Monthly Recap
Monthly Pictures
The New Members of 2022
Upcoming Events (2 months)
Members Birthday’s
Meet & Greet Update, (Portland, BC, & Seattle)
Club Business
Reader’s Corner
Day Rides
The latest news regarding rider skill enhancement classes
Officer Reports
The BRMC 2020 Calendar of Events
Non BRMC Motorcycle Events
Request for pictures & closing comments.
Border Riders Motorcycle Club (BRMC) is an organized group of guys who like to ride and camp. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest, with the greatest participation in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver B.C. We have one of the largest memberships for gay clubs in North America. We welcome like-minded guests to come meet us at our monthly Meet & Greets and to join us at one of our club events and our local activities.
Check out our website. We are very proud of it.
Banquet Recap (February) Bow, Washington
With February comes the first hopeful glimpse of Spring riding season here in the Pacific Northwest, and this is always a cause for celebration with the annual BRMC Banquet. In this 52nd year of BRMC's continuous running, the event was held in the Skagit Casino Resort in Bow, Washington. This is a lovely building that sports a French style architecture with blue roof cladding and lots of lights, not to mention a huge casino in which to partake.
Our banquet room was nicely done in deep rich colors, a well equipped AV system, and just the right size for the 37 members and guests who made it this year for the event. An in-room bar kept libations pouring, and those of us staying the night or not driving may have indulged.
Dinner was served by an amazing staff, which consisted of a choice of perfectly cooked chicken (cordon blue, I believe), herb encrusted pork, or portobello mushrooms. Desert was a tasty treat of chocolate cheesecake, crisp chocolate coated cookie, dressed with a tart raspberry sauce. I give it all a perfect 10 out of 10 for a catered dinner.
Once the eating part of the evening was behind us (well, inside us to be more accurate), we got down to business with introduction of this year's board, welcomed our new members, traditional presentations, and viewed the 2021 year-in-review video.
Our outgoing President, Jeff C, who has served for several years now, introduced the new board: Stan C (President, new), Chris L (VP, new), Dennis H (Road Captain, continuing), Tom C (Secretary, new), and Alan H (Treasurer, new).
2022 Board
This year, 3 new members were accepted into the club: Darryl H, Ron S, and Todd M. All have been riding as guests for sometime and have added their distinctiveness to the collective (apologies to the Borg). We’ve added their Bio below so you can learn a little about our newest brothers.
Year pins were awarded to 19 members, with special recognization to charter member Roy S for 45 years!
The high milage award went from Richard A to Chris L, and as these guys ride together, its a bit of a scandal how Chris edged out over Richard. Rider of the Year was first awarded to Tom C to make up for the last year's canceled banquet, then immediately re-awarded to Dave J for this year, who now had to lug it home.
To wrap up the formal meeting, the 2021 year-in-review video was presented by Dave J. We then amassed in the lobby for the group photo before breaking up for more socializing and departing for places unknown (well, likely home or to our rooms).
Special thanks for Chris L for organizing the banquet event this year. An outstanding job, we all agree.
Dave J
BRMC Group Photo - Skagit Casino, Bow, Washington
BRMC 2021 Year in Review Video
A great job on this video was done by our very own Club Photographer Dave J, among many other things he does for us. This year’s video is available for viewing on YouTube at the following link:
Thanks for the work you put into this Dave.
Monthly Gallery
Photos from members and guests from last month’s rides and adventures (or stolen from Facebook pages due to a lack of submissions).
The New Members of 2022
Ron S.
Hello, I'm Ron S., I've been motorcycling since 2000 and camping since I realized that the combination of motorcycling and camping would allow me to meet people other than the ones I work with. I am a product of Washington public schools so really any blame can be placed there.
I went to Washington State University in Pullman and somehow got a degree in Chemical Engineering. Instead of using it in any way, I moved to Houston and eventually got a job in IT, when one could still get a job without experience if one passed a rigorous psychological inventory that indicated undying loyalty regardless of circumstances. (Okay, maybe that company was a one-off.) I took a motorcycle safety course in Houston and bought my first motorcycle there, a Suzuki GS450L. It could do just over the speed limit on the freeway as long as the voltage regulator was fresh. I escaped that job after a mere nine years and then worked in Delaware for two years before moving back to Seattle. Bucking the burnout trend I continue working in IT but really who knows how long these things will last.
