Who We Are!
The Border Riders Motorcycle Club “BRMC” is a not-for-profit 501(c)(7) organization for gay men who like to ride motorcycles and who like to go camping on their motorcycles. Our membership spans the Pacific Northwest with the greatest participation in the Portland, Seattle and Vancouver B.C. areas. We are one of the largest and longest-running gay motorcycle clubs in North America. We welcome like-minded guests to our Meet & Greets, day rides, and to our monthly meetings and summer campouts with a sponsoring BRMC member.
Table of Contents
All the news you need to know about the BRMC
AGM Recap : By Ron S.
Photos : By Tom C.
February Meet & Greets: Portland and Seattle
Members’ Birthdays
The BRMC 2025 Calendar of Events
Non BRMC Motorcycle Events
Request for Pictures & Closing Comments
January 2025 Annual General Meeting
Saturday, January 18th 2025 will henceforth be known as the day of BRMC’s Last Meeting in the America We Knew.
Things are getting bleak, but they were still fine for the Annual General Meeting which is sure to be remembered fondly. President Dennis H. once again wangled a high-rise office suite at his former employer so we had fancy digs to do a long meeting in.
The afternoon started with snacks and a social hour plus voting for one new member and the 2025 board. Congratulations to Dmitry B. on his new membership, continuing board members Dennis H. (President), Stan C. (Treasurer) and Tom C. (Secretary), plus new board members Dale C. (Road Captain) and Ron S. (Vice President).
The meeting began exactly at 5pm and was quite detailed. We hashed out the 2025 budget and lots of agenda items. During the last part of the meeting we enjoyed a tasty international dinner catered by nearby Fusion Bistro Indian Cuisine. After the meeting a group went to the elaborate Olympic Bar for a beverage and then dispersed.
January Photos
February 2025 Day Rides
Meet for breakfast on Saturday Feb 1 at 10am at Hudson, 5000 E Marginal Way S (at S Hudson St.) Seattle WA 98134
No Day Ride in February due to rain.
2025 Annual Banquet
The Annual Banquet will be held on Saturday February 15th at Great Wolf Lodge, about midway between Portland and Seattle.
Location- 20500 Old Hwy 99 SW, Centralia WA 98531
Social time begins at 4 P.M.
Dinner is at 5 P.M.
Presentation begins at 6 P.M. and includes awards, colors presented to a new member, introduction of new officers and a video review of 2024.
A table will be set up for a “gear swap”. Bring unused or outgrown motorcycle gear to give it a second life with one of our members or guests.
February Meet & Greets
Portland M&G
On Wednesday, February 5th, Portland area BRMC Members & guests will meet for dinner at 5:30 at Kenton Station (8303 N Denver Ave, Portland, OR 97217). We will then go to the Portland Eagle (835 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97217) for a social hour starting at 7pm.
This is a great way to meet some club members, learn about the club, & learn about upcoming rides, and events.
We hope to see you there.
We are still looking for a member in BC to take the lead on this. Please let Dennis know if you are able do this.
Seattle M&G
The February Meet & Greet in Seattle is at Slim’s Last Chance in Georgetown at 6pm on Wednesday Feb 12th. Generally dinner around 6, official meet and greet starts at 7PM.
The address is 5606 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108.
July Special Event Information
You will find all the information you need for the mid-July classes and camping in Oregon here.
We hope to see you there! BTW, as of Feb 1 there are only two spots left for the PMC Classes in July. Register Here
Reader’s Corner
A place for you, the reader, member and/or guest, to contribute.
Tell us about your travels, adventures, mishaps, etc.
To contribute, send your story & pictures to News@BorderRiders.com
Keep in mind, you can write about a trip that happened over the summer. It’s doesn’t have to be something you did last month.
Gear Store
The Gear Store will be open at the Annual Banquet. We haven’t replenished items that we’re low on but will before Victoria Day. If there are specific requests let us know at the Banquet.
From the Handlebars of the President
This was the 3rd year we’ve done the AGM at Millennium Tower. I don’t know how many years we can keep doing it there as I haven’t worked there for 2 years. The meeting went great and went much longer than expected, but we were able to have the last part of the meeting as a “working dinner” as we discussed the bylaws. Seattleites – keep an eye out for venues where we can have our AGM’s in the future, don’t think we want to go back to bars for our meeting.
I hope to see many members, guests and friends at the banquet in February. Officially, the banquet should have been in Seattle this year given the rotation between Vancouver, Seattle and Portland. We chose to have it close to the midpoint between Portland and Seattle so that many could attend without the cost of a hotel room and return home.
I shouldn’t have to remind people but based on a few previous banquets I feel compelled. The banquet is a public venue and appropriate attire should be worn. Also, we have a gear swap for unused MOTORCYCLE gear, not a place to get rid of unwanted bedroom toys.
Dennis H.
2024-25 President
Vice President Chatter
I hope to see everyone at the annual banquet!
Ron S.
2025 Vice President
Road Captain Rumblings
So many experiences planned for the upcoming riding season. Join us!
