November 2024 Newsletter

Who We Are!

The Border Riders Motorcycle Club “BRMC” is a not-for-profit 501(c)(7) organization for gay men who like to ride motorcycles and who like to go camping on their motorcycles. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest with the greatest participation in the Portland, Seattle and Vancouver B.C. areas. We are one of the largest and longest-running gay motorcycle clubs in North America. We welcome like-minded guests to our Meet & Greets, day rides, and to our monthly meetings and summer campouts with a sponsoring BRMC member.

Table of Contents

All the news you need to know about the BRMC


  • Members’ Birthdays

  • The BRMC 2024 Calendar of Events

  • Non BRMC Motorcycle Events

  • Request for Pictures & Closing Comments

October 2024 Club Meeting

The October meeting was not our typical October meeting as for most it was a weekend event more like when the club periodically did Silver Falls as the October meeting.  This time it was at Dennis’ place outside Yakima.  Drive wise it’s not much difference in time from the Seattle-Portland trip but doing as an overnight people were able to avoid the passes at nighttime.

Members and guests filtered in on Friday with Stan and Alan, and Chris and Richard bringing their trailers.  Unfortunately, there was no popcorn available for the viewing of Chris parking their monster trailer.  There were 9 present for a make your own pizza for dinner – crusts and assorted toppings provided.  It was amazing how much criticism there was about what and how much people were putting on their individual pizzas.  After dinner people chilled for the evening.

Cindy, of Dmitry B. and Dale C.

Saturday morning brought a breakfast of waffles with fruit and whipped cream and bacon and individual omelets.  More members and guests arrived Saturday to where we had 17 attendees for a lively meeting.  Dale and Dmitry prepared a wonderful dinner based on Dmitry’s mom’s recipes, which was followed by sweet potato pie made by Alan.  After dinner people hung out either by the fire pit close to the creek or sat on the back deck.

After breakfast on Sunday people gradually left for home.  After most had left Dale took Dennis’s trike out for a spin with Dmitry following on the 650.  Dale said the trike is “weird”.

October Photos

November 2024 Day Ride



Wet Tour of the Lowlands, or Just Breakfast

Meet at 9am on Saturday Nov 2 at Cook’s Tavern, 3201 N 26th St, Tacoma WA 98407.

Rain likely.

November 2024 Meeting


Register Here

We are heading south to the Portland Metro area for the November meeting.

Alan & Stan will be hosting this month’s meeting at their home in West Linn on Saturday, November 16th. Registration will open on Friday November 1st & will close on Wednesday November 13th.

Alan is planning on a Green Chili with Chicken, Polenta, chips & salsa. Mark your calendar for November 16th & come enjoy some wonderful hospitality. & some great food prepared by Alan..

If you are coming from out of town and need some housing, or have any other questions, contact Stan at

Social hour at 4:00 pm, meeting at 5:00, dinner at 6:00.

There will be a campfire afterwards weather permitting!

November Meet & Greets


Portland M&G

On Wednesday, November 6th, Portland area BRMC Members & guests will meet for dinner at 5:30 at Kenton Station (8303 N Denver Ave, Portland, OR 97217). We will then go to the Portland Eagle (835 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97217) for a social hour starting at 7pm.

This is a great way to meet some club members, learn about the club, & learn about upcoming rides, and events.

We hope to see you there.


We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Dennis know if you are able do this.


Seattle M&G

This month’s Seattle area Meet and Greet is on Wednesday November 13 at Changes Bar & Grill, 2103 N 45th St, Seattle WA. Dinner if desired at 6pm, Meet and Greet officially starts at 7pm.

Reader’s Corner

A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.

Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.

To contribute, send your story & pictures to

Keep in mind, you can write about a trip that happened over the summer. It’s doesn’t have to be something you did last month.

In Memoriam: Dusty Evers

Richard Leonard "Dusty" Evers, age 70, passed away at home October 19th 2024 of natural causes.

Born in Yuma, Arizona, Dusty led a life of adventure, curiosity, and kindness. Known for his incredible love of animals—especially his beloved cats—Dusty carried a spirit that was as free and boundless as the sky he adored.

Dusty’s passion for aviation was evident in everything he did. A proud member of a skydiving club during his time serving in the United States Army and the 97th Signal battalion, Dusty never lost his fascination with flight. An avid traveler and aircraft enthusiast, Dusty found joy in tracking flights with FlightAware and discovering new horizons, both near and far. Dusty also had a love for cooking, sharing his culinary creations with family and friends as an expression of his warmth, love, and generosity. A dedicated Star Trek fan, Dusty was captivated by the show's exploration of the universe and the boundless possibilities of the future, themes that resonated deeply with his adventurous spirit.

An avid motorcyclist, Dusty was a former member and President of the Border Riders Motorcycle Club, where he enjoyed countless adventures riding and camping through the stunning landscapes of the Pacific Northwest with his club brothers. His love for the open road was matched only by his passion for exploration and the friendships he formed along the way.