I've owned four motorcycles and still have three of them in various states of repair (all with fairings, of course). I'm looking for the ideal touring bike, which I'm guessing will be either a two-wheeled version of "The Homer" from Powell Motors or a Gold Wing. Last season I enjoyed my minimally leaky Coleman instant tent and the odd hotel room when conditions warranted. I'll definitely forget to buy and/or apply seam sealer before Victoria Day so I’m crossing my fingers on the rain chances.
Since I’m a hedonist and staunch fair-weather rider I wish it were better here for more of the year, but I probably won’t be leaving anytime soon. It’s just home. When I finally get fed up with it I might check out Palm Springs if they still have running water.
Daryl H.
I was born and raised in Western Washington. My family were avid campers both car-camping with day hikes and backpack-camping with the scouts. I started riding motorcycles after college and the motorcycle was my only transportation for 23years. I rode also on a few vacations in Oregon and British Columbia. Motorcycling, along with sailing and folk dancing are all activities which feed my joy of moving through the world. I was as active with the Harley Owners’ Group as working weekends would allow, but did not really feel I fit in.
I was always told one day the hormones would kick in and I would “understand women” but that never seemed to happen, yet I was prohibited from considering being gay by those around me. In 2015 I finally addressed the issue and came out to myself. I looked to Seattle Men in Leather and Border Riders for support sorting out my new gay life. I started being a guest of Border Riders in 2016, always struggling with work schedule to get the time to join runs.
Riding with Border Riders has helped re-establish group riding skills and joining my camping and motorcycling sides. I also much appreciate the group scheduling skills classes. I may not be in the fast group but do very much enjoy the ride and enjoy being in camp with all of you. I hope to continue improving my abilities and be a productive contributor to the group.
Todd M.
My Name is Todd M. and I live in Bremerton, WA with Christian Butler, my husband of 24 years, a dog named Iggy, and a cat named Henry. I came out when I was 18 and met my husband at the same time. We dated for 3 years, broke up, and got back together 6 years later. We've been together ever since. My husband has always been supportive of my motorcycle activities. He's been there to dust me off when I crash and encourage me when I don't. He is the only person I have ever truly loved and I'm always a little humbled that he chose to share his life with me. No: He does not ride. Yes: He rode with me once. No: He never will again.
My first trip on a motorcycle was parting a path through my neighbor's freshly planted gardenias on a 1976 Yamaha YZ125C. I was 10, It was 1980, somewhere in the background a radio softly played Blondie's "Atomic". From that day forward life could be measured in a succession of two wheeled vehicles. Makes, models, cc's substituting for weeks, days, years. A progression of life's moments soundtracked by the ticking of a cooling engine with the underlying sweet scent of warm oil.
This timeline has sputtering gaps for various reasons. The largest appearing between 2008 and 2013 when I had sworn off motorcycling and it's associated clubs. I was in my late 30's and life had changed... I had changed. As the only openly gay man in the groups I ran with, I provided endless explanations of my sexuality and relationship. I was tired listening to backhanded comments spoken in whispers. I no longer wanted to participate in a subculture rooted in my teens. I was done.
I got back in to motorcycling for purely utilitarian reasons. I needed a way to get to work. After a couple months commuting between Seattle and Bellevue, I realized I wanted to have some fun. I needed to go on a ride for enjoyment not function. I searched for "Gay Motorcycle Groups, Seattle", found the BRMC, and my first day ride in what felt like a lifetime.
I joined in other BRMC day rides and attended the Victoria Day campouts of 2014 and 2017. I befriended a few members and went on some unaffiliated longer trips, but I was still apprehensive about participating in a larger club. I had been down this road before and it always seemed to end in a constipated expression of quiet anger.
So what changed? The answer is Canada.
With the encouragement of Dennis H. and Dale C. I attended the 2019 Willows Campground weekend outside Lillooet, BC. It was the last run of the year and was made up of a small group of 10 riders. This group shared a sense of friendship and camaraderie that didn't seem guarded like at larger events. Everyone there enjoyed each other's company without judgement or ego. This is when it clicked for me. Maybe I could be a part of this, but I wanted more than one ride to confirm my assumptions. I spent the winter getting my camping gear sorted in anticipation of the next year's riding season.