Dale C.
2025 Road Captain
Treasurer’s Ramblings
“Piggy Bank Looks Good”.
I will see you all at the Banquet!
Stan C
2024-25 Treasurer
Secretary Thoughts
A Brothers Birthday
We have one brother with a birthday this month:
Alan H on February 10th. Take a moment out of your day to send him a birthday wish.
2025 Calendar of Events
February 1st - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
February 5th - Portland M&G. See Facebook for last minute details.
February 10th - Alan H birthday.
February 12th - Seattle’s M&G. See Facebook for last minute details.
February 15th - Annual Banquet at the Great Wolf Lodge in Centralia, WA.
March 1st - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
March 15th - Monthly meeting hosted by Dale C & Dmitry’s in Kent, WA.
April 5th - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
April 19th - Monthly meeting hosted by Kas C & Chris M in Vancouver, WA. (New Location)
May 3rd - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
Portland will meet for breakfast & go to the One Motorcycle Show in Portland.
May 16th thru 19th - Victoria Day Campout & Kick-off of riding season at Pine Flats in Ardenvoir, WA.
June 7th - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details, and a booth at Seattle Pride in the Park, Volunteer Park, Seattle
June 20th thru 22nd -No campout this month, supporting Pride in the Park and riding in the Seattle Pride Parade
June 29th - ride in the Seattle Pride Parade
July 5th - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
The much anticipated special event for 2025.
Motorcycle Classes
(Saturday, Sunday & Monday)
July 12th & 13th - Team OR Class, Precision Maneuvering Clinic Series 1 & 2 (think Police Rodeo 101) at Mt Hood Community College. Registration opens on 1/19/25 on the BRMC website. This will be sold as a set for $200.
July 14th - Team OR Cornering Clinic (your bike on a go-cart track). We will register on the Team OR website as we will not own this class. This will be a Gen Pop class.
Day Rides throughout Central OR & camping at Alan & Stan’s ranch.
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday)
July 15th thru 18th - “Central OR Day Rides” - Come join us for several Day Rides throughout Central OR. We will leave Alan & Stan’s house in West Linn Tuesday morning and ride to their home near Terrebonne, OR. There will be space to pitch a tent, we will have a porta potty, & we will have a private outdoor shower. Yes, you will be able to take a hot shower under the stars. We will do day rides on Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday. We will take turns on meal prep & clean up. The registration will include breakfast & dinner. Lunch will be on the road.
The July Campout
(Friday, Saturday, & Sunday)
July 18th thru 20th - July Campout hosted by Alan & Stan at their Crooked River Ranch home in Central OR. This is a continuation of the week long event. There will be sites to pitch a tent, we will have a porta potty, & we will have a private outdoor shower. Yes, you will be able to take a hot shower under the stars. We will take turns on a meal prep & clean up. The registration fee will include breakfast(s) & dinner(s) daily. Lunch will be on the road.
August 2nd - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
August 15th thru 18th - August Campout, Mount Seymour Park near Vancouver, BC. Note - this includes Sunday evening for those wishing to avoid I5 southbound on Sunday afternoon.
September 6th - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
September 19th thru 21st - September Campout, Shafer State Park near Elma, WA.
October 4th - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
October 18th - Monthly meeting hosted by Dennis H at his cabin near Yakima, WA.
November 1st - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
November 15th - Monthly meeting hosted by YTBD.
December 6th - Local Day Rides. See Facebook for last minute details.
December 13th - Holiday Party hosted by YTBD.
Monthly Meet & Greets
BRMC members will be available for interested individuals to meet and learn more about the club and how to get involved. For locations and times, check out the following list of times & location. Watch our FB for last minute details or changes.
Portland: Meet & Greet - 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at The Portland Eagle. Dinner together normally precedes the actual M&G. Dinner location moves so watch the newsletter and/or Facebook for last minute details.
Vancouver BC Meet & Greet - The club is looking for a host for this event, please contact Dennis if you are interested.
Seattle: Meet & Greet - 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6 pm at someplace new. Watch the newsletter, website or Facebook for exact location. We usually meet for dinner at 6 pm followed by the M&G at 7..
Member & Guest Non-Sanctioned Day-Rides
In addition to the club's monthly M&Gs, local rides frequently happen on the 1st Saturday of every month. Additionally, members & guest going on an impromptu day-ride, or to some other activity, will post their plans on our FB page so others can tag along. Again, watch our FB page for last minute details or changes.
To learn more about local event’s, impromptu events, or to check status on any event, check out our FB page or email the Road Captain at Captain@BorderRiders.com.
Hey, did you notice that trend? Yep, keep an eye on our FB page for last minute changes and details for all events.
Contributions of Photos & Stories
Please feel encouraged to send us your photos of our activities to News@BorderRiders.com
Also, if you do anything interesting outside the club, we’d love to hear about it. Send us a short story with some photos and we will try get it into the next newsletter. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related to be interesting. We are very diverse.
If you have photos and stories to share, please send to news@borderriders.com