am leaving that time slot open just in case.
Also sad, I was unable to secure any of the mid-range skill level classes I was hoping for. To those of you I had in mind for these classes, I will see if we can put together some practice sessions just for you. The core group of us who take a lot of these classes are not instructors nor do we profess to be, but we are willing to work with you, give you some pointers, and maybe even help you be better prepared for these classes in 2024. Contact Stan if you are interested in some of this coaching & are willing to practice on your own regularly.
If you have any questions regarding these classes or any other classes offered by Team Oregon, please feel free to contact Stan at
From the Handlebars of the President
I’m 7-weeks away from the end of tax season & I’m tired.
I hope to see you all at Kas’ & Chris’s house for the April Meeting.
Stan C.
2023 President
Vice President Chatter
I am happy to pass the torch of Road Captain to Todd. There have been some successes and failures with the campsites chosen over the past few years while in that position, but what never failed is the camaraderie of those attending the trips. I had no control over when 110 degree weather would occur.
As Vice President the major job of the year is putting together the annual VD run. I’ve been closely involved with it over the past few years and know a lot of the ins and outs of the event, but uliimately the success of the weekend is based on the support and participation of the people attnding. Looking forward to another great weekend in May
Dennis H.
2023 Vice President
Road Captain Rumblings
Last month, as I was writing the Road Captain section for the newsletter, there was snow on my lawn and sleet was raining from the sky. Today as I write this, it's 60 degrees and sunny. It's always amazing what a couple of weeks can do for the world and your outlook. Last month I wanted to crawl back in to bed. This month I just want to be outside.
This is the time of year I find myself studying maps and reading articles, searching for interesting roads and places to go. I Have a Seattle Area Day Ride planned for the first, If this goes out a couple of days early and you would like to join, here's the details. I also have plans for fantastic day rides on the Victoria Day Campout, riding around the greater Wenatchee area. My Butler motorcycle map shows the roads squiggly and red with a golden glow, so I'm going to hazard a guess that those are the roads we want to ride. There's only one way to find out. Come ride with us!
The first campout is coming soon. It’s the Vice President’s show, so I will let him speak to it, but Brother, am I excited to go.
Todd McN
2023 Road Captain
Treasurer’s Ramblings
I reviewed the financial documents Stan gave me at the March meeting and it all appears correct to my untrained eyes. Stan & I will meet in May and set-up a system that will be easy for me to use.
Meanwhile, “Piggy Bank Looks Balanced”.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the April Meeting.
Tom C
2023 Treasurer
Secretary Thoughts
A big thanks to Jeff B. for hosting the March club meeting. Jeff did a fantastic job putting the meeting together and he even ordered up some great weather!
I also want to pass on another thank you to all those in attendance of the March meeting. I really appreciate everyone buckling down and staying on topic during the meeting so that we could get through it in an efficient manner.
As a friendly reminder, the minutes & attendance records have been updated & posted to the members only section of the web-site. Review these documents and we will vote to approve at the April meeting.
I look forward to seeing you all again this month at Kas’s house in Vancouver, WA.
Justin W.
2023 Secretary
2023 Calendar of Events
April 15th - Club Meeting - hosted by Kas C in Vancouver, WA.
May 18th thru 21st - Victoria Day Campout at Pine Flats near Entiat, WA
June 16th thru 18th - June Campout - Willamette Mission State Park, Keizer, OR
July 8th thru 10th - Team OR & BRMC Advance Training Weekend in Portland, OR.
Saturday afternoon will be the PMC 1 (Police Rodeo part 1)
Sunday morning will be the PMC 2 (Police Rodeo part 2)
Monday will be the Advance Rider Techniques (Go-Cart Track)
July 14th thru 16th - July Campout - Bull Prairie Lake, Heppner, OR
August 18th thru 20th - August Campout - Paul Lake Provincial Park, Kamloops, BC
September 15th thru 17th - September Campout - Rasar State Park, Concrete, WA
October 21st - Club Meeting - hosted by Jeremy W in Kent, WA.
November 18th - Club Meeting - hosted by Chris & Richard in BOW, WA
December 9th - Holiday Party - hosted by Todd M in Bremerton, WA.
Monthly Meet & Greets
BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minutes details pr changes.
Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle. Dinner together normally proceeds the actual M&G.
Vancouver BC Meet & Greet (tentative - Watch FB) - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster. (Canceled until further notice.)
Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at someplace new. Watch the newsletter, website or Facebook for exact location.
Member & Guest Non-Sanctioned Day-Rides
In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minutes details or changes.
To learn more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at
Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.
Non-BRMC Motorcycle Events
The One Motorcycle Show is coming up in April. This is just a heads up if you are interested in attending. It’s always a lot of fun.
If you know of anything that we might want to post here, please let is know at
Contributions of Photos & Stories
Please feel encouraged to send us your photo’s of our activities to
Also, if you do anything interesting outside the club, we’d love to hear about it. Send us a short story with some photo’s and we will try get it into the next newsletter. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related to be interesting. We are very diverse.
If you have photos and stories to share, please send to