Dusty is survived by his husband, Kelly, his sisters Jessie, Ryleen, Dulla, brother Scott, and close friends who loved him dearly. His memory will live on in the hearts of his family and friends who knew and loved him for his gentle soul, adventurous spirit, and unwavering love of animals.

A celebration of Dusty's life will be planned for the spring, where family and friends can gather to remember and honor his remarkable life. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his name to the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum in Tucson, Arizona, a place close to his heart.

If anyone has photos of Dusty they would like to share please email them to Andy Hahn so he may compile them them for friends and family.

Gear Store

The Gear Store was open Victoria Day Weekend. The next time the gear store will open is the banquet next February. Reach out to VP Lance if there is something you want to make sure will be available so he can order it in for you.

From the Handlebars of the President

When I sat down to do my part of the newsletter I had writer’s block.  So, I went to the archives and looked through old newsletters seeking inspiration.  I didn’t find any, but did thoroughly enjoy seeing pictures of our younger selves and reminders of club trips in the past.  If you’re tired of election news or between TV series and looking for something to do I’d encourage you to visit the archives part of the website for a little blast from the past.

I did come across this written by Dan O’Neill in 2003 and it mirrors many of the things that were said by members at our last club meeting:

“I wanted to take a moment to look at the factors that have contributed to the longevity and the success of the club. Few organizations that are run by volunteers are able to survive beyond the enthusiasm of the founding leaders, yet while the Border Riders have waxed and waned over the years, we are a strong, cohesive, and diverse group after all these years.

“Camaraderie is the word most often used by members to explain their benefits from the club. When times are good, what could be better than sitting around a campfire in the Pacific Northwest after a long day’s riding with a group of friends? And when we face challenges, particularly as it seems each year a member or two faces serious health issues, the members are there to help in any way they can. While some are fair-weather riders, there are no fair-weather friends in the club.

“I believe a key factor in the success of the club has been the adherence to the core values of motorcycling and camping. When any member is asked what the Border Riders is, the answer is always the same: we’re a group of gay men who goes on motorcycle camping runs, there is no loyalty to any brand of bike, there is no political agenda, there is no attitude about age or beauty, and there is no competition or one-upmanship. I am glad we are not involved in fundraising for good causes – there are many other wonderful organizations who specialize in charity work and many of our members contribute in the community….

 “Good governance has also enabled the club to survive a long time… we are not mired in rules, but we do recognize that group riding and group camping do require a level of organization and discipline…

“Lastly, one of the key contributors to our success has been that we are not a sex club. Now while I may personally bemoan our abstemious ways from time to time, the reality is that any club where sex is part of the core values eventually becomes a clique of tittering nellies. Such a group ceases to be open and welcoming. Camaraderie disappears and the vulture’s circle. That is not to say that a little romance can never happen in the Border Riders. We have a number of couples in the club and even have a few cases of partnerships having been forged through the opportunities afforded by the club.

 “As we enter our 35th year on the road, I would like to say, “Thank you” to the club for staying with a successful formula that will keep us rolling for many years to come.”

What he wrote is still true today.  However, our broader community has changed dramatically since 2003.  The major focus of the last meeting was how and if the club evolves to reflect those changes.  We do so through our values using the governance provided in the bylaws.

Dennis H.

2024 President

Treasurer’s Ramblings

“Piggy Bank Looks Good”.

I will see you all at the November Meeting.

Stan C

2024 Treasurer

Secretary Thoughts

I hope to see everyone at the November meeting!

Tom C.

2024 Secretary

A Brothers Birthday

We have 2 members for you to say “Happy Birthday” to this month. They are our family and brothers, wish them another joyous revolution around the sun.

  • November 2nd - Lance D

  • November 13th - Don W.

2024 Calendar of Events

  • November 16th - Club Meeting - hosted by Alan H & Stan C in West Linn, OR.

  • December 14th - Holiday Party - hosted by Chris L and Richard A in Bow, WA.

Monthly Meet & Greets

BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minute details or changes.

Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle. Dinner together normally precedes the actual M&G. Dinner location moves so watch the newsletter and/or Facebook for last minute details.

Vancouver BC Meet & Greet - The club is looking for a host for this event, please contact Dennis if you are interested.

Seattle: Meet & Greet - 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6 pm at someplace new. Watch the newsletter, website or Facebook for exact location. We usually meet for dinner at 6pm.

Member & Guest Non-Sanctioned Day-Rides

In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minute details or changes.

To learn more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at

Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.

Contributions of Photos & Stories

Please feel encouraged to send us your photos of our activities to

Also, if you do anything interesting outside the club, we’d love to hear about it. Send us a short story with some photos and we will try get it into the next newsletter. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related to be interesting. We are very diverse.

If you have photos and stories to share, please send to