June 2024 Newsletter

Who We Are!

In case you were wondering, The Border Riders Motorcycle Club “BRMC” is a not-for-profit 501(c)(7), designed for gay men who like to ride motorcycles & who like to go camping on their motorcycles. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest with the greatest participation in the Portland, Seattle, & Vancouver B.C. areas. We are one of the largest, & longest running gay motorcycle clubs in North America. We welcome like-minded guests to come meet us at our Meet & Greets &/or on our Day-Rides. some great day rides planned for the multi-day campout, so don't be afraid to bring your motorcycle

Table of Contents

All the news you need to know about the BRMC


  • Members’ Birthdays

  • The BRMC 2024 Calendar of Events

  • Non BRMC Motorcycle Events

  • Request for Pictures & Closing Comments

May 2024 Victoria Day Campout

BRMC Group Photo MAY 2024

2024 BRMC Victoria Day Recap
by Dave J

It’s May in the Pacific Northwest and for the guys of the Border Riders Motorcycle Club anticipation builds for the first ride and campout of the season. Hopefully by now we’ve all had a chance to get out and get our riding skills back after months of cold dreary rain broken only by brief moments of relative dryness.  Dusting off and finding all the camping gear is another matter as it always seems to migrate in all cardinal directions over the winter months.  Nevertheless, it is with giddy zest that it’s all collected, packed, and loaded onto the bikes.  Well, that would be for those of us riding and not packing palatial tents into the car as this is the only event that non-motorcycles are allowed.

Motorcycles, camping, nature. Life is good.

The weather is always a concern on a camping trip and May is especially at high risk of being anything but idea.  Snow, rain, cold, wind, heat, fires and smoke (collectively known as the elements) are not uncommon encounters at some point in the season.  As it were, this year by the grace of good luck, no rain to speak of and only wind blown below comfort level temperatures had to be endured at times over the 4-5 days that some guys were there. 

The kitchen is ready to go!

For those of us that made our way to Pine Flats on Thursday, it was a group effort to bring out the big gear needed for the campout.  With truck and trailer, we headed back out of the forest to the small town of Entiat along the Columbia River in Washington where we maintain a storage locker packed with all the gear for a full kitchen, food storage, and tents.  It’s a staggering amount of gear to properly outfit the camp for a large number of guys, but this year in our never-ending efforts to reduce the sheer mass, we were able to cut back on several items not really needed, notably a few of the tent canopies and a generator (that we collectively hate due to the irritating noise it makes in an otherwise quiet place).

With tents setup, we were more than happy to find that Coopers Café in nearby Ardenvoir was open this year! Good food, drinks, and service greeted us for dinner.  Back at camp it was getting late, so deployment of the trailer gear was planned for the next day.  We had saved enough wood from the previous year to have a super appreciated campfire in the chill of the evening. It was not long to hit the sack as it had been a long day of riding.

Warm campfire, good friends

Friday was a busy day as everything had to come together as more members and guests arrived.  While several of us headed into East Wenatchee for breakfast at Jimmy’s Café and to buy the massive amount of food for the weekend, others stayed back at camp and got things setup from the trailer gear.  Upon returning to camp with our haul of food, the remaining gear was removed from trailer and then off to collect a couple of bins of firewood at a place about 8 miles south of Entiat.  Getting dinner time, it was all about brats and burgers in the now functioning kitchen.  Settling in for the evening fire, good times in socializing with all the guys that made it out to camp so far.

Saturday morning rolled out a bit nippy, but the brave souls tasked with breakfast got things started while the rest of us enjoyed a slow start to the day.  This year without the generator, we tried stove heated percolators to make the coffee (a critical component to the morning).  Apparently, some fine tuning to this new process is needed as it took way longer to make than expected (about an hour per pot) and the density might have needed to be bumped up.  After a mighty fine breakfast of eggs sausage, bacon, and fruit, it was time for day rides to all places unknown. 

One group rode to the high plateau lands on the east side of the river and covered about 100 miles.  Another group headed to the city of Leavenworth to check out the new luge attraction but was sorely disappointed to find it was closed for maintenance.  In the meantime, Kevin and myself headed up another 30 miles pass Ardenvoir up into the mountains and discovered magnificent waterfalls, steep river canyons, and more campgrounds. 