Then 2020 happened and I spent a year sitting on my couch in a swirling blur of time, boredom, and anxiety.
2021 arrived with an uneasy sigh of relief and a double shot of Moderna. I spent the riding season attending every BRMC campout and day ride I could. I began to realize that Lillooet wasn't an anomaly, it was the norm. Over this past year I have ridden with and befriended several wonderful members who I have the privilege of calling friends and soon I will have the honor of calling Brother.
Upcoming Events
Please do not come to any club event if you are not feeling well.
March 2nd - Portland Meet & Greet, Eagle, Portland - Cancelled
March 5th - Portland & Seattle area day rides, See Face-Book for details
March 16th - Seattle Meet & Greet, The Cuff, Seattle - Cancelled
March 19th - Club Membership Meeting - Virtual
April 2nd - Portland & Seattle area day rides. See Face-Book for details
April 6th - Portland Meet & greet, Eagle, Portland - YTBD
April 16th - Club Membership Meeting - Virtual, come sign up for VD Duties
April 20th - Seattle Meet & Greet, The Cuff, Seattle - YTBD
Club Business
No new club business from the Banquet.
By-Laws Update
The bylaws committee has posted a draft copy of the By-Laws in the members only section of our website. Please review this document and bring your questions & comments to the March Zoom Meeting. Once this discussion has closed, we will give everyone a month to think about it and we will take a vote in April.
As you read you will notice several colors intended to highlight areas of notable change. The colors are; blue means language add clarification, green means language added, & a yellow highlight with a strike through the word means language deleted.
Upcoming Birthdays
We have 3 member(s) with a birthday in March. Be sure and help us make them feel special.
Doug H - March 1st
Randy T - March 3rd
Dave H - March 9th
Meet & Greets
Portland M&G - Portland’s February M&G was canceled due to COVID. The Portland March M&G is canceled as well.
Seattle’s M&G - Seattle’s February M&G was canceled due to COVID. The Seattle March M&G is canceled as well.
Reader’s Corner
A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.
Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.
To contribute, send your story & pictures to
The South Kitsap Freeze-Out
Seattle Day Ride 02/05/22
By Todd M.
During winter I tend to hibernate. The lack of motion during the winter months makes me stagnate. My experiences become less and dull. My mind and body become soft and my ideas harden. I feel it every year. The weather is cold and wet and I find myself on standby in anticipation for spring. Huddled in my home I try to find things that substitute for the lack of progression. I focus on work or reading or drums. I obsessively unpack my camping gear, sort through it. I review all the things I "needed" last year, ask myself if they're still "needed", then I repack it. Put it away and hibernate for another couple of months.
Dennis H., Dale C., and I had a conversation. There was a day ride scheduled for the upcoming Saturday. Dennis was looking for cold weather ride suggestions. We tossed a couple of ideas back and forth and settled on the Western portion of the Kitsap Peninsula where it crosses in to Mason County. A collection of lightly used roads and byways that skirt the fishhook of Hood Canal, climbs to forested hills, and descends into rivered valleys
I was surprised at the turnout. Dennis H., Dale C., Darryl H., Don W., Kasey F., Jose C., and Tom C joined my Husband and I for a relaxed breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon and conversation at our home in Bremerton. I'm always honored to sit and talk with this group. The discussion is thoughtful and interesting. If the day became nothing more than this moment at my dining room table, I would have been satiated, but we had assembled on a cold winter's day for a reason, to move. Dressed in our cold weather gear we walked out to the row of bike that lined the street. We discussed ride order and Tom C. volunteered to be my tail gunner. We quickly discussed the planned route, mounted our bikes, and began to move
We rode through my neighborhood business district and crossed the Manette Bridge into Bremerton proper. We took highway 304, a connection of the Seattle to Bremerton ferry that rides the edge of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and connects into highway 3. We rode along the western edge of Sinclair Inlet to the Old Belfair Highway. This is the original two lane highway between Bremerton and Belfair. It cuts through a valley that follows the Union River.
Turning on to Bear Creek Dewatto Road we utilized a series of back roads to climb out of the valley and bypass the metropolis of Belfair. Connecting the southern end on highway 300 took us along the barb of the Hood Canal fishhook along the west side. This road opens to water views along the canal and moved us to our first stoping point at the intersection of NE North Shore Road and NE Belfair Tahuya Road. The morning's cold and coffee had made it's way through rider's bladders and a break was in order. This also gave Dale C. the opportunity to set the clock on his new Harley so that it no longer blinked "12:00".
From here we worked our way up into the hills and headed west along back country roads that still held mounds of snow along the edge. The cold began getting to my hands and I had to continually flex my fingers to keep them working. This I was willing to endure as long as I was no longer standing still. We began descending out of the hills toward Dewatto Bay along NE Dewatto Holly Road. This section is a series 10mph relatively steep switchbacks that had been snowed out a few weeks earlier leaving a layer of sand on the roadway. My rear tire slid once, as did others, while taking the corners at a slow pace. We made it down to the bay and worked our way to Seabeck where we hung out and talked.
Leaving Seabeck on our way to Dyes Inlet, crossing Highway 3, we waved a farewell to Kasey and José. The remainder of the group worked our way up through the strip mall that is Silverdale in order to come down through Tracyton. More specifically to ride along Tracyton Beach Road NW. This was part of the original highway, when the Manette bridge was a toll bridge, the Warren Ave Bridge and Highway 303 did not exist. A time when the effort between Bremerton and the Silverdale took the rider past farmlands with views of the Port Washington Narrows. If they handed out awards for road design, Tracyton Beach Road NW would have top honers. The road is deceptive. It rides in a straight line and then descends in to a right-hand sweep into a valley. Horse pastures on the right camouflage the water just beyond. The road sweeps left, right, then left again and opens up in to a long winding road that hugs the edge of the beach. You are rewarded with a view of Rocky Point and the Bremerton Yacht Club.
We returned to my house and went inside to warm up. We sat around for an hour talking about the ride, the cold, the upcoming Banquet. We felt a sense of accomplishment. We had broken out of our hibernation and ridden through the cold and barren streets of winter. I no longer gave a damn about my camping gear.
Day Rides
BC’s Day Ride -No upcoming plans for day rides. Watch the newsletter and Facebook for updates.
Seattle’s Day Ride - After being weathered out for several months the Seattle area had a great winter ride in February hosted and organized by Todd, see his write-up above. We’re planning on a ride Saturday March 5th, organized by Dale with Todd’s assistance. Breakfast at the 12th Avenue Cafe, 775 NW Gilman Blvd., Issaquah at 10am, kickstands up around 11:15. Ride will be through the Cougar and Tiger Mountain area. As usual for this time of year, ride will be weather dependent, though may still meet for breakfast and hang out. Watch for an email or Facebook for updates.
Portland’s Day Ride - Portland did not have a day ride in February due to weather. Watch our Face-Book page for last minute details about a day ride in March.
Gear Store
WOW, the Gear Store saw heavy traffic at the banquet. We might want to put together a small order to restock some of our more popular items. If there is anything you wanted that we didn’t have, let Chris L know so he can try bring it in.
Meanwhile, the entire Gear Store was transferred to in-coming Vice President, Chris L from out-going VP Alan H at the 52nd Annual Banquet. Moving forward, if you need any Border Rider Bling from the Gear Store, contact Chris L via his club e-mail address
2022 Advanced Motorcycle Training
Team Oregon 2022 Schedule
Date of Class | Name of Class | Time of Class from/to | Cost of Class | Location |
Saturday July 9th, 2022 |
Road Riding Tctics | 8:00 to 12:30 | $100 | Linn Benton CC Albany, OR |
Saturday July 9th, 2022 |
Braking Clinic | 1:30 to 4:00 | Sold Out | Linn Benton CC Albany, OR |
Saturday July 10th, 2022 |
Road Riding Tactics | 8:00 to 12:30 | Sold Out | Linn Benton CC Albany, OR |
Saturday July 10th, 2022 |
Braking Clinic | 1:30 to 4:00 | $80 | Linn Benton CC Albany, OR |
Monday August 15th, 2022 |
Cornering Clinic | 9:00 to 11:30 | $80 | Pat's Acres Canby, OR |
Monday August 15th, 2022 |
Advanced Riding Technique |
12:30 to 4:30 | $180 | Pat's Acres Canby, OR |
Saturday October 1st, 2022 |
Precision Maneuvering Clinic Part 1 |
10:00 to 2:30 | Sold Out | Mt. Hood CC Troutdale, OR |
Saturday October 2nd, 2022 |
Precision Maneuvering Clinic Part 2 |
10:00 to 2:30 | Sold Out | Mt. Hood CC Troutdale, OR |
Registration is still currently open on our web-site for the 2022 Motorcycle Training. So far, 4 of the 8 classes are sold out but we still have 4 wonderful classes that are still available. Those classes are the Road Riding Tactics Class on 7/9, the Braking Clinic on 7/10 (a must take class), the Cornering Clinic on 8/15, & the Advanced Riding Techniques also on 8/15.