Entiat Falls

Saturday night dinner is traditionally steak and chicken on the grill over hot charcoals in the firepit.  This year was NY strip steak and enormous chicken breast.  A feast for kings!  After the club meeting, we all settled in around the campfire for more socializing in the chilling night.

After chowing down tasty breakfast burritos and then another fine memorial service by Tom on Sunday morning (glad to say no one passed this year), a few of us headed back home while others stayed for another day to help teardown and stow the gear.  All in all, another most excellent year for the start of the riding season.  For me, I put another 688 miles on the bike and was pretty sore by the time I rolled into my driveway an hour south of Portland.  Puppies glad to see me and all the rhodies were now in full bloom.  Good to be home after a really nice start to the season.  Looking forward towards the remaining rides this year that will take us through September.

May Photos

Ah, Dam!


Go register

It's June and we're heading up to the Wynoochee Dam for a weekend of camping and riding. This is the first Non-Victoria Day campout of the year and it's shaping up to be a great one. We will be staying at the Coho Campground in the ever luxurious 040, on the upscale Loop B Group Standard Nonelectric Campsite... Just rolls off the tongue. Bring your hiking boots if you're up for the 16 mile Wynoochee Lake Shore Trail, or bring your motorcycle boots if you prefer a day ride. Or bring your Chuck Taylors if you want to hang out around camp. I would tell you to bring your swim shorts, and if you're really up for it, have at it, but the lake will be cold and I'm guessing the temps will hit a high of mid to upper 60's.

The roads in the area are fun and generally devoid of traffic, so if you're up for a day ride, then this is the place. That being said, there are a couple of things that you will need to know.

The closest town is the provincial hamlet of Montesano. It is a mere 28 miles to the south of the campground and a little over an hour in commute time. Let me paint a picture for you. It's Friday night, you roll in to camp around 5 or 6, you pitch your tent and say a warm hearted "Howdy" to all your brothers. You head out to "find some food" and 4 hours later you roll back in to camp realizing you have to do it all over again for breakfast. "Oh GOD! NO!!!" You scream as you throw yourself to the ground in fevered panic. Fear not, weary traveler, we will bring in a camp kitchen to prepare dinner and breakfast so that you can relax and enjoy the splendor of the Olympic National Forest. You will need to provide your own coffee and something to make it in... maybe I should repeat that in all caps to make sure everyone knows. YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE YOUR OWN COFFEE AND SOMETHING TO MAKE IT IN!!! You have been warned.

Pack your woolen skivvies! The campground is in the mountains, in the woods, in a rain forest, next to a lake. The overnight temperature can be in the lower 40's to upper 30's. I know you're all a bunch of toughs, I just want to make sure you're comfortable.

The route to the campground is fraught with danger!!! Well, OK. Not anything you all can't handle, but there are a couple of ways to get there.

For the road most traveled, head west on Highway 12. Just past Montesano take a right on Wynoochee Valley Road. This is the paved route. https://maps.app.goo.gl/NNNA2VyyY8HpBEsy6

For the road less traveled, head out from Shelton and head to Matlock on the aptly named West Shelton Matlock Road. Take the West Deckerville Road. This will turn in to Boundary Road and start heading south. Take a right on Cougar Smith. After crossing the West Fork Satsup River, the road will turn to a well graded gravel road for mile or two. Easy Peazy!!! Will this cut time off your trip? Meh, who can say. Is it more fun? If you have to ask, then you should totally take the dirt road. https://maps.app.goo.gl/5yiH2aFFYhEh7jy29

"But why is the route to the campground fraught with danger!?!?" Great question!. If you take the dirt road, you may have to move out of the way for logging trucks, even if you have the right of way. The paved roads can have moss and algae. This is a rain forest, so keep your eyes open.

"Yes, yes, yes... that's all fine and good, but what's for dinner?" Great question, Friday night, we will have pizzas, Saturday night, we'll have shepard's pie, Saturday morning breakfast, we will have pancakes, eggs, and bacon. If you are vegan or vegetarian, let me know beforehand so that we can make accommodations. We will have paper plates, silverware, and paper towels. There will be a wash basin for doing dishes. Bring something to drink out of, and for the mental well being of those around you, YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE YOUR OWN COFFEE AND SOMETHING TO MAKE IT IN!!!

See you all there.