If you’d like to be placed on a waiting list for one of the “Sold Out” classes, contact Stan at
Registration Process
For the 2022 Advanced Motorcycle Training, the registration & payment process will be handled through the BRMC Website.
The Schedule
Saturday July 9th & Sunday July 10th is the Road Riding Tactics in Albany, OR. I scheduled 2 of these classes because I expect them to fill up quickly. The RRT will run from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm on both Saturday & Sunday (Sunday is SOLD OUT). The fee for this class will be $100. This is a new class for 2022 & replaces the RSP which many of us have already taken. The RRT is designed to help us work off the cobwebs from a long winter of limited to no riding. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.
Alan & I are taking this class on Sunday so the group ride to this class will leave our house at 7:00am on Sunday the 10th.
Saturday July 9th & Sunday July 10th is also the Braking Clinic in Albany, OR. The BC will follow the RRT on both days & will run from 1:30 to 4:00 pm (Saturday is SOLD OUT). The fee for this class will be $80. A group of us did this class in 2021 and agreed it was the single most important class for day-to-day riding that we have taken. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.
Alan & I are taking this class on Saturday the 9th. The group ride to this class has not been figured out as it will likely include a late breakfast and a day ride on the way to the class. If you register for this class, Stan will make sure you are kept informed.
Monday August 15th is the Cornering Clinic at Pat’s Acres in Canby OR. The CC will run from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The fee for this class is $80. This class enhances our ability to line up multiple corners for smoother transitions and faster cornering. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.
The group ride to this class will leave Stan & Alan’s house at 8:00 am.
Monday August 15th is also the Advanced Riding Techniques at Pat’s Acres in Canby, OR. The ART will follow the CC & will run from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The fee for this class is $180. You will need to attend a 2-hour online classroom discussion before taking this class. This online class will be made available the week prior to the class as a webinar. The online class includes lessons on risk management, crash causation, judgment and impairments, braking, cornering, swerving, transitions, and traction. This class is a favorite among the guys who have taken these classes. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.
Saturday October 1st is the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #1. The PMC-1 will run from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm (This class is Sold Out). The fee for this class is $100. This class is all about slow speed cornering & U-Turns. It’s modeled after the Police Motorcycle Training Team Oregon offers various police agencies. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.
The group ride to this class will leave Stan & Alan’s house at 9:00 am.
Sunday October 2nd is the Precision Maneuvering Clinic #2. The PMC-2 will run from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm (This class is Sold Out). The fee for this class is $100. This class continues to build on the skills you learned in PMC-1. By the end of this class, you should realize a great deal of improvement with your slow speed cornering. Visit the Team Oregon website for more information.
The group ride for this class will leave Stan & Alan’s house at 9:00 am.
Refund Process & Schedule
To receive a refund for a Team Oregon class, e-mail me, Stan C at & CC the president at You will need to state specifically which class (name, date, & time) you are requesting a refund for.
To receive a refund for the classes happening in July, you must notify and receive a confirmation from Stan C before April 15th, 2022.
To receive a refund for the classes happening in August, you must notify and receive a confirmation from Stan C before May 15th, 2022.
To receive a refund for the classes happening in October, you must notify and receive a confirmation from Stan C before July 15th, 2022.
If you have any questions regarding the 2022 Motorcycle Advanced Training Program, contact Stan via e-mail
From the Handlebars of the President
I thank everyone for the support you showed me by allowing me to serve as your President. I will do my best to deserve that support.
I would like you all to know, I don’t have any grand plans to change things or do things differently because I believe the club is in a sweet spot. Jeff did a great job getting the club where it is, & any changes we pursue will be originated by you, the members. So, if you have any great ideas and you want to make them happen, let’s chat.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the March Virtual meeting on the 19th. In the meantime,
…… keep the shiny side up!