Go register

May 2024 Day Rides

Portland Day Ride

Saturday May 4th, no day ride due to weather.

seattle day ride

Saturday June 1

The Seattle Area Border Riders Motorcycle Club and Special Interest Group will engage in our monthly day ride this Saturday, June 1st. We will get together at the aptly named Starting Gate Restaurant in the beautiful country vista of Auburn, WA. From there we will ride out to the foothills, winding along a route that glimpses the area as it was before industrial and suburban sprawl. We will end our ride in the urban metropolis of Enumclaw where we will hang out and inevitably discuss the town's history of animal husbandry. 

Here's the details:

When: 9:30 AM, June 1st

Where: The Starting Gate Restaurant 504 Auburn Way N, Auburn, WA 98002

Hope to see you all there.

Ride with Pride

It’s that time again to ride in the Seattle Pride Parade. That’s right! The Border Riders Motorcycle Club will be riding in the 2024 Seattle Pride on Sun, June 30.

If you would like to join us for the parade the Pride Foundation is using EventHub, a new registration platform this year and will have everyone individually pay and submit their HHAs, registration, etc online through the platform. They’re hoping this will ease the check in process at the Parade.

Here's the link to the 2024 Seattle Pride Parade Registration page. This link will take you to a quick how-to video in case that's helpful for you or anyone else. You'll be able to register and pay online as well as sign your Hold Harmless Agreement (HHA), and upload pictures/scans of your driver license, motorcycle registration, and insurance card. 

Hope to see you all there!

June Meet & Greets


Portland M&G

Come on down to the Portland Eagle at 7:00 PM and get to know your fellow Border Rider Club Members. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about upcoming club rides and events. It would be great to see you there.


We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Dennis know if you are able do this.


Seattle M&G

This month’s Seattle area Meet and Greet is on Wednesday June 12th in Georgetown. Dinner if desired at 6pm, Meet and gGreet officially starts at 7pm. Jules Maes Saloon, 5919 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98108.

Seattle’s May Meet and Greet

Seattle’s May Meet and Greet was well attended, with most on their bikes. Many ate at the Lumberyard and a few ate at the food trucks around the corner. Additionally, we had a few new faces.

A Brothers Birthday

We have 4 members with a birthday in April. Be sure and help us make them feel special.

  • Juen 8th - Ian M

  • June 17th - Ron L

  • June 28th - David F

  • June 28th - Mark B

Reader’s Corner

A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.

Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.

To contribute, send your story & pictures to News@BorderRiders.com

Keep in mind, you can write about a trip that happened over the summer. It’s doesn’t have to be something you did last month.

Team Oregon Road Riding Tactics and Highway Speed Advanced Braking Clinic Motorcycle Classes

Classes are almost full, register now! (As of 4/26 there are only 2 spots left.)

The 2024 schedule has been confirmed and we got what we wanted. We will start off with the Road Riding Tactics “RRT” on Saturday, July 20th & Highway Speed Advanced Braking Clinic “HSABC” on Sunday, July 21st. This is the same weekend as our July Campout which, not so coincidentally, is near the Oregon Coast & the location of these classes. Both classes will be held near Astoria Oregon. Attending the campout is not required to attend the classes but we hope to see you at both.

These classes are being offered as a set. Registration is open & will be available through the BRMC Website “only”, & the cost for the set is $180. There are only 12 openings so they should fill up fast. Once full, I will run a small list of people who want to be notified if someone should decide to cancel their reservation. All cancellations must go through Stan.

The first class, Road Riding Tactics, is designed to improve your street skills. You will ride your own bike & wear your own protective gear during the exercises. The course combines 9 riding exercises with range-side discussions. Participants increase awareness of crash situations and how to avoid them. The riding exercises build precision and confidence with the skills riders use every day, such as slow, tight turns, braking in a lean, quick lane changes and negotiating faster curves.

This class is a great annual review for intermediate & skilled riders. The class starts at 1 p.m. and last 4½ hours.

The second class, the one you’ve all been waiting for, is the Highway Speed Advanced Braking Clinic “HSABC”. This class is designed to take us up to highway speeds and allow us to learn how to stop our bikes quickly & safely in a controlled setting.

The regular Advanced Braking Clinic “ABC” is one of best classes anyone could take & this class expands on the skills acquired in the regular ABC. The skills acquired in the ABC are one of the 9 lessons in the RRT class. Yep, this was intentional. This weekend is all about improving your daily skills and mastering your braking skills & both slow speeds & highway speeds.

This class is intended for riders with at least 2 years’ experience and who have already taken the RRT or Advanced Braking Clinic. The class starts at 1 p.m. and lasts 2½ hours. The “HSABC” is currently not part of the normal offerings by Team OR so you will not be able to find it on their website. This is something Team OR is offering to us as a special event.

Here is the fine print: You will need to have a motorcycle endorsement, be able to prove you have motorcycle insurance, & your bike must be in road worthy/safe operating condition.

If you have any questions about these classes or motorcycle training in general, please contact Dennis at president@borderriders.com.

Gear Store

The Gear Store was open Victoria Day Weekend. The next time the gear store is open is the banquet next February. Reach out to VP Lance if there is something you want to make sure will be available so he can order it in for you.

From the Handlebars of the President

As has been happening for the last 55 years Victoria Day weekend was the start to our annual camping season. We had our smallest group in a long time, but everyone pitched in to help with the tasks. We adjusted kitchen staff accordingly, set up fewer canopies and didn’t rent chairs or a generator. I can’t say the coffee was great without a generator but will evaluate that for next year. Thanks to Lance for doing both a trivia night and a movie night. As usual there were a few good day rides and plenty of time for discussions around the campfire. There was a little bit of rain here and there, but not enough to disrupt the weekend.

I’m looking forward to seeing members and guests at the upcoming Meet and Greets, Day Rides and camping weekends.

Dennis H.

2024 President


Vice President Chatter

Greetings from the VP desk!

Thanks to all that helped with making my biggest task as Vice President a success.

Warm regards,
One Sack

Lance D.

2024 Vice President

“You're bound to get idears if you go thinkin' about stuff.”

Road Captain Rumblings

Wow, thanks COVID… dick.

I'm not sure where to begin. I had plans. Lots of them. I had planned on heading out Tuesday morning. I planned on exploring some back roads. I planned on cooking skewered marinated meat over hot coals and serving it with saffron rice. I planned on butchering strip loin into lovely New York steaks. I was going to make you all watch another really bad movie (boy, did I have a doozie). After 4 years of avoiding a pandemic, it was my turn to dance. Spiking fevers and chills, navigating the American healthcare system, I managed a prescription for Paxlovid and dug out a mask from by bedside drawer. Holding it felt like a familiar relic from a distant past. Long story short (too late) I laid in bed watching back episodes of "King of the Hill" through 103 degree eyes. Do I still have plans? Of course I do. Come to the Wynoochee Dam Run and find out! Or just go read this.

See you all there!

Todd McN

2024 Road Captain


Treasurer’s Ramblings

“Piggy Bank Looks Good”.

Stan C

2024 Treasurer


Secretary Thoughts

Was great seeing everyone at Victoria Day!

Tom C.

2024 Secretary


2024 Calendar of Events

  • June 14th to the 16th - Wynoochee Dam Run, Coho Campground at Wynoochee Lake, WA

  • July 19th to the 21st - Bruceport Campout and Team Oregon Classes, WA & OR

  • July 20th - RSP Road Riding Tactics with Team OR - Astoria, OR.

  • July 21st - Highspeed Emergency Braking with Team Oregon - Astoria, OR.

  • August 16th to the 18th - Bonaparte Lake Run at Bonaparte Lake, WA

  • September 20th to the 22nd - Rainbow Falls State Park, WA

  • October 19th - Club Meeting - hosted by Dennis H in Yakima, WA.

  • November 9th - Club Meeting - hosted by Todd McN and his amazing husband Christian B in Bremerton, WA.

  • December 14th - Holiday Party - hosted by Chris L and Richard A in Bow WA.

Monthly Meet & Greets

BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minutes details pr changes.

Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle. Dinner together normally preceeds the actual M&G. Dinner location moves so watch our FB Page for last minute details.

Vancouver BC Meet & Greet - The club is looking for a host for this event, please contact Dennis if you are interested.

Seattle: Meet & Greet - 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6 pm at someplace new. Watch the newsletter, website or Facebook for exact location. We usually meet for dinner at 6pm.

Member & Guest Non-Sanctioned Day-Rides

In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minutes details or changes.

To learn more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at Captain@BorderRiders.com.

Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.

Contributions of Photos & Stories

Please feel encouraged to send us your photos of our activities to News@BorderRiders.com

Also, if you do anything interesting outside the club, we’d love to hear about it. Send us a short story with some photos and we will try get it into the next newsletter. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related to be interesting. We are very diverse.

If you have photos and stories to share, please send to news@borderriders.com