Vice President Chatter
With regards to Vice President duties, I haven’t much to report. Everything is running smoothly.
Have a gorgeous day & I hope you are able to get out and ride.
Road Captain Rumblings
In last month’s newsletter I did a rundown of the weekend trips for this summer. Review it and get your 3rd Fridays of the month scheduled for PTO or vacation to make it easy to attend.
Besides our summer trips and meetings in the winter months day rides are an important function of the club and I’m happy that they have become more consistent than an a few past years. Day rides (first Saturday of the month) are open to anyone, so invite your neighbor or co-worker with a bike. It is also a great opportunity for people interested in the club to experience the club in a way that the meet and greets aren’t able to provide.
For Seattle - March is being organized by Dale (details above), April 2nd is being organized by Richard A., so expect a ride in the northern part of Western Washington. Looking ahead to the first Saturday in May we will be planning to meet up with the Oregon contingent someplace in the middle.
P.S. - even though the March meeting is virtual, I will be hosting a dinner for those wanting to attend as a small group, limiting it to 6, first come, let me know.
Treasurer’s Ramblings
All bills I am aware of have been paid. All our accounts are balanced, and we are where I expect them to be. Briefly stated, “Piggy Bank Be Balanced”.
Additionally, February was a busy month for the Treasurer. We filed our NFP Informational Tax Return with the IRS, we filed our Secretary of State Annual Report with Washington, we saw some wonderful activity at the Gear Store, & we received a $20 donation from someone who was excited by what they scored from the Gear Swap Table. All things considered, it was a busy month.
Please feel encouraged to reach out to me if you have any questions. Otherwise, stay safe, stay healthy and I look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Secretary Thoughts
There are no minutes from the banquet. The January AGM meeting minutes have been posted. Please read the minutes from the January AGM & be ready to approve them at the March Meting.
The annual anniversary meeting is special for a variety of reasons - a chance to dress up a little bit, an opportunity to welcome new members into the club, and the usual nice meal and 'breaking bread together' with other members. It's also that time in the year that means we're late into winter and heading into spring and the riding season, as well as being a reflective time ... 52 years! We also had a couple of almost charter members in attendance, Roy Sherrill and Ron Van Dyk, who had a great time. We all may have some pent-up 'need to get together' as the pandemic seems to be receding.
I am taking over from John Dunne as Secretary, and while I can never truly fill his detail-oriented boots, he has (true to his educator roots) left the tools to fulfill the responsibilities. Secretary is one of those positions that has been under-appreciated, especially as John is quiet about the role. The new Board is poised to be well-organized and forward-looking - and forward-looking means the promotion and resulting continuation of the club. To do that means continuing to add new enthusiastic members who want to share the brotherhood that this club offers in the combination of motorcycle riding and camping.
It's looking to be fine year ahead!
2022 Calendar of Events
March 19th - Club Meeting - Virtual
April 16th - Club Meeting - Virtual
May 20th thru 23rd - Victoria Day Camp-out, Pine Flats Campground, Ardenvoir, WA
June 17th thru 19th - Camp-out, Portland, OR area
July 9th & 10th - Team OR Road Riding Tactics & Braking Clinic.
July 15th thru 17th - Camp-out, BC
August 15th - Team OR Cornering Clinic & Advance Rider Training.
August 19th thru 20th - Camp-out, NW WA
September 16th thru 18th - Camp-out, Maryhill State Park, Goldendale, WA
October 1st & 2nd - Team OR Precision Maneuvering Clinic #1 & #2.
October 15th - Club Meeting - TBD
November 19th - Club Meeting - TBD
December 10th - Club Holiday Party - TBD
Meet & Greets
(M&G’s canceled until further notice)
Due to the increase in the highly contagious Omicron Variant the club’s monthly meet and greets will be cancelled. Once resumed, BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the cities listed below for your area.
Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle.
Vancouver BC Meet & Greet - 2nd Wednesday of the month. 4 to 6 pm at The Met Hotel, New Westminster
Seattle: Meet & Greet - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Cuff
In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along.
To lean more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our F.B. page or email the Road Captain at
Non-BRMC Motorcycle Events
Nothing to report this month.
Contributions of Photos & Stories
If you have photos and stories to share, please send to